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Media Request Form Template

Use this Media Request Form Template to accept requests from the reporters who’d want to conduct telephonic or in-person interviews in your organization. Furthermore, this template is short and crisp without any jibber-jabber, thus getting you to the point information.

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Features of Media Request Form Template

Use Cases: Media Request Form Template

Product Launches & Press Releases

When businesses launch a new product or issue a press release, media inquiries often flood in. The media request form template streamlines this influx, capturing details like the media outlet, nature of the inquiry, and any specific information or assets required. This ensures PR teams can respond promptly, provide accurate information, and maximize the product or announcement’s media coverage. Moreover, the form can be customized to cater to specific launch details, ensuring all media interactions are relevant and impactful.

Event Coverage Requests

For event organizers, managing media coverage requests can be a daunting task. The Template simplifies this process. Media representatives can specify their outlet, type of coverage (e.g., live broadcast, interview, article), and any special requirements or access needed. Organizers can then use this data to plan media passes, allocate interview slots and ensure comprehensive event coverage. This not only amplifies the event’s reach but also fosters positive relations with media outlets.

Corporate Interviews & Features

When media outlets wish to feature a company or interview its leaders, a structured request process is essential. The Template aids in capturing these requests, detailing the interview’s focus, desired interviewees, and preferred formats (e.g., video, podcast, written article). Companies can then schedule interviews, prepare spokespeople, and ensure the brand narrative is accurately and effectively communicated.

Media Asset Requests

Journalists, bloggers, and media professionals often require specific assets, be it high-resolution images, company logos, or product videos. The Form Template facilitates these requests, ensuring media outlets receive the correct assets in the desired formats. This not only ensures brand consistency across media publications but also saves PR teams time, eliminating the need for back-and-forth communications.

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