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70+ eCommerce Survey Questions To Level Up Your Business

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 2 August 2024

16 min read

All things considered, e-commerce is the future. From next-day delivery to never-heard-of-saver deals, businesses worldwide are capitalizing on this growing trend. If you want to disrupt this crowded online shopping space, you need to get in the minds of your customers. And we all know there’s no better way to do that than through eCommerce surveys!

So, in this blog post, we’ll let you in on some of the most impactful, tried, and tested eCommerce survey questions. The following are some of the topics we will covering here today.

Without further ado, let’s jump right in.

What is an e-Commerce Survey?

These are surveys online retailers can use to collect consumer feedback and clearly understand their preferences. Depending on the questions asked during the survey, online retailers can acquire enough information to improve the shopping experience, payment process, and so on.

E-commerce surveys cover various aspects, including but not limited to website usability, pricing, product selection, and delivery.

Alright, here’s the thing: If you’re looking for a free e-commerce survey questionnaire, feel free to use it. Tweak the design and questions the way you want, and you’re all set to go! Try it here.

E-Commerce Survey Template

Use This Template

Off to the questions you’re looking for.

Questionnaire for e-Commerce Surveys

With so many use cases existing within eCommerce, we will discuss each of them separately. This way you will get a better idea how each survey type should be and what to ask.

NOTE: For those who are finding it difficult to come up with survey questions, SurveySparrow has got you covered. How? With AI.

It works just like ChatGPT. Simply add the prompt, and the tool will do the rest—from generating questions to creating a survey with a temporary design. How great is that, right? Here’s a sneak peek into the feature.

SurveySparrow's Ai feature helping to create surveys within seconds
SurveySparrow’s Ai feature helping to create surveys within seconds

The feature is available for you with the free forever plan, so feel free to try it out.

eCommerce Survey Questions: Pre-purchase

Not everyone who stumbles across your website makes a purchase instantly. A majority of them browse the store and take their leave. But by asking these eCommerce survey questions pre-purchase, you can learn more about them and manage their expectations.

As a result, you can work towards offering them what they want and improving conversion rates.

  1. What brings you to our website today?
  2. How did you learn about our brand/website?
  3. Have you ever shopped from us before?
  4. Who are you shopping for today?
  5. What is your first impression of our brand?
  6. Do you find it easy to navigate through our website?
  7. How would you rate our overall experience with us so far?
  8. Did you come across any products that you like?
  9. Did you find all that you were looking for?
  10. How can we further improve your browsing experience with us?
  11. How likely are you to come back again and make a purchase with us?

While we’re still at it, it’s important to discover ways to engage better with customers and give them a slight nudge toward making a purchase. One such time-tested strategy to improve your sales operation is by building a chatbot for your website.

What if we told you that you could create one in under 10 minutes? That, too, without formidable tech skills.

With SurveySparrow’s no-code, conversational chatbot, capture leads and close the feedback loop. Completely FREE.

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eCommerce Survey Questions: Post-purchase

ecommerce survey questions to ask post-purchase

Employing an online shopping questionnaire just after a customer makes a purchase with you is a simple, straightforward, and non-intrusive way to learn what you need to improve the buying experience and overcome potential roadblocks along the way.

By using this ecommerce questionnaire and elevating their experiences further, you’re inevitably building a loyal consumer base and attracting new ones through word-of-mouth publicity.

  1. What is your primary reason for purchasing with us over our competitors’?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the availability of products on our website?
  3. Are any of your favorite products out of stock?
  4. Do you get notified when your favorite products are back in stock?
  5. What other products, sizes, and color options would you like to see in the future?
  6. Did we offer your preferred payment method? If not, please let us know your preference.
  7. Did you have a hassle-free shopping experience?
  8. How likely are you to recommend our brand to friends and family?
  9. Would you consider purchasing from us in the future?
  10. How can we better serve you next time?

