60 Must-Ask Student Survey Questions With Examples

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 3 January 2025

16 min read

Have you ever wondered about what student surveys do? I’d say they capture honest student feedback. Now, how do we ensure that the feedback is genuine? That’s simple. You need to ask the right student survey questions!

If you are a curious mind, confused or lost in creating the perfect questionnaire, you have landed at the right place! I have curated a list of questions that you can use. 

We’ll also chat about its importance, the different types of surveys, how to create one, and a few tips and strategies to help you while you’re at it!

If you’re here just for the questions, feel free to jump ahead:

Let’s start with…

What is a Student Survey?

A student survey is a planned set of questions strategically crafted to get students’ feedback, opinions, and insights. It can be about different facets of their educational journey.

What you get from it is nuanced feedback.

It’s a way to discover what students think about school, what makes them happy, and where things can improve. Schools use these surveys to listen to students and improve things based on their opinions.

To sum it up, these surveys systematically gather valuable information on students’ satisfaction, engagement levels, and overall perceptions.

PS: Hey there! Need to hear from your students? Grab this free student feedback survey template and start gathering insights in no time!

Sign up with your email and start using it for free!

Student Feedback Survey Template

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To explore various types of sample questionnaires for student surveys, sign up and browse through the surveys offered by SurveySparrow.

Top 60 Student Survey Questions

Asking the right set of questions is everything when it comes to running surveys. And you are here to learn what those right questions are...duh. 

But jumping into survey questions in detail, here's a sneak peek into how SurveySparrow can help generate questions with AI. 

AI survey feature of surveysparrow

The feature is available in the free version. So, feel free to try it out yourself. As you can see, the functionality is very simple - you add in the prompt, and the tool will do the rest.

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Now that we have covered the power of AI in generating survey questions, here is a list of the surveys that should be conducted to gather effective student feedback. I have curated a list of questions that can be included in each type of survey.

Student Engagement Survey

A student engagement survey is a chat with the students where they tell you how interested they are in the classes. It asks questions about various aspects of the learning experience to understand what keeps students engaged and motivated.

The goal of the survey is to improve teaching methods and create a more exciting and interactive learning environment.

10 Student Engagement Survey Questions

1. Interest in Learning:

Question Type: Rating Scale
How excited are you about what you’re learning? Rate it from “Not feeling it” to “Totally into it!”

Sample Template: Student Interest Survey

2. Class Participation:

Question Type: Yes/No
Are you the type to dive into class discussions and activities, or are you more of a laid-back observer?

3. Favorite Learning Activities:

Question Type: Open-ended
Any class activities you enjoy? Something you find super interesting or just plain fun?

4. Teacher Approachability:

Question Type: Likert Scale
How approachable do you find your teachers when you have questions or concerns?

5. Enjoyment of Group Work:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
Do you love it, find it okay, or is it not your thing?

6. Use of Technology:

Question Type: Yes/No
Do you think technology is effectively used in your classes?

7. Feeling Valued:

Question Type: Likert Scale
On a scale from 1 to 5, how valued do you feel in your classes?

8. Relevance of Assignments:

Question Type: Rating Scale
How much do your assignments match your real-life interests?

9. Peer Interaction:

Question Type: Open-ended
What’s your take on interacting with classmates during class?

10. Motivation Level:

Question Type: Likert Scale
How motivated are you to do well in your classes?

Sample Template: Student Motivation Survey

Student Satisfaction Survey

It is like a friendly check-in with your students. Why? To understand how content and happy students are with their overall educational experience.

It covers various aspects, including teaching quality, resources, campus life, and overall satisfaction. Like any student survey, the ultimate goal is to provide them with the best learning experience!

10 Student Satisfaction Survey Questions

1. Teaching Quality:

Question Type: Rating Scale
How satisfied are you with the quality of teaching in your courses? Rate it from 1 (not satisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).

2. Campus Facilities:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
What campus facilities do you use most frequently? a. Library b. Gym c. Cafeteria d. Other (please specify)

3. Support Services:

Question Type: Open-ended
Are there any support services you feel the university could improve or add to enhance your experience?

4. Inclusivity and Diversity:

Question Type: Likert Scale
How inclusive and diverse do you find the university community? Very inclusive, somewhat inclusive, not inclusive at all.

5. Extracurricular Activities:

Question Type: Yes/No
Have you participated in any extracurricular activities on campus? If yes, which ones?

6. Communication Effectiveness:

Question Type: Open-ended
How can the university improve communication with students about important updates and events?

