Employee Experience Guide: Employee Surveys & Polls

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 31 December 2024

13 min read

If you are running a business, you already know the importance of employee experience. Of Course, your customers are also essential, but who keeps those customers happy and satisfied? Your employee, right? Therefore, you should invest time in satisfying your employee and engage them more into the organization. Only then you can enhance your organizational culture and growth. 

And a perfect employee engagement starts with a meaningful employee experience. You can provide your employees with a meaningful journey by ensuring their opinions and feedback are valued in your enterprise.

From online surveys to employee surveys to employee engagement polls, there are several ways you can choose to increase engagement and boost revenues within the organization. So, read on, to learn what software and tools you can use to conduct polls, online surveys, and provide a quality experience to your employees. 

What is Employee Engagement

Employee engagement reflects an employee’s emotional and mental connection towards an organization. The managers and HR of an organization creates a work-culture where the employees love to work or feel engaged. 

By implementing employee experience poll apps and employee engagement surveys, you can measure employee experience. You can conduct polls and online surveys with questions like: 

  • Are your employees working as a team with their co-employees?

  • Are your employees communicating well with the superior and co-workers?

  • How can you enhance employee engagement and productivity?

  • Are they happy with the development and learning programs provided by your organization?

For example, Campbell’s Soup increased its stock price, 30% by prioritizing employee engagement.

Employee Experience Polls to Boost Employee Engagement

Nearly 85% of the employees reported that they don’t feel engaged in their workplace. 33% of the employees consider boredom as the primary reason to leave their jobs. Do you know the reason behind these numbers? Its employee engagement. 

Employee engagement can easily make or break the foundation of your organization. But understanding and measuring your employee engagement can be very tricky. This is where employee experience polls come into the picture! Online surveys are also a blessing for any enterprise, but regular employee surveys can bore your employees. Instead of conducting surveys regularly, create fun, short, engaging engagement polls to boost employee engagement effortlessly.

If you are a newbie and don’t know how to get started with survey poll app, then you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ve mentioned the top 12 employee experience poll apps and some ideal polling questions to enhance employee satisfaction. 

Employee Experience Polls Apps


With a 40% higher response rate SurveySparrow is the all-in-one solution for your business. You can create engaging employee experience polls from tons of themes and templates offered using this employee survey tool. You can analyze how your employees feel about your organization with SurveySparrow’s 360 degree feedback software. Create polls, roll out online surveys, NPS surveys and employee satisfaction surveys, boost productivity, conduct performance appraisals and drive growth with employee 360 degree feedback reports. 

The best part about SurveySparrow is that it can be integrated with some popular apps like HubSpot, Slack, Intercom, MailChimp, Stripe, Zapier, Google Analytics, etc. With this feature, you can share your employee polls through multiple channels such as email, website, and create a seamless workflow. 

You can also schedule your employee experience polls anytime with the built-in automation of SurveySparrow. The robust analytical reports will help you to gather poll results in real-time. 

And wait! There’s more for you! You will get 14 days free trial to have a full experience of these amazing features.

Just like SurveySparrow, you can consider choosing other employee experience polls, such as: 

  • Officevibe: Officevibe gatherers insights to identify employee satisfaction in your organization. This will guide you to understand what improvements are needed to increase employee engagement.
  • Connecteam: Connecteam is a tool that creates engaging employee journey maps and streamlines communications with its online surveys and polls.
  • Google Forms: We couldn’t refrain ourselves from mentioning the name of our good old pal Google on this list! The free poll and survey generator, Google Form allows you to create engaging polls at the snap of your finger.
  • Zoho Survey: From ready-to-use questions templates to customizable polls, Zoho Survey deserves to be in this list of top employee engagement polls.
  • PollTab: You can create a poll in seconds with Polltab and get real-time results within a minute. The best part is you don’t even have to create an account to use this tool online.
  • Poll Junkie: Poll Junkie is another popular poll that allows you to create polls without any trouble. This app is easy-to-use, and you don’t have to sign up or log in to create a poll.
  • Easy Polls: If you are looking for a free employee experience poll generator to measure your employee satisfaction, then Easy Poll is one of the best picks for you.
  • Outgrow: Another popular app you can use to create employee engagement polls and employee experience surveys is Outgrow.
  • Poll Everywhere: Ask your employees any questions within a minute with the Poll Everywhere app. This app lets you create employee experience polls, live polls, to measure employee journey smoothly.
  • SurveyLegend: With SurveyLegend, you can create engaging and attractive polls to boost your employee engagement. 

