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Travel Surveys: 160 Survey Questions + Free Templates

blog author

Parvathi Vijayamohan

Last Updated: 27 August 2024

12 min read

Ever wondered what makes a trip unforgettable? Is it the destination, the people you meet, the food you eat, or the journey itself? The truth is, the travel experience is like a 3D puzzle, and to understand it, we need to dive deeper. That’s what the best travel surveys do.

Whether it’s planning your team trip or perfecting the public transit system; travel surveys can help us unlock the secrets of how - and why - we travel. 

In this blog, we will explore: 

What are Travel Surveys?

A travel survey is a tool to collect information about how people travel, their preferences, and the reasons for their travel decisions. 

Who Uses Travel Surveys?

Government agencies, transportation planners, urban researchers, and businesses use travel surveys. Their goal is to understand travel patterns and improve their services.

Also, there are other groups that use travel surveys as well, like:

  • Environmental organizations: To assess the impact of current transportation on air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and resource consumption.
  • Non-profit organizations: To study the impact of transportation programs and policies on vulnerable sections of society.
  • Insurance companies: To understand risk factors and pricing for travel insurance policies.
  • Market research firms: To gather data on consumer preferences, spending habits, and travel trends.
  • Academic researchers: To study the relationship between urban planning, travel behavior, and economic development.
  • Tech companies: To develop and improve location-based services, navigation apps, and transportation-related technologies.

Why Do We Use Them: The Importance of Travel Surveys

Travel surveys help us understand how people move around, which is important as our cities grow and our population expands. 

Moreover, the data from these surveys is used to make transportation better. Like designing new roads, improving public transit, or creating safer, more convenient travel options. 

They also help businesses like airlines, hotels, and travel agencies meet customer needs. This leads to better experiences and increased customer loyalty.

Types of Travel Surveys: 160 Sample Questions + Free Travel Survey Templates

Here are different types of travel surveys. Click to skip to the one that you need:

These questions will help you cover all the key areas for a comprehensive travel questionnaire. 

You can test them out by creating one from scratch - or use our AI survey maker to generate travel survey questions instantly. Get started below!

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Business Travel Questionnaire

Purpose: Get insights on travel habits, preferences, and challenges faced by business travelers.

  1. What was the purpose of your business trip?
  2. How satisfied were you with your flight booking process?
  3. Did the accommodation meet your business needs?
  4. How did you arrange transportation for your meetings?
  5. Did you face any challenges during your trip?
  6. How important is Wi-Fi access during your travel?
  7. Were you able to balance work and leisure during your trip?
  8. How did the travel cost impact your company budget?
  9. Would you recommend this airline/hotel for future business trips?
  10. How can we improve your next business travel experience?

Business Travel Request Form Template

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Vacation Survey

Purpose: Collect information on leisure travel experiences, destinations, and factors influencing vacation choices.

  1. What was the main reason for choosing this vacation destination?
  2. How did you hear about this destination?
  3. What type of accommodation did you stay in?
  4. How satisfied were you with the local attractions?
  5. Did you purchase any travel insurance for this trip?
  6. How did you plan your daily activities?
  7. What transportation did you use during your vacation?
  8. How important was the weather in your decision to travel?
  9. How much did you spend on dining and entertainment?
  10. Would you visit this destination again?

Client Experience Surveys

Purpose:  To assess and improve travel agency or booking service interactions.

  1. How easy was it to book your travel with us?
  2. Did our staff meet your expectations?
  3. Was your itinerary clear and accurate?
  4. How satisfied were you with our customer service?
  5. Did you experience any problems during your trip?
  6. How likely are you to use our service again?
  7. Were there any hidden fees or costs?
  8. Did our service make your trip easier?
  9. How can we improve our booking process?
  10. Would you recommend us to others?

Guest Stay Feedback

Purpose: For feedback on hotel stays or vacation rentals.

  1. How satisfied were you with your room cleanliness?
  2. Did our staff meet your expectations?
  3. Were the hotel amenities (e.g., pool, gym) satisfactory?
  4. How easy was the check-in and check-out process?
  5. Did you enjoy the food and dining options?
  6. How was the location of our hotel?
  7. Did you experience any issues during your stay?
  8. How did our hotel compare to others you’ve stayed at?
  9. How likely are you to stay with us again?
  10. Would you recommend our hotel to friends and family?

Suggested reading: How to Create Guest Satisfaction Surveys

Loyalty Program Surveys

Purpose: To determine what keeps customers returning.