7. Library Resources:

Question Type: Rating Scale
Rate the usefulness of library resources available to you. 1 (not useful) to 5 (very useful).

8. Safety on Campus:

Question Type: Likert Scale
How safe do you feel on campus? Very safe, somewhat safe, not safe at all.

9. Accessibility of Advisors:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
How would you rate the accessibility of academic advisors? 
(a. Very accessible b. Somewhat accessible c. Not accessible)

10. Overall Satisfaction:

Question Type: Rating Scale
On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your overall experience at the university? 1 (not satisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).

Read More: Student Satisfaction Survey Questions: 100 Samples + Template

Student Perception Survey

A student perception survey is a friendly questionnaire that asks students about their thoughts and feelings regarding their overall school experience.

It goes deep into how students see things like school policies, support services, communication, and other aspects. The aim is to get insights from the student’s perspective to make positive changes and create a better environment for them.

10 Student Perception Survey Questions

1. School Rules:

Question Type: Rating Scale
On a scale from “Too strict” to “Just right,” how do you feel about the school rules?

2. Support Services:

Question Type: Open-ended
What support services do you think would make school life better for you?

3. Communication Effectiveness:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
How do you prefer to receive important school updates? 
(a. Emails b. Text messages c. In-person announcements)

4. Inclusivity:

Question Type: Yes/No
Do you feel the school promotes an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone?

5. Clarity of Policies:

Question Type: Likert Scale
How clear are the school policies to you? 
(Very clear, somewhat clear, or not clear at all)

6. Access to Resources:

Question Type: Rating Scale
How would you rate your access to books, technology, and study materials?

7. Teacher-Student Interaction:

Question Type: Open-ended
Share your thoughts on how teachers could interact with students more positively.

8. Feeling Valued:

Question Type: Likert Scale
On a scale from “Not really” to “Absolutely,” how valued are you in the school community?

9. Peer Relationships:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
How would you describe your relationships with classmates? 
(a. Close friendships b. Friendly but not close c. Keep to myself)

10. Suggestions for Improvement:

Question Type: Open-ended
Any ideas on how the school can be even better? Your thoughts can make a big difference!

Online Learning Survey

We can’t leave out online classes in this digital era, right?

An online learning survey for students is like a digital feedback form to understand how students experience virtual classes. It covers technology use, engagement, communication, and overall satisfaction.

The goal is to reach out to them and gather insights to improve the online learning experience. It is crucial to ensure students have the support they need.

10 Online Learning Survey Questions:

1. Technology Experience:

Question Type: Rating Scale
On a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable are you using technology for your online classes?

2. Virtual Engagement:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
What helps you stay engaged in virtual classes? 
(a. Interactive activities b. Live discussions c. Clear instructions)

3. Communication with Instructors:

Question Type: Open-ended
How can instructors improve communication with students in an online setting?

4. Online Resources:

Question Type: Likert Scale
How helpful do you find the online resources provided for your courses? 
(Very helpful, somewhat helpful, not helpful at all?)

5. Internet Connection:

Question Type: Yes/No
Do you face challenges with your internet connection during online classes?

6. Virtual Interaction with Peers:

Question Type: Open-ended
Share your thoughts on how virtual interaction with classmates could be more engaging and enjoyable.

7. Online Assessment Experience:

Question Type: Rating Scale
How comfortable do you feel with the online assessment methods used in your courses?

8. Feedback and Support:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
How do you prefer to receive feedback and support in your online learning journey? 
(a. Email b. Online chat c. Video call)

9. Balancing Workload:

Question Type: Likert Scale
On a scale from “Too much” to “Just right,” how do you feel about the workload in your online courses?

10. Suggestions for Improvement:

Question Type: Open-ended
Any ideas on how online learning can be enhanced or made more enjoyable? Your suggestions matter!

Course Evaluation Student Survey

This is designed to gather student feedback about their learning experience in a specific course. The Goal? To understand how the teacher, class materials, assignments, and other things impact the students.

The survey asks how much students enjoy the class, if they find the teacher effective, if the materials are helpful, and more. The aim is to learn from students’ feedback and improve the class based on what they say.

10 Course Evaluation Student Survey Questions:

1. For Overall Satisfaction:

Question Type: Rating Scale
On a scale of 1 to 5, how much did you enjoy this course?

2. Instructor Effectiveness:

Question Type: Comparative
Compare the instructor’s effectiveness to other courses you’ve taken.

3. Course Material Relevance:

Question Type: Yes/No
Did the course materials feel helpful and make learning more accessible?

