Employee Satisfaction Survey

Do you listen to the voice of your employees as you do with your customers? That’s what Employee Satisfaction Surveys are for!

Draft engaging employee satisfaction easily using employee satisfaction surveys to collect employee feedback.

Craft striking employee satisfaction surveys to collect employee feedback

Share employee satisfaction easily using employee satisfaction surveys across different sharing medium.

Spread employee satisfaction surveys across diverse sharing channels


Extract valuable conclusions & insights from employee satisfaction survey data


Follow-up with your employees regularly and engage with them better

What is An Employee Satisfaction Survey

How well do you know your employees? Are they happy with the job they are doing, the culture of the organization, the team they are a part of? One of the finest ways to find answers to all these questions is by employee satisfaction surveys. These online surveys are created with the intent of collecting feedback and measuring how satisfied employees are working in an organization. Employee satisfaction surveys are a goldmine of data that throws light on crucial aspects of an organization.

Are employee satisfaction surveys significant?

Businesses all around the world are swift to measure customer satisfaction and experience and toil day and night to ensure the best service is provided to customers. Very few companies take the efforts and time to understand if their employees are happy and content. Remember that, employees are the building blocks of an organization. If they are happy, the company soars. A bunch of unhappy employees can never delight customers, which negatively impacts the organization in numerous ways. Thus, measuring satisfaction and happiness is vital for any business.

Ingredients Of A Perfect Employee Satisfaction Survey

When employee satisfaction is of paramount importance for an organization, one must leave no stone unturned to draft the best employee satisfaction surveys for collecting employee feedback. Employee satisfaction surveys focus on these following vital areas.

Receiving Feedback

Includes asking the employees how frequently they receive feedback for their work and the quality of feedback. Getting constructive feedback, from peers & managers, helps employees to evolve professionally and personally.

Opportunities for Growth & Development

Gives an insight into the view an employee has towards future growth and career advancements. This helps to know if employees feel challenged with their current work if their managers support their growth and so on.


Including this in your employee satisfaction survey to find out how happy employees are with their team and the level of coordination between the members and the team lead.

Work-life Balance & Pace

This area focuses on finding out if employees can strike a balance between their personal and professional lives. Employee satisfaction can never be achieved if employees are overloaded with work and stressed out.

Compensation & Benefits

Compensation and perks must be a part of your employee satisfaction survey to analyze if employees are happy with their package. Employee turnover rates are higher in an organization if they offer poor compensation and fewer benefits.

Workplace Culture & Resources

The employee satisfaction survey you craft must include questions regarding workplace culture and the resources available for employees to do their job. This will help an organization improve the work culture and allocate resources better to support employees.

Recognition For Achievements

When employees are recognized and praised for their efforts and achievements, they are motivated to perform better. Covering this aspect in your employee satisfaction survey is vital, thus.

Proven Tips To Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys A Success

Here are some tips to make your employee satisfaction surveys a roaring success.

Draft stunning employee satisfaction surveys to get pertinent employee feedback.
Surveys that are conversational in nature spike the completion rates
Create Stunning Surveys

With an excellent employee satisfaction survey tool, you can model surveys that are visually-striking and appealing to the audience. This helps to instill a sense of interest in your employees and motivate them to take & finish the survey. Picking an excellent employee survey tool helps you to design your surveys with elegant themes and customization features. This makes surveys more of conversations rather than interrogations.

Ensure your employee satisfaction easily using employee satisfaction surveys are short & crisp.
Keep surveys short, crisp, and to-the-point
Keep It Short & Precise

While creating employee satisfaction surveys, an important tip you must keep in mind is to ensure that they aren’t long and dreary. You can expect poor survey completion rates if you expect employees to click from one page to next answering truckload of questions. Include diverse question types to make employee satisfaction surveys relevant and interesting. Opt for the right blend of open-ended & closed-ended questions and gather profound feedback from employees.