  1. How satisfied are you with the rewards program?
  2. How easy is it to earn and redeem points?
  3. What types of rewards do you prefer?
  4. Have you used any exclusive offers?
  5. How likely are you to continue using this loyalty program?
  6. Do you feel valued as a loyal customer?
  7. What additional benefits would you like to see?
  8. How does this program compare to others you’ve used?
  9. How often do you travel using loyalty rewards?
  10. What could we do to make our program better?

Tour Evaluations

Purpose: To gauge the quality of tours and customer satisfaction.

  1. How would you rate the quality of the tour?
  2. Was the tour guide knowledgeable and friendly?
  3. Did the tour meet your expectations?
  4. How was the transportation during the tour?
  5. Was the tour a good value for the price?
  6. How did you hear about the tour?
  7. Did the tour cover all the places you wanted to visit?
  8. Were there any challenges during the tour?
  9. How likely are you to recommend this tour to others?
  10. What improvements would you suggest for future tours?

Tourist Feedback

Purpose: For municipalities to improve the hospitality and attractiveness of their area.

  1. How welcoming did you find the local community?
  2. Did you feel safe during your visit?
  3. What was your favorite part of the city or town?
  4. How easy was it to find information about local attractions?
  5. Did you use public transportation during your stay?
  6. How satisfied were you with the cleanliness of public spaces?
  7. Did you visit any local restaurants? How was the food?
  8. How likely are you to recommend this city to others?
  9. What improvements could make the city more tourist-friendly?
  10. Would you consider returning to this destination?

Travel Motivation Survey

Purpose: Understanding the reasons behind the trip, such as leisure, business, relaxation, adventure, or cultural experiences.

  1. What inspired you to take this trip?
  2. Did you travel for leisure, business, or a mix of both?
  3. How important was relaxation in choosing your destination?
  4. Were adventure activities part of your plan?
  5. Did cultural experiences influence your travel decision?
  6. How did past travel experiences affect this trip?
  7. Did you plan this trip alone or with others?
  8. How far in advance did you plan your trip?
  9. What was the most important factor in your travel decision?
  10. Would you visit this destination again?

Travel Agency Survey

Purpose: Assess customer satisfaction with travel agencies, focusing on booking processes and service quality.

  1. How easy was it to find the travel package you were looking for?
  2. Were the travel options provided by the agency within your budget?
  3. How satisfied were you with the agency's customer service?
  4. Did the travel agent provide clear and helpful information?
  5. How likely are you to book your next trip through this agency?
  6. Were there any hidden fees or unexpected costs?
  7. Did the agency offer any exclusive deals or promotions?
  8. How satisfied were you with the travel itinerary provided?
  9. Would you recommend this travel agency to others?
  10. How could the agency improve its services?

Travel Agency Survey Template

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Destination Selection

Purpose: Diving into how travelers learned about their destination, the influence of social media, research conducted, and the role of external factors like promotions or the weather.

  1. How did you first hear about your travel destination?
  2. Were social media or influencer posts a factor in your decision?
  3. How much research did you do before choosing your destination?
  4. Did you receive any personal recommendations for this destination?
  5. Were travel promotions or discounts important in your decision?
  6. How did the weather influence your choice of destination?
  7. Did you consider the cultural or historical significance of the destination?
  8. How important was safety when selecting your destination?
  9. What was the main reason you chose this destination?
  10. Would you recommend this destination to others?

Travel Package and Promotion Surveys

Purpose: To understand customer preferences for travel packages.

  1. Which travel packages did you consider before booking?
  2. What made you choose this particular package?
  3. How satisfied were you with the overall value of the package?
  4. Did the package meet your expectations?
  5. How did you hear about our promotions?
  6. Would you book a package with us again?
  7. Were you satisfied with the flexibility of the package options?
  8. How important were discounts in your decision to book?
  9. How likely are you to recommend our packages to others?
  10. What additional package options would you like to see?

Accommodation Preferences

Purpose: Understanding the type of accommodations people tend to choose, the importance of amenities, budget allocation, and the influence of reviews.

  1. What type of accommodation did you choose (e.g., hotel, Airbnb)?
  2. How important were amenities like Wi-Fi, breakfast, or a pool?
  3. Did the location of your accommodation influence your decision?
  4. Was the cost of the accommodation within your budget?
  5. How did online reviews affect your choice of accommodation?
  6. Did you book directly or through a third-party site?
  7. How satisfied were you with the cleanliness of the accommodation?
  8. Was the staff at the accommodation friendly and helpful?
  9. Would you stay at this accommodation again?
  10. What improvements would you suggest for your accommodation?

Transportation Methods Survey

Purpose: Exploring the mode of transport, factors influencing the choice, and satisfaction with the transportation experience.