4. Clarity of Assignments:

Question Type: Likert Scale
Rate the clarity of assignment instructions on a scale of 1 to 5.

5. Engagement and Participation:

Question Type: Multiple Choice
What encouraged your engagement the most? 
(a. Class discussions b. Group activities c. Assignments)

6. Assessment Fairness:

Question Type: Open-ended
How do you feel about the fairness of assessments in this course?

7. Communication Effectiveness:

Question Type: Likert Scale
Rate the effectiveness of the instructor’s communication on a scale of 1 to 5.

8. Learning Objectives Achievement:

Question Type: Yes/No
Do you feel like you achieved the learning objectives of this course? 

9. Recommendation:

Question Type: Yes/No
Would you recommend this course to your friends?

10. Suggestions for Improvement:

Question Type: Open-ended
Any ideas on how we can make this course even better?

High School Student Survey

A high school student survey is a way to understand students' perspectives on their educational experience. It focuses on their learning environment, academic challenges, and overall satisfaction.

The goal is to identify areas of improvement, foster a supportive school culture, and ensure students feel heard.

10 High School Student Survey Questions

1. Academic Confidence

Question Type: Rating Scale
How confident do you feel about succeeding in your subjects?
(Rate from “Not confident at all” to “Extremely confident.” )

2. Teacher Support

Question Type: Likert Scale
How supported do you feel by your teachers when you face academic challenges?

3. Learning Environment

Question Type: Open-ended
What do you think about your classroom environment?

4. Homework Load

Question Type: Multiple Choice
How do you feel about the amount of homework you receive?
(Too much, Just right, and Too little)

5. Use of Technology in Learning

Question Type: Yes/No
Do you think technology is being used effectively to enhance your learning experience?

6. Extracurricular Activities

Question Type: Rating Scale
How satisfied are you with the variety of extracurricular activities available at school?

7. Peer Relationships

Question Type: Open-ended
How do you feel about your relationships with classmates?

8. School Safety

Question Type: Yes/No
Do you feel safe at school during regular hours and activities?

9. Relevance of Curriculum

Question Type: Likert Scale
On a scale of 1 to 5, how relevant do you find the curriculum to your future goals and interests?

10. Stress Levels

Question Type: Rating Scale
How stressed do you feel about school-related activities, such as exams and deadlines?

Importance of Student Survey Questions

You’ll be disappointed if you consider student feedback collection another routine exercise. According to Western Governors University, the most vital opinions on a teacher’s performance come from those in the classroom. Moreover, it is also essential for a student’s self-assessment.

Let’s look at some of the reasons that top the list:

Why Ask Student Survey Questions

Captures Student Perspectives

Student survey questions provide a direct channel for students to express their thoughts, concerns, and experiences in the educational environment.

Helps in Institutional Decision-Making

Survey insights help decision-makers within educational institutions. Plus, Understanding students’ needs allows for strategic improvements and enhancements.

Enhances Student Satisfaction

Giving them a space to talk shows that you actively seek and address feedback. Institutions can improve various aspects of the student experience. This thereby leads to increased satisfaction among the student body.

Easily Benchmark and Track Progress

Here, surveys conducted at different intervals allow institutions to benchmark their performance over time, track progress, and measure the impact of implemented changes. Consistency is key!

Student Survey Questions: Tips and Strategies

Ever wondered what makes a student survey click? It’s all in the questions! Let’s explore some easy tips to make your survey questions clear and compelling.

Tips for Clear Questions:

  • Keep it Simple: Make questions easy to understand. Clear questions get clear answers.
  • One at a Time: Stick to one idea per question. Don’t mix things up.
  • Neutral Language: Stay unbiased. Your words can shape the answers.
  • Balanced Choices: Offer a variety of responses. Balance is the name of the game.
  • Think Like the Student: Frame questions from their viewpoint. Relatability is key.

Importance of Mix-and-Match Questions:

  • Pick Multiple Choice: Use for specific information. Easy and quick responses.
  • Try Rating Scales: Measure opinions on a scale. 1 to 5 works like a charm.
  • Go Open-Ended: Let them share details. Great for unique insights.
  • Use Likert Scales: Gauge agreement levels. Simple and effective!
  • Throw in Comparisons: Encourage choices. Unveils preferences and priorities.

Common Challenges and How to Solve Them

The following are some common challenges you can expect while crafting survey questions and how to overcome them. Have a look at them.

Common Challenges in Student Surveys

1. Low Response Rates

The Challenge:

Convincing students to participate can be difficult, especially when they feel surveys aren’t worth their time or effort. Without a good number of responses, the data might not accurately represent the student population.

