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How to Create a Likert Scale in Google Forms

Hinduja MV

Last Updated:  

9 July 2024

5 min read

In a variety of fields, getting input and perspectives is essential. Understanding people’s attitudes and opinions offers valuable information, whether the context is market research, customer satisfaction, employee assessments, or academic studies. Thus, the Likert scale is one well-liked method of evaluating these attitudes and beliefs.

Hence, this post will discuss employing the Likert scale in Google Forms, a flexible tool for creating surveys and gathering data. Utilizing the advantages of Google Forms and the potency of the Likert scale, you can acquire insightful information to guide decision-making and enhance outcomes.


  1. Understanding the Likert Scale
  2. Customizing Likert Scale Statements
  3. Drawbacks of Using Likert Scale in Google Forms
  4. SurveySparrow – An alternative to Google Forms

Understanding the Likert Scale

The Likert scale is a psychometric evaluation instrument to assess peoples’ attitudes, convictions, and opinions. This scale, which bears Rensis Likert’s name, comprises some statements or questions that participants rate on a predetermined scale.

Respondents can express their degree of agreement or disagreement, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and other subjective judgments thanks to the Likert scale’s structure.

Therefore, this scale has several benefits over other survey question formats. It first offers a standardized, quantified approach for gathering irrational data. The scale enables researchers to analyze views on a continuum rather than just categorizing responses into binary alternatives, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of people’s perceptions.

This scale accommodates various topics and can be customized to suit specific research objectives.

Creating a Google Form

Before implementing the Likert scale in Google Forms, let us create a Google Form for survey purposes. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

Open Google Forms

Access Google Forms by signing in to your Google account and navigating to the Google Forms website.

Create a new form

Click the “+ Blank” button to create a new form from scratch.

Add a title and description.

Hence, give your form a descriptive title that reflects its purpose. Include a brief description to provide context to respondents.

Insert questions

Thus, to add questions to your form, click the “+” icon. Each question type in Google Forms has a unique relationship to the Likert scale.

Therefore, asking questions clearly and succinctly is essential if you want accurate, insightful responses. Furthermore, ensure your survey’s questions are straightforward, free of ambiguity, and relevant to its goal.

Adding Likert Scale Questions in Google Forms

To add Likert scale questions to your Google Form, follow these steps:

Create a new question

Click the “+” icon to add a new question to your form.


Choose the Likert scale question type.

Select the “Multiple choice” question type and choose the Likert scale option.

Likert -scale

Craft your statement

Write a clear and concise statement that captures the specific attitude or opinion you want to assess. Thus, ensure the statement is unbiased and balanced to elicit honest responses.

Set the rating options.

Hence, determine the rating options that respondents will use to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement. Common options include 3-point, 5-point, or 7-point scales. Choose an appropriate scale length based on the topic’s complexity and the desired response granularity.

Customizing Likert Scale Statements

Crafting effective Likert scale statements is essential for obtaining meaningful responses. Consider the following tips:

1. Embrace Precision

Define the Target: Specify the behavior, belief, or concept you’re assessing. Vague statements like “I enjoy shopping” leave room for interpretation, potentially leading to inconsistent responses. Instead, be specific: “I find the checkout process at this store efficient.”

Actionable Language: Use active voice and concrete verbs to convey the intended meaning. Replace “The product is good” with “The product consistently meets my expectations.”

2. Maintain Neutrality

Avoid Bias: Steer clear of statements that lean towards a specific outcome. Phrases like “Everyone loves this product” or “This service is ineffective” nudge respondents towards a particular answer, jeopardizing the validity of your data.

Neutral Wording: Opt for neutral language that presents both sides of the spectrum. Instead of “The website is confusing,” consider “Navigating the website is sometimes challenging.”

3. Bring up Balance

Spectrum of Opinions: Offer a balanced range of response options that capture the full spectrum of potential viewpoints. A five-point scale with options like “Strongly Disagree,” “Disagree,” “Neutral,” “Agree,” and “Strongly Agree” ensures respondents can accurately reflect their stance.

