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Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template

Optimize your stakeholder engagement with our Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template. The template is designed for organizations to gauge stakeholder perspectives on company goals, work environment, strategy, and vision. The conversational UI and engaging design make the survey experience enjoyable for stakeholders, enhancing participation and quality of feedback.

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Features of Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template

Engage and learn about your stakeholders’ perspectives using our Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template.

Who can make use of the Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template?


Corporate Leaders:

The Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template helps align business strategies with stakeholder expectations through engaging feedback methods and enhancing strategic decisions. The conversational UI with multiple question types enables the stakeholders to fill out the form, providing an engaging user experience.

HR Managers:

This tool is crucial in refining work environments and enhancing employee relations by providing deep insights from diverse feedback. The diverse input collected helps you make informed decisions and leading to greater business success

Marketing Professionals:

This template enables a thorough understanding of stakeholder perceptions regarding brands and products, facilitating targeted marketing strategies. It helps marketers by giving them insights on improving brand visibility, rebranding, or enhancing brand recall.

Project Managers:

The template aids in aligning projects with stakeholder needs, utilizing automated reminders and recurring surveys to gather ongoing feedback. Set reminders feature can help quickly follow up with stakeholders if they haven’t completed the survey fully or haven’t started yet. Recurring surveys help in collecting feedback at regular intervals.

Benefits of the Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template


Diverse Question Types

The platform supports multiple question formats, including Multiple Choice and open-ended Rating Scales with interactive elements like smileys and Likert Scales with sliders. These options allow stakeholders to provide feedback in their preferred format, ensuring comprehensive and meaningful responses.

Data Analysis with Dashboards

The platform provides dashboards with graphical representations of survey data. These include Bar Charts for category comparisons, Pie Charts to illustrate response distribution, and Line Charts to show trends over time. These visualizations aid stakeholders and decision-makers in quickly interpreting data, spotting key trends, and making decisions to boost satisfaction.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis assesses the emotional tone of responses, distinguishing between positive, negative, or neutral sentiments in open-ended feedback. Our NPS Word Cloud feature shows a visual representation of the most commonly used words from respondents’ open-ended responses.This offers more profound insights into stakeholders’ feelings and perceptions.

Automated Reminders for Increased Response Rates

The platform enables setting automated reminders for partial or non-responders. These reminders, sent at specified intervals, encourage completion and ensure more comprehensive feedback collection.
Regular Feedback with Recurring Surveys

Recurring Surveys

The template allows for scheduling recurring surveys, automatically sent at predefined intervals. This is crucial for monitoring changes in stakeholder satisfaction over time, identifying trends, and assessing the impact of any changes or initiatives.

Sample Questions


How well do you think our organization aligns with your expectations and values?
What improvements can we make to serve your interests better?
How would you rate the quality of communication from our organization?
In what ways can we enhance our collaboration and partnership with you?
What is your level of satisfaction with our response to feedback and concerns?
How effectively do we incorporate your feedback into our decision-making process?
Can you share an example of how our organization exceeded your expectations?
What additional services or support would you like to see from us?
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our organization?
What are the key strengths of our organization from your perspective?
Are there areas where you feel our organization could improve transparency?
How likely are you to continue engaging with our organization in the future?
What suggestions do you have for us to innovate and stay competitive?
How well do our projects and initiatives meet your needs and expectations?
Please provide feedback on our latest initiative/project and its impact on you.

How to Use the Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Template



Adjust the survey to reflect your organization’s brand and specific needs by modifying its design and questions. SurveySparrow enables you to modify themes that match your brand identity and change fonts, styles, colors, etc., according to your brand.


Embed the survey seamlessly into your existing systems, including CRM systems like Hubspot CRM for ticket management by resolving any issues faced in an orgaized way and Zapier, a third-party tool that helps to connect with your existing apps. These processes involve data collection and make the collected data authentic.


Efficiently distribute the template with relevant stakeholders through direct sharing options, including email, SMS, link, QR code, or social media platforms. The availability of offline features helps you get rid of technological barriers.


SurveySparrow’s analytical features with an executive dashboard help you delve into the feedback from the stakeholders and identify significant trends and insights. Analyze the input collected quickly and make better decisions. You can also export the data to PDF for further analysis.


  1. What types of questions can I include?

    The platform supports various questions, including multiple-choice, open-ended, and scale-based questions, allowing for comprehensive feedback.

  2. Is it possible to analyze responses in real time?

    Yes, SurveySparrow provides real-time analytics and insights, helping you quickly understand and act on stakeholder feedback.

  3. Are the surveys mobile-friendly?

    Yes, surveys are designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring stakeholders can quickly respond on any device.

  4. Can I segment my stakeholders for targeted surveys?

    Survey segmentation allows targeted surveys to be sent to different stakeholder groups, ensuring more relevant feedback.

  5. How secure is the stakeholder data?

    SurveySparrow prioritizes data security with encryption and GDPR compliance measures to protect stakeholder information.

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