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Personality Quiz Questions: Types, Examples, & Template

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 27 August 2024

10 min read

Did you know that personality quiz questions are more than just entertaining ones? To tell the truth, these questions are increasingly used across companies to assess their employees, new candidates, and more. 

You might already know this, or it might be news to you. Either way, you are here, and the subject in focus is personality quizzes or test questions.

We’ll help you understand what exactly are personality test questions with proper examples. Here are some jump links you can use. 

Let’s get going.

What Are Personality Quiz Questions?

Personality quiz or test questions are asked to evaluate different aspects of an individual's personality. This can range from their traits to behaviors.

These quizzes are often fun and insightful. They focus on hypothetical situations - to see how one would take action. The answers to these quiz questions can help understand an individual's preferences and behavioral traits.

Here's a sample personality test questionnaire you can use while recruiting a new candidate for your sales team.

Personality Quiz for Sales Candidate

Use This Template

There are more such templates - 1000+ - and are available to you for free. Not to mention the AI feature to help create an entire survey or quiz from scratch in seconds. Both the templates and the AI feature are available to you upon sign cost or fuss. 

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3 Types of Personality Quiz Questions

There are basically 3 types of questions to ask in a personality quiz, and they are as follows.

Open-Ended Questions

These are quiz questions that allow the respondents to express themselves freely - no restrictions. This way, they will be able to provide much deeper insights into their thoughts and feelings.

Example - "What would you say is your greatest achievement in your life?"

Related Read: What are open-eneded questions?

Close-Ended Questions

Close-ended questions often offer quantifiable answers. There will be specific options for each question for the respondents to choose from. The questions can be anything from multiple choice to yes/no questions.

Example: "Do you prefer working in teams or independently?"

A. Team

B. Independently

Statement-Based Questions

As the name indicates, here, the respondents are provided with statements and asked to rate their agreement on a scale. For example, have a look at the following question.

Please rate your level of agreement with each of the statements from the provided scale.

Q1. I enjoy meeting new people.

a. Strongly Disagree

b. Disagree

c. Neutral

d. Agree

e. Strongly Agree

Q2. I often feel overwhelmed in social situations.

a. Strongly Disagree

b. Disagree

c. Neutral

d. Agree

e. Strongly Agree

Who Can Use Personality Quiz Questions? With Example Questions

Personality quiz questions are used across industries for different purposes by teachers and HR professionals. Read on to learn who all are using these questions and for what. 

For Individuals

The first and foremost use case is self-discovery. Personality quizzes can help understand more about their traits, preferences, and behavior. The main benefit is improving self-awareness and personal growth.

In addition, tailored quiz questions can help an individual identify the suitable career path for them. This way, one can choose a career where they are inherently good at.

Some personality test questions to ask here are - 

  1. What is your biggest fear? (Open-ended)
  2. How important is it for you to be liked by others?
  3. When faced with a challenging situation, do you prefer to tackle it head-on or take time to analyze your options first?
  4. How do you recharge after a long week?

For Educators

Each student is unique in their own way, which means teachers might need to address them separately. But, how can I know who is who? That's where personality test questions come into play.

Teachers can use personality quizzes to understand their students better. Furthermore, they can tailor the teaching methods to accommodate learning styles and personalities.

Also, they can assess group dynamics and interactions among students. This can help build a more effective learning environment.

Here are some questions to ask. 

  1. Do you find it easier to learn through visual aids or through hands-on activities?  
  2. When working in groups, do you prefer to take the lead or contribute as a supportive team member?  
  3. How do you respond to constructive criticism: do you see it as an opportunity for growth or as a personal attack?  
  4. In group projects, do you prefer to work with familiar peers, or do you enjoy meeting new people and forming new connections?

For Hiring Professionals

While employees with great prowess are great to have, HRs usually check whether they are aligned with the work culture. Therefore, employers often try to incorporate personality quizzes in the recruitment process. The assessment can reveal whether the candidate is fit for specific roles and team dynamics.

These test questions can also be used for team-building activities.

  1. Do you prefer a job that allows you to work independently or one that requires constant collaboration with others?  
  2. How do you handle stress at work: by staying calm and focused or by seeking support from colleagues?  
  3. When working in a team, do you take the initiative to share your ideas or do you prefer to listen and build on others' suggestions?  
  4. How do you prefer to communicate with your team?

For Mental Health Professionals

Personality quizzes can also be helpful for mental health professionals in diagnosing personality disorders. Although this isn't the primary way to do so, it can open up the window to them about the person they are treating.

Some personality assessment questions you can ask here are as follows.

  1. How do you typically respond to conflict: do you confront it directly or avoid it altogether?  
  2. When feeling overwhelmed, do you prefer to talk about your feelings or process them internally?  
  3. How often do you experience mood swings?   
  4. When faced with a major life decision, how do you typically make your choice? (Open-ended)

Related Read: Right mental health survey question to ask.

