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Multi-Rater Feedback: A Complete Guide With its Benefits & Applications

blog author

Hinduja MV

Last Updated: 14 June 2024

8 min read

Organizations are increasingly realizing the benefits of feedback in encouraging employee development, growth, and collaboration in the rapidly evolving workplace. Therefore, multi-rater feedback, commonly referred to as 360-degree feedback, has emerged as a potent feedback technique.

This complete feedback strategy provides insightful information on a person’s performance, capabilities, and opportunities for development by combining perspectives from several sources.

Hence, we will explore the relevance, types, applications, benefits, and drawbacks of multi-rater feedback in this blog. Also, we will offer pointers for successfully creating and utilising this feedback method.

What is Multi-Rater Feedback?

Multi-rater feedback, as the name suggests, involves collecting feedback from various stakeholders who interact with an individual in a professional capacity. Traditionally, feedback was solely obtained from supervisors or managers.

However, multi-rater feedback expands the circle to include peers, subordinates, and even external partners or customers. Hence, this holistic approach provides a comprehensive view of an individual’s performance, behaviours, and impact on others within the organization.

The Importance of Multi-Rater Feedback

Enhanced Self-Awareness

Multi-rater feedback offers individuals a broader perspective on their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of their professional impact. Therefore, by understanding how others perceive their performance, employees can gain valuable insights into areas they may need to focus on for improvement.

Performance Development

Additionally, by encompassing multiple viewpoints, multi-rater feedback provides a more accurate assessment of an individual’s performance. Hence, this feedback can be utilized to identify areas for growth and set development goals that align with organizational objectives.

Collaboration and Teamwork

The inclusion of feedback from peers and subordinates fosters a collaborative work environment. Moreover, it helps individuals understand how their actions and behaviors impact others, promoting effective teamwork and synergy within the organization.

Types of Multi-Rater Feedback Surveys

360-Degree Feedback

This widely used approach involves gathering feedback from multiple sources, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, and sometimes external stakeholders. Hence, it provides a comprehensive view of an individual’s performance and interpersonal skills.

270-Degree Feedback

This variation of multi-rater feedback involves gathering feedback from supervisors, peers, and subordinates. However, it excludes external stakeholders, focusing on internal perspectives within the organizational hierarchy.

Customer Pulse Surveys

These surveys gather feedback from customers or clients to assess their satisfaction levels, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the overall customer experience. Thus, customer pulse surveys provide valuable insights into product or service quality and customer loyalty.

720-Degree Feedback

This feedback approach expands beyond the traditional 360-degree feedback by including self-assessment. Thus, in addition to feedback from supervisors, peers, and subordinates, individuals also evaluate themselves, gaining a more comprehensive understanding of their performance.

Franchise Feedback

Franchise feedback surveys are designed specifically for organizations with a franchise model. They collect feedback from franchisees to evaluate the franchisor’s support, operational systems, and overall performance.

Company Board Evaluation

Company board evaluation surveys assess the effectiveness and performance of a company’s board of directors. However, these surveys gather feedback from board members, shareholders, and other stakeholders to ensure strong governance and strategic decision-making.


Employee Engagement Survey

Employee engagement surveys measure the level of employee satisfaction, commitment, and motivation within an organization. These surveys help identify factors affecting engagement and enable organizations to take targeted actions to improve employee well-being and productivity.

Each type of feedback survey serves a specific purpose and provides unique insights into different aspects of organizational performance and stakeholder satisfaction. Thus, choosing the most relevant survey type depends on the specific goals, context, and stakeholders involved in the feedback process.

Uses of Multi-Rater Feedback

Performance Evaluation

Multi-rater feedback serves as a valuable tool for performance evaluations, complementing traditional top-down assessments. Therefore, it helps eliminate biases and offers a more holistic view of an individual’s performance.

Leadership Development

For individuals in leadership positions, multi-rater feedback aids in identifying leadership strengths and areas for improvement. It facilitates targeted development plans to enhance leadership capabilities.

