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75+ Yes Or No Survey Questions — Examples & FAQs

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 27 August 2024

9 min read

Since there are only two possible responses to yes or no survey questions, it is one of the easiest questions to answer – and analyze.

What’s more, they are often the simplest types of questions in any language. After all, some of the first words we learned to speak as babies was “yes” and “no!”.

Here, you will get 75+ yes or no survey questions examples to ask in 2024, along with examples and answers to frequently asked questions. On we go.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this blog:

  1. Yes or No Questions for Customer Feedback
  2. Yes or No Questions for Customer Satisfaction
  3. Yes or No Questions for Product Survey
  4. Yes or No Questions for Market Research
  5. Yes or No Questions for Employee Feedback

75+ Yes Or No Survey Questions for 2024. Use Them All!

In a survey, there can be nothing simpler than asking yes or no survey questions.

At SurveySparrow, we have a massive library of not just this question but of all survey question types

Although, we’ve seen a liking for yes or no questions among customers. And they aren’t wrong because if you wish to understand your audience’s general perception of something, yes no survey questions are needed.

If you’re looking for a straightforward customer satisfaction survey, use the template below. It’s fully customizable to meet your specific needs. 

Click below to start adding your yes or no questions.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Template

Use This Template

Yes or No Questions Examples:

To start customizing your template, these 75+ yes or no survey questions examples for 5 different segments are what you need, starting with:

I. Customer Feedback Questions

#1. Does [product name] have all the features you expected?

#2. Are you satisfied with the product information on our website?

#3. Are you satisfied with the discount coupon you received on [product name]?

#4. Was it easy to find what you were looking for on the website?

#5. Have our website pop-ups made you aware of new discounts on [product name]?

#6. Did [webpage name] meet your information-related expectations?

#7. Did [product name]’s website information help you make the buying decision?

#8. Do you find our customer representatives technically prudent and knowledgeable?

#9. Are our customer representatives polite?

#10. Has our product helped as you would’ve liked?

#11. Are you excited about our future products and launches?

#12. Do you agree with our CEO’s vision of [state company’s vision]?

#13. Do you relate to our mission and vision statement?

#14. Do you think we understand your product suggestions and requirements fully?

#15. Have you used our services in the past?

#16. Will you recommend [company name]’s products/services to others?

#17. Would you buy our products/services again?

II. Customer Satisfaction Questions

#18. Overall, are you satisfied with our products/services?

#19. Are you satisfied with the overall experience of associating with [company name]?

#20. Do you have any more queries regarding [product name]?

#21. Has our website UI added positively to your overall satisfaction?

#22. Based on your recent experiences, are you satisfied with our customer service?

#23. Were you frustrated with a feature of [product name] today?

#24. Were you frustrated with our customer support team today?

#25. Are our product discounts adding to your overall satisfaction level?

#26. Are our quick query resolutions adding to your overall satisfaction level?

#27. Are our improved product features adding to your overall satisfaction level?

#28. Will more products improve your overall satisfaction?

#29. Will a chatbot on our website improve your overall satisfaction?

#30. Is our “employee first” approach adding to your overall satisfaction level?

#31. Compared to your associations with similar brands, are you more satisfied with us?

#32. Is improved satisfaction a reason for your continued association with us?

#33 Has your satisfaction level gone up in the last quarter/year?

#34. Do you think satisfaction is the major factor in turning people into loyal customers?

Creating a Yes or No survey like the one above is simple with SurveySparrow

Sign up below to create similar Yes or No questionnaires with our AI survey tool, create a custom yes or no questionnaire template, and track their performance at a glance.

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III. Product Survey Questions

#35. Did something stop you from signing up for [product name]’s free trial?

#36. Is our product pricing clear?

#37. Is there something you would alter in [product name]?

#38. Are we missing some features in [product name] that you wanted?

#39. If we permanently remove [product name], will it disappoint you?

#40. As an old customer, did you consider other options before going with [product name]?

#41. As a first-time customer, did [product name] features persuade you to buy it?

#42. Did our attractive discounts on [product name] play a role in your purchase?

#43. Did our team’s product demo impress you?

#44. Did our team give a product walkthrough to get started?

#45. Our team’s product clarity and vision influenced your buying decision?

#46. Do you think [product name] will help you in multiple areas (at work)?

#47. Do you think it’s the right time for an upgrade in [product name]?

#48. Could you find a similar product with similar features as us?

#49. Implementing this [feature name] will increase the usability of [product name].