Top Questions to include in employee engagement polls

How will you know your employee experience polls contain great and relevant questions? Well, if they improve employee experience and maximize engagement, then you’ve asked the right questions.

A quality employee poll question gives you important data about the needs of your employee and their experiences. So, make sure to add relevant questions on every survey poll.

1. Do you see personal development opportunities in this organization?

66% of the young employees consider learning and development opportunities as a primary factor when deciding whether to trust the organization. Majority of the millennial employees will leave an enterprise if they don’t see an opportunity for their personal growth.

You can add questions related to this on your employee experience polls to understand the thoughts of your employee on the company’s growth development programmes.

2.Can you communicate easily with your managers and co-employees? 

You can wonder, but 91% of the employees reported that their leaders lack communication skills. Warm and effective communication between the employees and the manager determines the work-culture of an organization. 

Make sure to add this question to your employee experience polls to get a clear idea about your employees’ thoughts. 

3. Do you think your opinions are valued in this organization?

When employees feel like they are valued, they are far less likely to leave the organization. If your organization values the opinion of the employees, you must include this question to ensure they are satisfied. 

4. How can your organization manage their work-life balance?

Young employees, almost 83% of them, think work-life balance is one of the crucial factors to stay in an organization for the long-term. So, you should add this question to your employee experience polls to know what they feel about your company. 

Employee experience is not the same as employee engagement

Employee experience measures the entire journey of an employee, while employee engagement indicates how content and engaged your employees are. You can measure employee experience with employee journey maps and survey software like 360 degree feedback. 

We’ll explore the details of 360 degree feedback software towards the end of this article. Till then, keep your patience and continue reading. 

What is employee experience?

What an employee feels about your organization through her entire employee journey is known as employee experience. Employee experience is not just a simple list to cross off for the HR team in your company. It has much more significance and influence within an organization. That’s the reason why global enterprises consider employee experience as one of the critical factors to boost engagement. 

Different Stages of the Employee Experience Journey Map

Just like the customer journey map, you can gauge employee experience with the employee journey map. The map documents the entire work life of an employee within an organization. It visualizes several essential moments in an employee’s professional life. 

For example, an employee journey starts right from the moment the employees enter a company and continues to their first team meeting, team activity, birthday, work appreciation, and last day at the company.

The Harvard Business Review report from 2016 stated that employees have to go through 10 different stages in their entire work-lifecycle. These stages are quite relevant now also. Let’s take a look at these ―

  1. Sourcing and Recruiting: An employee goes through different processes before the recruitment like, they learn about the company, submits their resume, gets an interview call, etc. As a manager, your first goal should be to make the sourcing and recruiting process smooth, so that the recruiting employees have a positive image of your company.
  2. Pre-Onboarding: After accepting a job offer, your organization can enhance the pre-onboarding experience by organizing the social event, introducing to work-culture, and encouraging network events. You can conduct different polls using poll apps to understand if your employees are satisfied with their pre-onboarding experience or not.
  3. Onboarding: The first few months of employees in your company is known as the onboarding stage. If you want to retain your employees for the long-term, then ensure they are getting a positive onboarding experience within the organization.
  4. Compensation and Benefits: Without a sufficient compensation or benefits program, you can’t enhance employee satisfaction. Without a good paycheck, employee loyalty programs, and rewards, your employees won’t enjoy the time they’ll spend in your organization. Make sure to always create a pay stubs for your employees as it is a factor in many cases such as applying for a visa as it verifies the incomes.
  5. Ongoing Learning and Development: 66% of employees stated that learning programmes are crucial for their personal growth. And almost 94% of young employees decide to leave an enterprise that doesn’t invest in their learning and development. You have to invest in learning and development programs to increase employee engagement and productivity within the organization.
  6. Ongoing Engagement, Community Involvement: Engaged and involved employees equal to increased revenues. Highly engaged employees feel satisfied and productive while working. Arrange meetings, events, ask their opinions, to enhance engagement. 

Here’s a quick tip; don’t make engagement too boring! Use fun surveys, employee experience poll apps, activities, games, employee experience polls, to understand their preferences and engage them effortlessly. You can use employee experience polls and survey tools like SurveySparrow, TinyPulse, Typerform, etc.