Team Building and Collaboration

Multi-rater feedback plays a vital role in promoting collaboration and teamwork. Thus, by understanding how their actions impact others, team members can improve communication, coordination, and interpersonal dynamics.

Multi-rater assessment tool from SurveySparrow

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Advantages of Multi-Rater Feedback:

Comprehensive Perspective

Multi-rater feedback provides a broader and more diverse perspective on an individual’s performance, minimizing bias and subjectivity inherent in single-source feedback.

Personal Growth and Development

By gaining insights into their strengths and weaknesses, individuals can focus on targeted development areas, fostering personal growth and professional improvement.

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Strengthened Relationships

By including feedback from various stakeholders, multi-rater feedback encourages open communication and transparency, strengthening relationships between team members and fostering a positive work environment.

Disadvantages of Multi-Rater Feedback

Inconsistent Feedback Quality

Multi-rater feedback can vary in terms of quality and reliability, as different individuals may have different perspectives and biases. Thus, it is essential to establish clear evaluation criteria and ensure feedback is constructive and objective.

Reluctance to Provide Honest Feedback

Some individuals may hesitate to provide honest feedback due to fear of repercussions or discomfort. Hence, this can lead to diluted or superficial feedback that may not accurately reflect an individual’s performance.

Overemphasis on Perception

Multi-rater feedback heavily relies on perceptions and subjective opinions, which may not always align with an individual’s actual performance or contributions. Therefore, it is crucial to balance perceptions with concrete evidence and measurable outcomes.

Implementing Multi-Rater Feedback in an Organization

Clear Objectives and Expectations

Establish clear objectives for the multi-rater feedback process, outlining the purpose, desired outcomes, and specific competencies or behaviors to be evaluated. Furthermore, communicate these expectations transparently to all participants.

Anonymous and Confidential Process

Ensure anonymity and confidentiality to encourage participants to provide honest and candid feedback without the fear of repercussions. However, this can be achieved through the use of anonymous surveys or third-party facilitators.

Training and Guidance

Additionally, provide training and guidance to participants on the purpose and process of multi-rater feedback. Thus, this includes educating them on effective feedback techniques, emphasizing constructive criticism, and focusing on behavior-based feedback.

Balanced Feedback

Encourage participants to provide balanced feedback by highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement. Furthermore, this helps individuals understand their impact on others and identify areas for development without feeling demotivated.

Regular and Timely Feedback

Implement a regular feedback cycle to ensure continuous improvement. Thus, set specific timelines for feedback collection, analysis, and sharing to maintain momentum and relevance.

Are you interested in multi-rater assessment but wondering how to implement it? Check out this amazing article from HR survey which gives you detailed information with sample questionnaires.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Multi-Rater Feedback

Do’s of Multi-Rater Feedback

  • Do provide specific and actionable feedback that is focused on behaviors and outcomes.
  • Do encourage participants to offer both positive and constructive feedback, ensuring a balanced perspective.
  • Promote a culture of openness, trust, and respect, fostering an environment where feedback is valued and appreciated.
  • Do follow up with individuals after receiving feedback to provide guidance, support, and resources for their development.
  • Do ensure feedback is used as a tool for growth and development, rather than punishment or evaluation.

Don’ts of Multi-Rater Feedback

  • Don’t use multi-rater feedback as the sole basis for performance evaluations or promotions.
  • Not to focus solely on weaknesses; instead, emphasize strengths and opportunities for growth.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of clear communication and transparency throughout the feedback process.
  • Don’t allow personal biases or preconceptions to influence the interpretation or use of feedback.
  • Not to ignore feedback or fail to take action on identified areas for improvement.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, multi-rater feedback is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, fostering collaboration, and enhancing organizational effectiveness. Therefore, by incorporating multiple perspectives, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of individual performance, nurture talent, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Therefore, while there are challenges and potential pitfalls, with careful implementation and adherence to best practices, multi-rater feedback can unlock tremendous potential for individual and collective success in the workplace. Hence, embrace the power of diverse feedback, and watch your organization thrive.


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Hinduja MV

Growth Marketer at SurveySparrow

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