#50. Are you aware of our [product/service name] offering?

#51. Does [product name] satisfies all your requirements and questions?

#52. I would like to be notified about new product upgrades. Please note that we will not sell your information irrespective of your answer!

#53. Is this you – “These new [product name] features are just what I was waiting for!”

#54. Do you have suggestions to make [product name] better? If yes, our team would love to get in touch!

Yes or no survey questions: Example for product feedback - 'Did our team's product demo impress you?"

IV. Market Research Questions

#55. Does innovation in [specific industry] excite you?

#56. Do you closely follow all developing trends in [specific industry]?

#57. I love using innovative new [product name]!

#58. Do you like [competitors’ company]’s [product name]? Is it their features?

#59. Is this you – [product name – Ex: bitcoin] is the next big thing in the world of [industry name – Ex: finance].

#60. [Company name] [product name] is more convenient to use compared to its competitors.

#61. Do you trust the capabilities of our product team?

#62. Have you heard of [product name] before?

#63. After the update, [product name] from [company name] is better than the ones from competitors.

#64. The entire [specific industry] has massive scope for the growth of new and innovative players.

#65. Are you completely optimistic about [specific industry]?

Yes or No survey question example: "Is tea better than coffee?"

V. Employee Feedback Questions

#66. I’m totally satisfied being an integral member of [company name].

#67. My manager shares regular work feedback that consistently improves my performance.

#68. Do you feel valued at work?

#69. Do you have all the resources to perform well?

#70. Do you have suggestions to improve the work environment and overall culture? If yes, the HR team will get in touch very soon.

#71. Is this you – I’m recognized and appreciated well for my work, always!

#72. Are you satisfied with the leadership style of your manager?

#73. Are you handling your current workload aptly?

#74. Are you satisfied with your onboarding process?

#75. Did the onboarding team answer all your questions?

#76. Are you motivated to work towards [company name]’s mission and goals?

#77. Would you recommend [company name] for work to your friends and family?

#78. Is this you – Working at [company name] is the best job ever!

Why Use Yes Or No Survey Questions After All?

A yes-or-no survey question is the simplest type to include in a form, no doubt about that. That’s one solid reason to use them but are there more? Absolutely!

Here are the 3 more “why” to use yes or no questions in your surveys:

#1. They’re Fast.

With a yes-or-no question, there are only two possible answers — yes or no. That makes answering them really fast, and when such questions are in the majority, completing a yes or no survey doesn’t take long.

#2. They’re Straightforward.

Unlike scales, multiple-choice, or Likert questions, there’s no doubt or interpretation error with this question type.

A respondent answering ‘yes’ to a question about a specific software feature will go to a different group than a person who answered ‘no’ to it. The process becomes straightforward with this question type. And that ultimately speeds up the analysis process and the overall survey campaign.

#3. They’re Understandable.

Yes-or-no survey questions are the simplest types in the English language. In fact, these are the first question types people learning the English language become familiar with. So, even for someone with just a beginner level of English proficiency, understanding a yes or no question is no big deal.

Yes or No Survey Questions — Bonus Tips

These 3 factors and the simplicity make yes or no survey questions versatile and ever-present options for surveys and online forms. You have these 75+ questions ready to use, which are a mix of some fresh and classy ones and always get the job done.

With the right tips, it’s possible creating an entire form using just the yes or no questions. And before we wrap up here, here are those timeless tips;

  • Ask the question directly. Don’t beat around the bush to come to a point. Example: “Do you like…?”
  • Try focusing on a specific product or feature rather than talking in an overall sense. Example: “Did you enjoy using the [feature name] of [product name]?”
  • Give the respondents a story to relate with either a yes or a no. Example: “I love using [product name]!”
  • Always write yes and no survey questions in the first person. That way, customers focus on their personal experiences.
  • Do not ask general questions. Give weight to both of your options by asking intriguing, thought-provoking questions.

Wrapping Up

There you go! 75+ yes or no survey questions examples with why to use them and the tips to write your own. That sums up our goal for this article. Did it help with yours? We’re eager to know.

P.S.: For any help, literally any help, get in touch!

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Kate Williams

Product Marketing Manager at SurveySparrow

Excels in empowering visionary companies through storytelling and strategic go-to-market planning. With extensive experience in product marketing and customer experience management, she is an accomplished author, podcast host, and mentor, sharing her expertise across diverse platforms and audiences.

Turn every feedback into a growth opportunity

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