Related: Want to know more about getting in touch with your customers after they make a purchase with you? This blog post would be of great help to you: 25 Effective Ways to Measure and Improve Post Purchase Experience

eCommerce Survey Questions: Product

ecommerce survey questions to ask about the product

Attempting to have a booming e-commerce business without a winning product is next to impossible. Not to forget that with so many alternatives and a barrage of options available, you need to constantly go above and beyond to deliver value to your customers.

To do that, you have to know what exactly is it that your customers are looking for in a product and the pain points they’re facing, and then strive to wow them at every turn. And how do you do that? Well, that’s when a product survey comes in handy.

These product survey questions will help you discern product quality and how your buyers perceive them.

  1. How often do you use _____[product name]?
  2. Which of the following features are you most excited about?
  3. How would you compare our product to _______[competitor’s product]
  4. Which features/utilities do we lack?
  5. Does using this product help you accomplish your goal?
  6. Which of the descriptions below best matches you? (Provide choices)
  7. How likely are you to use this product over similar platforms?
  8. In what ways can we improve our product to better meet your needs?
  9. What do you like about this product?
  10. What do you dislike about this product?

eCommerce Survey Questions: Review-related

ecommerce survey questions to about reviews

As Chris Anderson puts it, “ Your brand isn’t what you say it is — it’s what Google says it is.”

And we couldn’t agree more. Given the fact that customers can’t get hands-on and try the product for themselves before purchasing, your reviews & overall ratings more or less seal the deal in the world of eCommerce. So much so that 72% of customers will take action only after reading a positive review. Think about that! 

Now, when you conduct an e-commerce survey for your business, you might as well find out how your customer reviews influence purchase decisions.

  1. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you trust the existing reviews on the products?
  2. How helpful are the product reviews in making your purchase decision?
  3. To what extent does the review on this product affect your decision?
  4. Does the overall product rating affect your judgment?
  5. Do you feel the product descriptions on our website were accurate when you received the actual product?

eCommerce Survey Questions: Customer Support

ecommerce survey questionnaire for chatbot

Did you know that in a study conducted by The Global Consumer, more than one-third of global consumers purchased products online at least once per week? Taking into account the whirlwind speed at which online shopping is growing, the need for seamless customer support has become indisputable.

If you’ve taken the cue to amp up your e-commerce customer service, a customer service feedback survey would be a great first step.

  1. How quickly did our customer-facing staff get back to you on your query?
  2. Did the customer service representative resolve your issue to your satisfaction?
  3. Did you find your wait time to be reasonable?
  4. Do you find the customer service representative: (Helpful, Knowledgeable, Polite & friendly, Well Trained)
  5. What is your preferred line of communication to reach our customer support?
  6. How many sessions did it take to solve your issue?
  7. Did you have to escalate the matter to get your fix?
  8. Did the customer service representative make you feel valued as a customer?
  9. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience with our support staff?
  10. How would you describe your customer service experience with us in a few words?

eCommerce Survey Questions: Shipping and Delivery

questionnaire on ecommerce survey for delivery

When you’re in the eCommerce space, perfecting a seamless online shopping experience is only half the battle. The shipping and delivery experience plays a mammoth role in completing the loop and ensuring your customers are truly happy. Without it, all your efforts are bound to go down the drain.

  1. Did you receive the product on time?
  2. Did your product arrive at the correct address?
  3. Would you be interested in receiving products sooner by enrolling in paid services?
  4. Was the standard shipping cost reasonable?
  5. Did your package arrive undamaged and in good condition?
  6. What three words might you use to describe your delivery experiences with us?
  7. Please rate your overall shipping experience, including any interactions with delivery personnel.
  8. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the following: (Flexibility of delivery schedule, Ability to meet scheduled delivery date, Availability of timely information regarding status of order, Accuracy and completeness of shipments, Quality of product upon delivery, Quality of packaging, Proactive communication regarding backorders/unfulfilled orders, Overall satisfaction with the Shipping and Delivery Process)
  9. If there were one thing we could improve upon in regards to our shipping and delivery process, what would that be?
  10. In an effort to exceed your expectations, what could we do differently to improve your experience with us?
  11. Did you experience any difficulty inputting or changing your billing and payment information?

eCommerce Survey Questions: Branding

ecommerce survey questions on branding

If you need to create an unforgettable e-commerce brand, then branding is non-negotiable. And no, branding isn’t restricted to your logo or fancy color schemes; it’s so much more. In fact, it’s not what your customers see, it is what they feel. 