The Solution:

  • Provide Incentives: Offer small rewards like gift cards, campus perks, or certificates of participation. Even small gestures show that their time is valued.
  • Explain the Impact: Share examples of how past feedback led to improvements, like upgraded facilities or new programs. Students are more likely to engage if they know their opinions lead to tangible changes.
  • Simplify the Survey: Stick to concise, clear questions. Students are less likely to abandon a survey if it takes just a few minutes to complete.
  • Use Multiple Channels: Distribute surveys via email, social media, and campus platforms to maximize visibility.

2. Survey Fatigue

The Challenge:

Overloading students with too many surveys can lead to disinterest and lower response rates. If surveys are seen as repetitive or unnecessary, students might ignore them altogether.

The Solution:

  • Collaborate Across Departments: Coordinate with other teams to space out survey distributions and avoid overwhelming students.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Let students know why the survey is being conducted, how long it will take, and what will happen with their feedback.
  • Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Only send surveys when necessary. Instead of frequent surveys, focus on creating well-structured, purposeful questionnaires.

Related Read: Survey fatigue and how to avoid it.

3. Ambiguous Questions

The Challenge:

Vague, unclear, or overly technical questions confuse respondents, leading to unreliable or irrelevant answers.

The Solution:

  • Pilot-Test the Survey: Share the survey with a small group of students or peers to gather feedback on clarity and relevance.
  • Avoid Jargon: Use simple, student-friendly language to ensure everyone understands the questions.
  • Be Specific: Instead of “How do you feel about our library?” ask “How satisfied are you with the availability of study spaces in the library?”
  • Use Scaled Responses: Provide clear scales (e.g., 1–5, strongly agree to strongly disagree) to help students answer precisely.

4. Biased Responses

The Challenge:

Students may give answers they think are socially acceptable or what they believe you want to hear, rather than their true opinions.

The Solution:

  • Use Neutral Wording: Avoid leading questions like “How much do you enjoy our excellent teaching methods?” Instead, ask “How would you rate your overall experience with teaching methods?”
  • Offer Anonymity: Assure students that their responses are anonymous to encourage honesty.
  • Diversify Question Formats: Combine closed-ended questions with open-ended ones to capture a wider range of insights.

5. Interpreting Qualitative Data

The Challenge:

Open-ended responses provide valuable insights but require significant time and effort to analyze. Without proper tools or methods, key patterns might be missed.

The Solution:

  • Leverage Technology: Use text analysis tools or AI-based platforms to identify common themes and trends in responses.
  • Categorize Responses: Group feedback into themes (e.g., academic experience, campus facilities, extracurricular activities) to make analysis more manageable.
  • Highlight Key Quotes: Select impactful student quotes that reflect broader sentiments to add depth to your findings.
  • Automate Where Possible: If your institution has access to advanced tools, use them to save time and streamline the process.

Create Student Surveys with SurveySparrow

Let me walk you through how we do it here at SurveySparrow.

Step 1: Sign in

Access Your SurveySparrow Account: Log in and click on ‘New survey‘ on your Home page. If you don’t have an account, create one for free here.

A personalized walkthrough by our experts. No strings attached!

Step 2: Create

Select or Build from a Template: Choose a template easily. Go to “Browse Classic Templates” and pick the one that fits your student survey needs.

Step 3: Customize

Once you’ve chosen a template, questions are ready for you.


  • Adjust questions or delete unnecessary ones.
  • Personalize the welcome screen with your school’s logo.
  • Use the “wing feature” for some text creativity.
  • Add your brand’s touch to the “Thank You Page.” 

Step 4: Integrate

Connect with your favorite apps (Hubspot, Zapier, Google Tag Manager, MailChimp, Intercom, Salesforce, Stripe, etc.) for a smooth workflow.

Step 5: Share

Your student survey is ready for distribution.

Share via email, WhatsApp, SMS, social media, QR code, or embed it on your school’s webpage.

Changes are automatically saved.

Need help? SurveySparrow’s support is just a chat away.

Wrap Up

Student surveys aren’t just questions. They’re ways to understand what students think. Every question opens the door to insights, preferences, and areas to make things better.

Keeping it simple and varied is the key. Clear questions get clear answers, and different types give a complete picture. Moreover, student survey questions need to be picked with utmost care. After all, it’s the future we are talking about!

Happy Surveying!

Create Conversational Student Surveys With AI!

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Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

Turn every feedback into a growth opportunity

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