Employee Feedback Tools

Collect actionable employee feedback & sculpt a fabulous workplace with Employee Feedback Tools.

Design competent feedback surveys with employee feedback tools.

Design creative surveys that can furnish impressive completion rates

Share your surveys across multiple media with employee feedback tools.

Utilize all available platforms to maximize the reach of surveys

Tap crucial info from the data collected using employee feedback tools.

Extract valuable conclusions from survey responses gathered

Once you get insights, it's time to execute actionable measures.

Take actionable measures based on survey insights collected

Why You Need Employee Feedback Tools

An organization is just like a monument, and the building blocks that make it up are indeed employees. Just like strong links help the structure stand firm, a happy tribe of engaged, satisfied employees helps an organization march towards success. Employees have a lot to share- the scope of improvements, what makes them happy, their perspectives, new ideas even. When the organization acknowledges the voice of employees, it instills a sense of belonging and the pride in being part of a firm that treats its employees with care. This is why employee feedback is a necessary element in any company strategies for that matter. However, how can you create a streamlined employee feedback system and run it meticulously?

The answer is simple. With a great employee feedback tool by your side!

How Employee Feedback Tools Save the Day

An organization functioning without employee feedback is just like Black Pearl cruising without Captain Jack Sparrow. When employees receive little or no feedback at all, they end up being actively engaged and spiritless about their work and workplace.

Penny For Employees’ Thoughts

An employee feedback tool helps to collect employee feedback effortlessly which can be used by organizations to gather the thoughts of their employees. Not just that, the management can respond to employee needs and requirements thereby improving the work culture.

Carve Skilled Workforce

Employee feedback is the means to communicate with the employees what they lack and what they excel at. This helps in their overall personal development. When employees improve continually, it results in the formation of highly skilled workforce laser focussed at achieving the organizational objective. It isn’t easy to self-assess and get it right always; most of the times the outlook of another person will help one identify blind spots and get new a perspective. Grab an employee feedback tool that’ll help you do just that!

Shape the Best Work Culture

Company A regularly conducts employees feedback surveys, analyzes the data, and takes action needed. They take care of their employees and goes the extra mile to ensure they are happy! Company B, on the other hand, does no such thing; for them its just targets, deadlines, and donkey work. Among the two, which company would thrive?

The answer is obvious. With an employee feedback tool, you can analyze the collected data and slice & dice it to uncover insights. Put to use these insights to take the right decisions.

Foster Transparency

Employee feedback surveys open up the gates for transparent communication between employees & managers. When an employee feedback tool that ensures anonymity is used, the employees feel less insecure about giving honest feedback. Most employees aren’t blunt in conveying to their Managers that something isn’t right. However, with employee feedback, this worry is out of the window.

Features to Look For In Employee Feedback Tool

Confused on which employee feedback tool to zero-in? Here are some features that makes a fantastic employee feedback tool! Look out for these in the tool you round in.

Grab the best employee feedback tool to skillfully craft engaging surveys.
Conversational surveys that collects pertinent data
Create Engaging Feedback Surveys

Interrogating your employees for feedback doesn’t yield results- any day. Choose an employee feedback tool that has a sleek interface to boast of. Engage your employees in a conversation and gather honest answers from them. Include diverse question types in your surveys, pertinent ones, to remove survey fatigue from the picture. Features like conditional logic branching help to pose what’s relevant to the employee and skip the rest, This helps to keep your surveys crisp and short. Why ask the sales target to an engineer?

Segment your employees into various categories using employee feedback tools.
Segment your employees into various groups for ease & clarity
Group & Manage Your Employees

In an organization, there are multiple departments and different level of hierarchy involved. Avoid sending Sales feedback surveys to the Engineering team, or Manager-level surveys to reporting employees. The best employee feedback tools come with the feature of audience management- that is, grouping your respondents into various categories and sending the right surveys to the right group. This also facilitates better visibility and more natural sorting.

Ensure high response rates for your employee feedback surveys using different channels.
Share your surveys across multiple platforms
Share Surveys Via Multiple Channels

To ensure good completion rates for your surveys, share them across multiple platforms like social media, email surveys, web links, embed option, SMS option- to name a few. More the channels, the better. The icing on the cake is if your employee feedback tool offers multi-device capability. In this manner, employees can take surveys, anywhere anytime! When you provide an option to pick any channel of their convenience, see the responses pouring in.

Identify new perspectives from the insights gathered using employee feedback tools.
Advanced reporting system to gain rich insights
Uncover Crucial Insights

The primary purpose of using employee feedback surveys is to get to know your employees better. This is precisely what can be achieved by using an employee feedback tool that comes with a robust reporting system. The tool does the task of capturing data real-time and refining the raw data into distilled information. Once you know what’s the crux of the matter, you can take things from there to communicate with your employees.

Send out employee pulse surveys periodically and fully-automated.
Automatically send out periodic surveys
Send Periodic Automated Surveys

Collecting feedback from employees shouldn’t be a one-time process. It has to be implemented continuously to ensure employee satisfaction, engagement, job satisfaction, and a great environment to work in. Let the employee feedback tool do all the job for you. Opt for a tool that sends automated employee pulse surveys to gather employee feedback efficiently. What you must do is assemble the insights and reports presented by the tool and communicate it with your employees.

SurveySparrow as Your Employee Feedback Tool

With employee feedback, you can build a work culture that reflects transparency and carve a workforce that’s skilled & motivated to achieve both the organization’s as well as personal goals. Doesn't that make employee feedback tools an investment worth every penny? Take a minute to find out how SurveySparrow's employee feedback tool is the best platform to collect and act on employee feedback!

World’s First Dual UI Survey Tool

SurveySparrow’s employee feedback tool is the world’s first multi-UI platform that offers two interfaces:

  • Chat-like surveys
  • Conversational forms

Ask us why conversational surveys are game-changers? Survey fatigue becomes a thing of the past, and you can witness fantastic completion rates for your surveys!

Survey Share Options

SurveySparrow’s employee feedback tool presents many survey sharing alternatives so that your feedback surveys receive the best reach & visibility. The various sharing channels include:

  • Email surveys
  • Social Media
  • Weblinks
  • SMS share
  • Embed Option
Powerful Reporting System

SurveySparrow’s employee feedback tool comes with a rich dashboard that aids you to deduce sharp insights. The process of assembling employee feedback is complete when the outcomes help to gain fresh perspectives. Secure pertinent information and take actionable measures. Having an employee feedback tool that uncovers valuable data comes extremely handy.

Diverse Question Types

SurveySparrow’s employee feedback tool offers a host of various question types to suit multi-purposes to secure precise answers from your employees. Filled with open-ended questions like MCQs, star rating, opinion scale rating, image type questions and more, rest assured you can create great online surveys.

Automated Recurring Surveys

Automation is in vogue. Why exhaust time and efforts on activities that can be carried out by the employee feedback tool? With the recurring survey feature, SurveySparrow’s employee feedback tool does just that. Configure the survey settings only once- the tool takes care of the rest. Send out automated pulse surveys at your preferred time, date and day!

Free Templates Collection

Searching high and low for questions that must go in your employee feedback surveys? We have a solution for you! SurveySparrow’s employee feedback tool is a host to a collection of the popular templates- be it market research, customer feedback, or event feedback; we got it covered for you!

Employee feedback is the heart of personal & professional growth. Collecting and acting on the input helps an employee perform better, grow, and contribute to the success of the organization. So grab the best employee feedback tool and get started to build a great work culture!

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