  1. Rewards and Recognition: Every employee expects their manger will recognize their work-efforts. At this stage, make sure to appreciate their efforts by giving rewards and awards frequently.
  2. Performance Planning and Feedback: It’s crucial to conduct employee experience polls and online surveys to gather employees feedback. Use their feedback to improve the organization for the betterment of your employees.
  3. Advancement: after a promotion or advancement, additional onboarding is required to enhance employee engagement. You can ask your employees about their new responsibilities, how they are feeling through employee experience polls at this stage.
  4. Retirement, Termination, or Resignation: This is the final stage of the entire employee journey map. In this stage, you should show care and appreciation to the former employees. 

We’ve told you everything about what is an employee experience journey. Now it’s time to learn how to make the employee experience journey smooth. So, without further ado, let’s get started…

Leverage the Use of 360 Degree Software to Improve Employee Experience

Are you hearing the name 360 Degree Software for the first time? If you answered yes, then let’s learn about what 360 degree software is. And, if you already know about 360 degree software, then also you don’t want to skip this part! 

What is a 360 Degree Feedback Software? 

A 360 Degree Feedback software is designed to collect anonymous feedback about your employees. You can collect direct reports about employees from the managers, supervisors, colleagues, and even customers. So, always choose a 360 Degree Feedback Tool wisely that integrates well with your organization’s process and work seamlessly. 

Some Essential Features You should look for in a 360 Feedback Tool 

Let’s take a look at some features of the 360 Feedback Tool that will make your employee assessment easy and insightful. 

Easy-to-Use: A 360 feedback tool is generally used by people from inside and outside of the organization. So, ensure the feedback tool has a simple interface, and everyone can understand and navigate it easily.

Perfectly-Integrated Dashboard: A perfect 360 feedback software should have a quality dashboard that sheds light on several factors like graphs, pie charts, and reports to gather insights. 

Automated Surveys: A 360 feedback tool should provide automated surveys and smart surveys so that you don’t have to worry about creating employee engagement polls and employee surveys frequently for every employee.

Competency List: Every employee has different competency based on their job role. For every position, a perfect 360 feedback tool should have a competency list. 

Anonymity: Anonymity is important as an employee might not give an honest opinion while rating their superiors. A perfect 360 degree feedback software should have an anonymous feature. 

Customization: A 360 degree software should include the option to customize the employee surveys according to the job titles, name, and position of each employee. 

Wide-Variety of Templates: A 360 degree feedback software should have multiple templates that contain employee engagement polls and engaging survey questions. 

Security: As several people use the 360 feedback software, it may cause data loss and security frauds. That’s why you should verify a 360 feedback tool has proper security and is highly confidential.

360 Degree Feedback Software: SurveySparrow 

SurveySparrow is one of the best 360 Degree Feedback Software to assess your employee experience effortlessly. With 360 Degree software, You can analyze employee journeys and gain rich factual reports that will help to drive growth and productivity within the organization. 

  • You can track the assessment status with multiple filters like partially evaluated, self-assessed, evaluation complete, report ready, report pending, etc. 

  • With the 360 degree feedback software, you can customize employee surveys, employee engagement polls, and emails with your company’s brand logo, color, fonts, etc. With SurveySparrow’s 360 evaluations, you can help your employees to be self-aware and increase productivity.

  • The 360 degree feedback tool contains strengths, weaknesses, blind spots, and hidden strengths to measure employee competency easily. You can focus on employee growth with the personalized comments and notes available in the 360 degree feedback tool.

With this software, you can track assessment in the employee portal, create 360 degree feedback surveys, employee exit surveys, efficiently. On top of that, with multiple share options, you can share the feedback on various platforms easily. 

That’s all folks!

Positive employee feedback not only helps your employees to feel empowered, but it will also impact your organization. Employees perform 4.6 times better when they feel the organization values their opinions. And when they feel happy to work with you, they contribute honestly to the growth of an organization. 

The next time you need to conduct an employee experience survey, you may want to check-out the option of using SurveySparrow. You’ll never know that enhancing employee engagement can be this easy until you’re using the employee engagement polls and 360 degree software.

When organizations use employee survey tools effectively, they leverage their efficiency, speed, and convenience. And, if you implement the tool correctly, your organization will reap the benefits for the long-term.

So, go on and roll out online surveys, choose the best poll apps and take your employee experience to the rooftop!

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Kate Williams

Product Marketing Manager at SurveySparrow

Excels in empowering visionary companies through storytelling and strategic go-to-market planning. With extensive experience in product marketing and customer experience management, she is an accomplished author, podcast host, and mentor, sharing her expertise across diverse platforms and audiences.

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