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Ever thought of Amping Up Surveys through Video? Well, We have and We can!

blog author

Athira Unnikrishnan

Last Updated: 18 September 2024

4 min read

Surveys have come a long way and so did SurveySparrow. We’ve been relentlessly involved in bettering surveys from day one. Our team has been pulling out all the stops to deliver perfect surveys and our hard work did bear fruits. This time too, we’ve hit a home run and a phenomenal one that too!

But before spilling the beans, let’s take a look at how surveys evolved at our place so that you know how big of a deal our new addition is!

How Surveys Evolved at SurveySparrow

Surveys still remained lifeless and boring even after the advent of online surveys. A swipe, a click and a scroll it was..but online forms were just as disengaging and mundane and of course, a kind welcome to biased responses. Response rates kind of depended on sheer luck. Disappointing indeed!

Just like any other survey platform, we, at SurveySparrow was equally flustered by the ‘boring’ part and we had to put an end to this. We wanted the best for our customers. Engagement became our prime objective. Indeed, it was a tough nut to crack but guess what. Bull’s eye it was!

One after one, we weeded out the ‘booooring’ elements from surveys and sprinkled some ‘engaging dust’! We brought in the conversational forms and chat-like surveys with an assortment of fascinating templates and themes, multiple question types and share options. And the result was a 40% more response rate. Can our customers ‘be’ more happy?! Well, yes they can!

Introducing ‘The Belle of our Ball’!

Dear Users, brace yourselves. We are going to take your surveys to a whole new level. Your respondents are not going to like but love your surveys.

‘What’s all this build-up about’ you would think. It’s that big a deal! We can barely contain our excitement. Shall we officially break the news, then?

SurveySparrow has come up with yet another path-breaking survey. Here’s introducing our stunner addition –

A one of its kind Video Survey! (pops party poppers!!!)

Aha! I hear it now…the waves of excitement and the apprehensive whispers. Wait till you dig into the meat and potatoes of our video survey, you are gonna smile from ear to ear!

Fleshing out our Online Video Survey…..

With this one of a kind survey, you can now trigger questionnaires while a video runs in the background. Your respondents can attend the survey while watching a related video.

Why does our Video Survey stand out in the crowd?

Visuals never fail to catch our attention and when that’s the case, you are bound to receive unbiased responses and that too in tons! More response rates and reliable answers! Sweet! We’ve wanted this our whole life, didn’t we?!

Time and tide waits for none, they say. Well, tide still doesn’t, but time does! Guess what? You can trigger your surveys at any point in time during the video. There are no herculean procedures involved either. All you need to do is decide a time and feed it in! Do you want to loop the video or mute it? No worries. You have that option as well. That was breezy!

Where do you put the Video Surveys into use?

Say, you are conducting an annual employee engagement survey. Well, your slightly reluctant employees open the survey and what do they see?! A survey that has a video playing in the background showcasing all the important moments that took place during the entire year. This way your employees can literally brush up through all the pivotal moments of the year, take a stance and respond accordingly.

Well, this is one from an array of use cases that a video survey can serve. Here are a few others:

  • Educational Professionals can conduct quizzes based on a video.
  • Gauge customer opinion and procure feedback by including a video survey during your product launch.
  • Get audience to sign-up for your event while the trailer video is running.
  • Video surveys on tourist destinations to help travellers decide their package.
  • Shopping experience surveys where customers can fill out surveys while watching a video of the store.

Now that’s engagement taken a few levels higher! Ah! There it is. There’s that broad smile I was talking about.

Well, that’s all for now, folks! Here’s to good times and better surveys with SurveySparrow

P.S: Hey, why wait? Go on, try our video survey now!

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Athira Unnikrishnan

Just a plain soul enthralled by the power of words and the aroma of food!

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow.

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