  1. What mode of transportation did you use for your trip?
  2. Did you choose your transport based on environmental concerns?
  3. How important was cost in your choice of transport?
  4. How satisfied were you with the comfort of your travel?
  5. Did you book your transport in advance or last minute?
  6. How punctual was your transportation?
  7. Would you use the same mode of transport again?
  8. Were there any issues with your travel?
  9. What improvements would you suggest for better transport options?
  10. Overall, how satisfied were you with your choice of transport?

Travel Budget and Expenditure

Purpose: Assessing the total budget, spending on dining, insurance, activities, shopping, and unexpected costs.

  1. What was your total budget for this trip?
  2. How much did you spend on accommodations?
  3. How much did you allocate for dining and meals?
  4. Did you purchase travel insurance for this trip?
  5. How much did you spend on activities and experiences?
  6. Were there any unexpected expenses during your trip?
  7. Did you spend more or less than you originally planned?
  8. How much did you spend on shopping and souvenirs?
  9. Was your trip cost-effective overall?
  10. Would you adjust your budget for future trips?

Travel Expense Report Template

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Travel Companions

Purpose: Examining whether travelers were solo or with others, the influence of companions on destination choices and the travel experience, and the ease of coordination.

  1. Did you travel solo or with others?
  2. If with others, who were your travel companions (e.g., family, friends)?
  3. How did your travel companions influence your destination choice?
  4. Did traveling with others affect your budget or spending?
  5. Were there any challenges coordinating with your travel companions?
  6. Did your companions have any special needs or requirements?
  7. How satisfied were you with the group’s travel experience?
  8. Did you and your companions agree on activities and destinations?
  9. How likely are you to travel with the same companions again?
  10. What could have made the trip more enjoyable for your group?

Safety and Health Concerns

Purpose: Addressing issues like vaccinations, political stability, safety measures, health incidents, and awareness of local emergency services.

  1. Did you receive any vaccinations before your trip?
  2. Did you feel safe during your travels?
  3. Were political stability or safety concerns a factor in your destination choice?
  4. What safety measures did you take during your trip?
  5. Did you encounter any health issues while traveling?
  6. How well did the local healthcare facilities meet your needs?
  7. Were you aware of local emergency services and how to access them?
  8. Did you purchase travel insurance for health-related concerns?
  9. How satisfied were you with the overall safety of your destination?
  10. What could have been done to make you feel safer during your trip?

COVID-19 Travel Survey Template

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How to Conduct Travel Surveys: The Methodology

  • Define Your Objectives: Clearly decide what information you need, like travel habits, preferences, or spending.
  • Pick a Sampling Strategy: Choose who you want to survey, like a specific group of travelers or residents in a particular area.
  • Design Your Travel Questionnaire: Create easy-to-understand questions, using a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended question types.
  • Maximize Your Data Collection: We suggest using text surveys, QR code surveys or in-app surveys as they are easier for people to respond to.
  • Analyze the Data: Use tools to analyze the data and find important patterns. Text analysis tools like CogniVue can help you quickly dissect open-ended feedback.
  • Present the Report: Summarize your findings and share them with the right people.

How to Collect Travel Feedback with SurveySparrow

You don’t need to be a tech expert here, because conducting travel surveys with SurveySparrow is super-simple. You can start fresh or choose from 1,000+ survey templates.

Read: How to create a normal survey.

To save time, you can also create a questionnaire in seconds with AI. 

Read: How to create an AI survey.

Then once your survey is ready, share it in different ways - through text message, QR codes, email or even WhatsApp. 

Once people start responding, you will get an auto-generated report that updates with each new response. And once you have enough data, you can visualize it with our Executive Dashboard or do a deeper analysis to spot patterns and themes. 

With the whole process - from survey creation to analysis - in one place, SurveySparrow makes it easy to collect and use your feedback effectively!

Wrapping Up

Travel surveys don’t just help businesses understand how people travel or what they need. They also help governments improve transportation systems, and urban planners design better travel experiences.

All of these efforts combined help to make travel safer, easier, and more enjoyable for everyone.

Let us help you explore how these powerful tools can shape the future of travel, and create better experiences for everyone on the move. Click here to try SurveySparrow for free.

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Parvathi Vijayamohan

Content marketer at SurveySparrow.

Parvathi is a sociologist turned marketer. After 6 years as a copywriter, she pivoted to B2B, diving into growth marketing for SaaS. Now she uses content and conversion optimization to fuel growth - focusing on CX, reputation management and feedback methodology for businesses.

Turn every feedback into a growth opportunity

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