
Our surveys come with superpowers ⚡

Blog Customer Experience

How to Create a Customer Survey?

Kate Williams

Last Updated:  

27 June 2024

5 min read

The success of any business is based on how well they understand their customers. The more you learn the more tailored your business offerings can be.

So, what’s the best way to understand your customers?

Yes, you got it right. Customer surveys!

In this blog, we will discuss how easy it is to create and share a customer survey using one of the best customer survey software.

How to Create a Customer Survey with SurveySparrow?

To begin with, we will be using SurveySparrow to create the customer survey for obvious reasons.

Step 1 – Sign Up

First and foremost, you will have to sign up for SurveySparrow. It offers a free-forever plan as well as a 14-day free trial for premium features.

If you are not already a SurveySparrow user, use the below-provided form to sign up for free.

Step 2 – Choose the Customer Survey

Upon signing up, you will be taken to a dashboard where you will create, share, analyze, and manage surveys and feedback. It will look something like this.

choose nps survey from customer experience surveys

Since we are conducting customer surveys, click on the new survey and choose ‘Customer Experience Surveys’. A new pop-up will appear, showing three options: NPS® , CSAT, and CES.

We will be taking NPS® to explain.

Step 3 – Decide on the Survey Questions

Once you select the NPS® surveys, you will be taken to a new dashboard where you can add survey questions. The tool offers a variety of survey questions to choose from. Go through it and choose the ideal one for you.

In our case, for NPS® surveys, the main question will look something like this.

nps survey template

display and skip logic in surveysparrow
Conditional logic in SurveySparrow

Depending on the score provided by the respondents, you should follow it up with relevant follow-up questions. For example, suppose a survey respondent chooses the score 6. For a score of 6, the customer will be a detractor. Therefore, follow it up with questions like –

“Would you let us know the reason for your score?

This will yield more insight into customer needs and preferences.

You can do the survey question manually, or you can use SurveySparrow’s AI Wing.

Just add in the type of survey you want to create, and AI will do the test.

PS – The tool also offers countless options to design your surveys, including a custom option.

Step 4 – Share

You have to choose the right time and channel to share your survey. This is why SurveySparrow offers 10+ channels for sharing.

different survey share options on surveysparrow
Different survey share options on SurveySparrow

Do the required research and find out what the most preferred channel by your customers is and select that platform to share the surveys.

And that’s it! Easy, right?

Bonus Step – Feedback Analysis

SurveySparrow houses one of the best-in-class advanced analytics capabilities to analyze customer feedback. Apart from providing you with the obvious insights like NPS® score, promoters, detractors, and so on, you can expect more detailed ones.

The following are a few such insights you can expect.

Now if this feels like a lengthy process, and you want to kickstart your surveys instantly, you can always use templates. Read on to the next section for more insights.

Free Customer Survey Templates

For those who want to run a survey faster, here are some customer survey templates to consider. The following templates are customizable to your specific needs and can be used for free upon sign-up.

Try them out!

1. Net Promoter ScoreSM Survey

Customer NPS® Survey Template

2. Customer Satisfaction Survey

CSAT Survey Template

3. Customer Effort Score Survey

CES Survey Template

4. Customer Analysis Survey

Customer Analysis Survey Template

5. Customer Experience Survey

Customer Experience Survey Template

The above-listed are only a very few of the many prebuilt templates offered by SurveySparrow. They have a vast library of templates catering to each industry’s needs. Use the below form to sign up for free and choose the template of your liking to collect customer feedback.

5 Tips to Consider While Creating a Customer Survey

To make the most out of the surveys and make the creation process more efficient, here are some tips and tricks from our CX professionals.

tips to create a customer survey

Tip 1 – Define the Survey Goal

It is essential to understand the goal of running the survey. For example, if you want to measure customer satisfaction, then go for CSAT surveys. At the same time, if you want to calculate loyalty, go for NPS® surveys.

Similarly, define your end objective and select the right type of survey.

Tip 2 – Choose the Right Share Channel

It is equally important to share through the right channel as much as it is to share at the right time.

Imagine creating a perfect customer survey and sharing through SMS, while most of your customers’ preferred channel is WhatsApp. Complete waste, right? Exactly.

So, make sure that you select the right channel to share the surveys.

Tip 3 – Keep the Questions Simple and Concise

The last thing you need is your customer feeling survey fatigue. The questions (both in length and number) will go on and on and on…

To avoid this, try to keep the survey and survey questions simple and short. But do not forget to ask the relevant questions. You can always use SurveySparrow’s AI feature to get an overview of the number and type of questions to ask. This way, you can ensure that your survey is of optimal length and that the questions are straightforward and concise.

Tip 4 – Offer Incentives

Incentivizing surveys is one way to engage customers and build trust and loyalty among them. While it’s not a must-have option, offering an incentive at the end of the survey would be a best practice.

Why? Because customers are taking time from their busy schedules to provide you with insights. Therefore, it’s only logical to offer them something and make them feel valued.

Common incentives offered for survey completion are as follows –

  • Coupons
  • Gift cards
  • Giveaways
  • Digital resources
  • Loyalty points
  • Monetary policy

Tip 5 – Always Follow Up

This is a must-do step. No matter the type of survey you are running, always follow up with the respondents.

For example, you have received feedback, analyzed it to find areas for improvement, and acted on it. Once the changes are set in place, follow up with the respective set of customers who have pointed out the areas and let them know their insights have been helpful to improve the overall business.

As a result, the customers will feel valued and more connected with the brand, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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