As eCommerce owners and managers, you ought to know if your web presence, communications, and products are leveraging this single most important advantage. And what better way to find that out other than with surveys themselves!

  1. What are your biggest pain points with the current market offerings?
  2. Thinking about companies that provide X, what companies come to mind?
  3. How much would you expect to pay for [XYZ]?
  4. What problem/s are you trying to solve?
  5. Where do you buy our products/services from?
  6. How would you describe our products to a friend?
  7. When you think of our brand, what comes to mind?
  8. If you had to describe our brand in three words, what would they be?
  9. If you were in charge of this brand/product/service, what’s the first thing you’d change?
  10. How would you feel if you could no longer use our product/service?

Note: As discussed, building a powerful and memorable brand has to be all-pervasive.

Thanks to SurveySparrow, you can now build fully white-labeled surveys that reflect your brand’s identity through and through. With custom CSS, custom SSL & video surveys, you can keep your brand tone intact and make it truly your own.

eCommerce Survey Questions: Marketing

ecommerce survey questionnaire for marketing

Whether you’re in the process of launching a new business or already run one, having a strong online presence and knowing how to sell on Instagram for your brand is very much necessary.

Not only is marketing a must-have for promoting your products, but also for your business’s overall success. So, if you’re eyeing increased traffic and conversions, here are some e-commerce survey questions that will come in handy.

  1. Would you be interested in signing up for our email newsletter to receive announcements and special discounts?
  2. Are you interested in enrolling in a paid subscription membership to receive priority services?
  3. We noticed that you checked out as a guest. Would you like to create an account so you can save your order history and preferences?
  4. Would you like to learn more about our membership benefits?
  5. Do you follow our brand on social media?

3 Benefits of e-Commerce surveys

We can discuss many benefits here, but the following stand out. Have a look at them.

Benefit 1 – Improved Buyer Experience

The feedback collected through the surveys can be helpful in understanding what buyer expectations and preferences are. When you are able to meet their expectations, buyers are satisfied leading greater experience.

Benefit 2 – Insights on Buyers (& Potential Ones)

This is rather helpful in refining the marketing strategies to reach out to potential buyers and how well to present a new product on the website. After all, it’s how you bring the product to the buyers that matter. If the pitch is intriguing enough to make them visit your website and go through the product.

Survey feedback can help here.

Benefit 3 – Informed Decisions

When using a proper survey tool like SurveySparrow, you can get a bit more than a basic insight. With Ai-powered analytics, you will be able to find growing trends and pattern among your customers, which otherwise would have stayed hidden.

Leveraging these, you can make decisions that can make an actual (positive) difference to your eCommerce business.

Final thoughts

With more and more people shopping online, there has never been a better time to start an eCommerce business. Don’t believe us? Wait until you hear the neck-breaking pace at which the global retail landscape is changing –

According to Statista, by 2023, e-commerce will account for more than $6.5 trillion in sales, representing 22% of all global retail sales. And numerous reports estimate that in another 10-20 years, 95% of all purchases will be through eCommerce. Holy moly! 

In this time of cutthroat competition, the only way to survive the eCommerce space is by staying ahead of the curve, identifying lagging areas, and capturing evolving trends at the onset. The faster you do this, the better.

So whether you’re already involved in the running of an eCommerce business or are looking to get involved with your first venture, we hope these e-commerce survey questionnaires for your customers proved to be helpful. Good luck!

We’re rooting for you.

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Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

Turn every feedback into a growth opportunity

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