Features of Vendor Application Form Template

More Features of Vendor Application Form Template


Use Cases: Vendor Application Form Template


Vendor Onboarding

  • Streamline the process of bringing new vendors into your network.
  • Include fields for basic company information (name, address, etc.), primary contacts, and legal information. You may also ask for relevant documents, such as business licenses and tax identification numbers.

Qualification Assessment

  • Evaluate the vendor’s qualifications and suitability for your business needs.
  • Ask about the vendor’s experience in the industry, the number of years in business, and any certifications they hold. Include questions about past projects, client references, and their expertise in specific areas.

Compliance Verification

  • Ensure that vendors adhere to legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Include questions about compliance with industry standards, legal certifications, and adherence to specific regulations. Request copies of relevant licenses, insurance policies, and any certifications necessary for their line of business.

Product/Service Offering

  • Understand the vendor’s offerings and how they align with your needs.
  • Include sections for a detailed description of the products or services offered, pricing structures, and any discounts available. You may also ask about warranty and support services, as well as any unique features that set them apart from competitors.

Financial Stability Assessment

  • Assess the financial health of the vendor to minimize business risks.
  • Request financial statements, credit references, and information on payment terms. This could also include questions about the vendor’s stability, outstanding debts, and any recent financial challenges they may have faced.

Risk Management

  • Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the vendor relationship.
  • Include questions related to the vendor’s risk management policies, contingency plans, and disaster recovery strategies. Assess their cybersecurity measures, data protection policies, and how they handle potential business disruptions.


How SurveySparrow helps with Vendor Applications


Upload Documents

It allows you to include a file upload question type in your form. Vendors can easily attach and submit necessary documents directly through the form. This feature streamlines the document collection process, making it convenient for both the vendors and the organization.

Google Sheet Integration

The Google Sheet integration enables you to toggle on the integration and collect all vendor application information in a single Google Sheet. This centralizes data storage and allows you to access and manage vendor data in real-time. The ability to sort data within Google Sheets enhances organization and analysis of the collected information.

QR Code

It provides a QR code feature that vendors can use to access the application form. Vendors can scan the QR code using their mobile phones, simplifying the form-filling process. Additionally, the QR code feature includes location tracking, providing insights into the geographical locations from which vendors are signing up. This can be particularly useful for events where you want to track location-wise data.

Library of Question Types

It offers a variety of question types in its library, allowing you to create comprehensive and customizable vendor application forms.

Some of the question types mentioned include:

  • Open-ended: Allows vendors to provide detailed, free-text responses.
  • Date: collects date information, useful for tracking timelines and deadlines.
  • File Upload: Let vendors attach and submit relevant documents.
  • Yes/No Questions: A simple way to gather binary responses.
  • Multiple Choice Questions: Provides options for vendors to choose from, streamlining the response process.
  • Comprehensive Contact Form: Collects contact information efficiently in a single question.
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