Avoid Midpoint Bias: If a neutral option is included, ensure it represents a neutral position, not a “middle ground” between positive and negative options.

Drawbacks of using the Likert Scale in Google Forms

When collecting feedback or conducting surveys, choosing the method and tools is crucial for obtaining accurate and insightful data. While Google Forms offers a straightforward and accessible solution, it may not always meet the sophisticated needs of all projects, especially when utilizing Likert scale questions. Let’s delve into the drawbacks of using Likert scales in Google Forms compared to the advanced capabilities of SurveySparrow.

1. Lacks Advanced Logic and Analysis

Google Forms provides basic skip logic but lacks advanced follow-up options and sentiment analysis tools. This means it can’t automatically prompt more detailed responses based on previous answers or analyze the tone and sentiment of open-ended responses.

2. No Comprehensive Data Analysis

While Google Forms offers fundamental data analysis through simple charts and spreadsheets, it lacks a sophisticated dashboard for advanced data insights. Lacks Interactive dashboard that helps to gain insights quickly.

3. Lacks Flexible Question Display

Google Forms typically displays multiple questions per screen, which can overwhelm respondents and influence their answers based on previous or subsequent questions on the same page.

4. Limited Customization

When changing the survey’s background or overall design to match branding or thematic requirements, Google Forms customization options are significantly limited. This hinders respondent engagement.

5. Basic Sharing Options

Sharing options in Google Forms are relatively basic, primarily focusing on link sharing or embedding forms on websites. When it comes to social media, it allows only Facebook and Twitter.

SurveySparrow – An alternative to Google Forms

While Google Forms offers a convenient platform for primary surveys, it falls short when creating engaging and insightful experiences. SurveySparrow, on the other hand, empowers you to craft conversational surveys beyond simple Likert scales, unlocking deeper data and richer insights.

Here’s a sample Likert scale questionnaire with SurveySparrow for a glance. Try this preview now!

Sample Likert Scale Questionnaire

Isn’t it better than Google Forms? Not only does SurveySparrow have beautiful surveys and a conversational interface, but it also surpasses Google Forms in many other aspects.

1. Advanced Question Types and Logic

Skip/Display Logic:

Unlike Google Forms, SurveySparrow allows you to tailor the survey flow based on real-time responses. Show or hide follow-up questions based on previous answers, creating a dynamic and personalized experience.

Open-Ended Questions with Sentiment Analysis:

Capture valuable qualitative data through open-ended questions and leverage SurveySparrow’s built-in sentiment analysis to understand the emotional undertones of your respondents’ feedback.

Voice Transcription:

Enhance accessibility and convenience by enabling respondents to answer verbally using their device’s microphone. SurveySparrow transcribes their speech into text, saving them time and effort.

Sample Likert Scale Questionnaire

2. Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization

Advanced Dashboards:

Go beyond basic data tables with SurveySparrow’s interactive dashboards. Visualize your findings through various charts and graphs, allowing you to identify trends, patterns, and critical insights quickly.

Drill-Down Analysis:

Delve deeper into specific data segments with SurveySparrow’s drill-down capabilities. Analyze responses based on demographics, answer choices, or any other relevant criteria to gain a granular understanding of your audience.

3. Enhanced User Experience:

Question Layout Flexibility:

Choose between displaying one question per screen for a focused experience or multiple questions per screen for a faster flow, depending on your survey’s objective and target audience.
Customization: Create visually appealing surveys that resonate with your brand by customizing the background, fonts, and color scheme.

4. Effortless Sharing and Distribution:

Multiple Sharing Options:

Reach your audience through various channels with SurveySparrow’s diverse sharing options. Share via QR code or SMS, embed the survey directly on your website, or utilize pop-up and chat integrations for seamless distribution.

Wrapping Up

Google Forms is good for basic surveys, but SurveySparrow lets you make more detailed and engaging surveys that give you better data and clear next steps. SurveySparrow has more advanced features, is flexible, and is designed with the user in mind, making it a top choice for creating surveys that do more than just basic questions.

Hinduja MV

Growth Marketer at SurveySparrow

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