For Marketing Professionals

While there are demographic surveys to help marketers segment target audiences, in some cases, personality tests can also help them. Marketers can tailor their campaigns to resonate with different personality types and make the most of their efforts.

Here are some examples of personality quiz questions. 

  1. ​​When making purchasing decisions, do you rely more on detailed research and reviews or on recommendations from friends and family?  
  2. Do you prefer brands that are innovative and trendsetting or those that are established and reliable?

7 Different Types of Personality Quizzes - With Example Questions

The following are some different personality quizzes. We have added a set of questions to ask for each quiz to help you create personality quizzes faster.

NOTE: If you are interested in creating something new and unique for your purpose but have trouble coming up with quiz questions, then try SurveySparrow AI.

SurveySparrow's Ai feature helping to create surveys within seconds

SurveySparrow's AI feature to create surveys within seconds

It works just like ChatGPT. Just add in the prompt and get the (tailored) questions for your quiz. With the AI feature available with the free plan, you are free to try it out and understand the prowess of the tool.

Use the following form to sign up for free!

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Self-Awareness and Discovery Quiz

Self-awareness is about understanding one's thoughts, emotions, and so on. The aim is to learn more about oneself and be better at self-management. At the same time, self-discovery is about learning about strengths, weaknesses, and life goals.

Personality questions on self-awareness.

  1. How do you react when you are criticized?
  2. What triggers your strongest emotion?
  3. How do you perceive your impact on others?

Personality questions on self-discovery.

  1. What activities make you feel fulfilled?
  2. What are your core values?
  3. How do you handle challenges in your life?

Personality Questionnaire for Jobs

These are questions that evaluate a person’s job fitness. The questions will be tailored to understand whether a candidate is ideal for a specific job. 

Some questions are - 

  1. How do you manage stress at work?
  2. How would you manage a team of freelancers?
  3. Describe a moment when you had to step up from your comfort zone.
  4. Are you someone who is detail-oriented or big-picture-focused?

Sales Personality Test Questions

These questions focus on evaluating a person’s suitability for a sales role. The answers to these questions help understand the candidate's traits like persuasion, communication, and resilience. 

Here are some questions to ask. 

  1. How do you persuade a hesitant customer to buy?
  2. What’s your approach to meeting sales targets?
  3. How do you handle rejections in sales?

HR Personality Test Questions

These are personality test questions that are designed to evaluate the compatibility of a candidate with the company culture and job role. 

Here are some questions to ask. 

  1. What drives you in your professional life?
  2. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
  3. How do you manage conflict in the workplace?
  4. Describe a time when you have to adapt to a significant change at work.

Employer Personality Test Questions

This is almost similar to the ones we discussed in the previous section. The questions aim to evaluate a candidate’s personality traits to ensure that they are in alignment with the company’s goals and values.

Example questions are - 

  1. How do you prioritize your tasks when faced with multiple task deadlines?
  2. What’s your leadership style?
  3. How do you handle feedback from supervisors?

Disc Personality Test Questions

The DISC is the abbreviation for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. The test assesses the behavior pattern based on these four personality traits.

Here are some sample DISC personality questions.

  1. How would you respond to unexpected situations?
  2. What do you prefer: to follow a team or lead a team?
  3. How do you approach problem-solving in a group?

Myer Briggs Personality Test Questions

The Myers-Briggs test categorizes individuals into 16 personality types based on preferences in 4 dimensions. These dimensions are

  • Introversion/Extroversion
  • Sensing/Intuition
  • Thinking/Feeling
  • Judging/Perceiving

Sample questions to ask here are as follows.

  1. How do you recharge your energy: spending time alone or with others?
  2. Do you prefer to have a close-knit friend circle or a wide circle of acquaintances?
  3. Do you focus more on the current details or have a futuristic vision?
  4. Are you comfortable with concrete facts or abstract ideas?
  5. When planning, do you stick to what's tried or explore new things?
  6. When resolving issues, do you give importance to fairness and principles or relationships and harmony?
  7. Do you find it easy to give constructive feedback or empathize with others' emotions?
  8. Do you find satisfaction in completing a task or in exploring possibilities?
  9. When traveling, would you like to have a fixed itinerary or just go with the flow?
  10. In social settings, do you prefer to be the center of attention or like to observe from the sideline?

SurveySparrow, the Quiz Maker You Need

If you are looking for a quiz maker to create and share quizzes, then look no further than SurveySparrow. 

It’s one of the best online survey tools out there, allowing you to create anything from polls and surveys to quizzes. 

Its omnichannel support can be really helpful in reaching out to the audience where they are most active. Not to mention its conversational UI, which makes the quizzes more interactive and engaging. All the more reasons to try out SurveySparrow.

10+ survey sharing options in surveysparrow

We have already discussed the possibility of the AI feature of the tool. You can create a brand-new quiz from scratch in mere seconds. The list goes on. 

SurveySparrow provides a free forever plan, which you can avail to explore the tool in detail. Any doubts that may arise (which is not likely, but still) our dedicated support team is just one click away.  

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Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

Turn every feedback into a growth opportunity

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