Pose only relevant questions in your employee satisfaction surveys.
Conditional Branching to ask relevant questions
Ask What’s Relevant

Asking the wrong set of questions to your employees is never a good deal, any day. Thus, it is crucial to opt for employee satisfaction survey software that comes with conditional logic branching feature. This feature analyzes the answers entered by respondents previously to decide which are the set of questions that must be displayed next. The relevant questions are shown while the rest are hidden. Why ask engineering-related questions to your sales team?

Spread your employee satisfaction surveys across multiple channels.
Share your surveys across multiple platforms
Survey Share Options

To get high completion rates for employee satisfaction surveys, ensure that it is shared across diverse sharing channels. This provides immense flexibility for your employees to pick the channel of their choice and take the survey. Be it email surveys, web links, SMS share, or social media, including all available platforms in your survey share list. This will reflect tremendously in the survey completion rates; more the channels, the merrier it is!

Send thank you & reminder emails to employees for finishing employee satisfaction surveys.
Send thank you & reminder emails to employees
Reminder & Thank You Emails

The very purpose of gauging employee satisfaction is to let your employees know that you care about them and value their opinions. Show your appreciation by sharing thank you emails when they take & complete the employee satisfaction survey. Also, send out reminder emails to gently prompt the employees, who have forgotten, to finish the survey. Picking an employee satisfaction survey tool that provides these features will make your task much easier.

Make your employee satisfaction surveys multi-device compatible.
Make surveys multi-device compatible
Multi-device Compatible Surveys

Pick an employee satisfaction survey platform that offers mobile survey feature. The surveys you draft are multi-device compatible. Thus, employees can take the survey with any mobile device, like a smartphone, desktop, or a tablet, anytime they want. In this manner, you needn’t make your employees log-in to their desktop to take the survey. While taking the subway or enjoying a day off at home, they can spend a quick minute to finish the employee satisfaction survey.

How Can SurveySparrow Help you Draft Winning Employee Satisfaction Surveys

Are you on the lookout for great software that helps you create a winning employee satisfaction survey? You have landed at the right place. Take a minute to find out how SurveySparrow can help you design and craft employee satisfaction surveys that brings pertinent employee feedback.

Conversational Surveys

SurveySparrow’s employee satisfaction survey platform offers a dual user interface: chat-like surveys & conversational forms. With creative survey themes, you can design elegant surveys that captivate employees. Get whopping completion rates with conversational, classy employee satisfaction surveys using SurveySparrow.

Recurring Surveys

The recurring survey feature is present to automate sending out periodic surveys. Why spend resources and time sharing the same surveys with your employees recurrently when the SurveySparrow’s employee satisfaction survey platform can do it for you! Set when & how frequently must the surveys be shared and relax!

Survey Share Options

To ensure that your employee satisfaction survey receives excellent visibility and maximum reach, distribute it across various sharing channels like email, social media, web links, SMS option, etc. These are popular channels which are easily accessible to the majority of the employees. When they get to pick a channel most convenient to them, it reflects in the response rates and quality of responses. Share maximum with SurveySparrow!

Free Templates Gallery

SurveySparrow’s employee satisfaction survey tool has a rich collection of free templates, from across different domains. Be it customer feedback, employee engagement, event feedback, or market research, and we have rounded in on the most popular templates to help you get started with surveys in no time!

Fashion Smart, Personalized Surveys

SurveySparrow helps you to compose intelligent surveys that grant a fully personalized survey experience for your employees. With conditional logic branching features like display logic & skip logic, pose only relevant questions to your employees and skip the rest. Why ask the wrong questions to the right audience? Question piping feature adds a human touch to your employee satisfaction surveys bringing in excellent responses.

Pick the Right Questions

Pick the questions that go into your employee satisfaction surveys carefully. With diverse question types offered by SurveySparrow, strike the perfect balance between open-ended and closed-ended questions. Advanced question types like the matrix type, rank order, and drag & drop type help you to collect more data without making your surveys long! Offer employees a fresh survey experience!

Knowing how satisfied and happy your employee helps you to sculpt a great work culture, crave a skilled workforce, and make your organization grow! Get the best employee satisfaction survey to gauge employee satisfaction effortlessly.

Happy Surveying!

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