The Only "How Well Do You Know Me Questions" You'll Ever Need

Aysha Muhammed
Last Updated: 30 September 2024
10 min read

“How well do you know me questions” are the new “it” trend. Besides making up for a fun communication game, these questions inevitably serve as a “refresher course” every now and then.
You can ask your partner, friends, family, and co-workers these questions to see how much and, most importantly, how well they know you. These questions are a great way to deepen your relationships with them and find out quirks, preferences, and habits you may have missed out on.
How to Get Started With “How Well You Know Me” Surveys
While the deal on these questions seems pretty straightforward, there is no one set way to use them. If you’re struggling to get started, here are some creative ways that will help you launch your “How well do you know me” questions:
#1. Roll out a “How well do you know me” survey!
“How well do you know me” surveys help you dig out everything that makes someone who they are. You know, questions about favorite foods, travel spots, and even thoughts on love and relationships! (It’s like a sneak peek into someone’s world.)
The best part? You’ll get to know each other inside-out.
You can use online survey tools such as SurveySparrow to create engaging surveys. You can customize them to your liking.
How Well Do You Know Me Template
Use This TemplateThis is just one of the 1000+ pre-designed survey templates at your disposal. If you’re feeling a little lazy. You can sit back and let AI create your surveys!
#2. Online quizzes
Online quizzes are an underdog when asking unique “how well do you know me questions.” Painstakingly easy and uncomplicated, it is a surprise they are not as effectively utilized as much.
If you plan to go this route, it’s best to rely on SurveySparrow’s online quiz maker, with which you can effortlessly emulate those rad BuzzFeed quizzes! Thanks to its automated scoring system, you can assign scores to each respondent and even show personalized results based on their score.
Sign up now to create for FREE.
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#3. Sit down together and ask questions as they are
This method will work exceptionally well if you both have known each other for quite some time. Ask your significant other to answer some of these questions one by one and see how much they can get right.
#4. Have a conversation about the questions
Instead of quizzing someone, you can choose to discuss your answers simultaneously. This method is excellent if you want to get away with the “quizzing” aspect and opt for a more relaxed approach to this.
#5. Have them write their answers down
If you don’t want to impact one another’s answers by whoever responds first, you can simply write down answers to the questions, and when you are finished, discuss your answers together.
How Well Do You Know Me Questions That Revisit Your Childhood
These questions are focused on a person’s early life experiences, memories, and preferences. You can ask them to help your friends, family, or partner learn more about you.
Here are some questions you can ask.
- What is my maiden name?
- What is my middle name?
- When is my birthday?
- What is my sun sign?
- Where did I go to my high school?
- Who were my school friends?
- What was my first pet’s name?
- Who was my first celebrity crush?
- Did I play any instruments growing up?
- What was my dream job growing up?
- What was my favorite subject in school?
- Am I still friends with anyone from middle school?
- What sport did I play in junior high?
- Did I ever get heartbroken as a kid?
- What superpowers did I wish I had when I was a kid?
- If I could change one decision I made when I was younger, what would it be and why?
- What city was I born in?
- Which was the first car I ever purchased?
- Do I have any siblings?
- What was my favorite cartoon character growing up?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions About Family
These are a set of questions that you can ask to evaluate how well someone knows your family or relationship background. Asking such questions can be fun during a family or friends get-together.
The questions are as follows.
- Who am I closest to (tell me why if you can)?
- Who do I look like the most?
- What’s my go-to comfort food when I’m home?
- What is my most cherished memory with my siblings?
- Oh, wait! Tell me the names of my siblings.
- Am I like my mom, dad, or someone else in my family?
- Is there something weird that I do only when I’m around them?
- Who in my family will be the first to embarrass me in public?
- What’s the name of my family pet?
- What’s my favorite thing to do with them?

How Well Do You Know Me Questions About Food
Test your close friends and family to know how well they know about your food preferences. These questions can also be used as icebreaker ones. The questions are as follows.
- Let’s start with the obvious: Am I a foodie or a picky eater?
- What is my comfort meal?
- Am I a fan of spicy food, or do I prefer mild flavors?
- If I could eat one snack forever, what would that be?
- Ah, that reminds me, do I have a sweet tooth?
- Do I like my eggs scrambled or sunny-side-up?
- What is my ultimate guilty pleasure?
- Am I a tea or a coffee person? (or, am I a teetotaler?)
- Do I like to cook?
- What would it be if I had to choose one cuisine for the rest of my life?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions About Travel
Help your friends understand your travel preferences and goals – and have fun while doing so. Consider asking the following questions.
- Do I journal when I travel?
- Am I an early bird?
- What is my dream destination?
- Am I an organized traveler or someone who goes with the flow?
Hey, am I more like Monica or Joey? (if you know, you know!) - Where did I travel last?
- How do I feel about road trips?
- What’s my travel pet peeve?
- Do I like to travel solo?
- How will I react when a trip is canceled?
- Lastly, a cliche: am I a mountain or beach person?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions About Love and Relationships
Put your partner to the test and see how well they know you – really know you. Start with the questions listed below and work your way up.
- Am I a hopeless romantic?
- What’s the most important quality I look for in a partner?
- What’s one deal-breaker for me? (the red flag)
- Do I believe in second chances?
- What’s my take on long-distance?
- What’s my favorite romantic movie?
- Sing my all-time cherished love song. Can you?
- Do I believe in love at first sight?

How Well Do You Know Me Questions Related to Likes, Interests, and Preferences
These are mostly general questions, something you could use to kick off your date or a conversation with the person you like. You can also tailor this to get to to know your employees and co-workers better. This will come in handy when you have to decide on executive gift ideas for your employees and coworkers.
- Which is my favorite TV show?
- Who is my best friend?
- What’s my favorite season of the year?
- If I could meet one historical figure, who would it be?
- What’s my favorite ice cream flavor?
- Am I into pop culture?
- Who’s my favorite musician?
- Am I interested in fashion?
- What’s my comfort wear?
- Which social media do I use the most?
- How much time do I spend on social media?
- Which is my favorite color?
- Who is my favorite musician?
- Which is my favorite band?
- Have I ever shoplifted anything?
- What is my dream vacation?
- What inspires me the most?
- Do I play any sport?
- What makes me feel nostalgic
- Am I a morning or night person?
- What’s my least favorite food?
- What makes me feel the most vulnerable?
- Do I consider myself an introvert or an extrovert?
- What is my highest aspiration?
- Do I make excuses for my bad behavior?
- What brings me the most joy?
- What makes me laugh?
- Am I a saver or a spender?
- What’s my favorite thing to do on the weekends?
- Have I met anyone famous?
- What’s my favorite and least favorite chore to do around the house?
- What show am I currently binge-watching?
- Am I a beach or mountain person?
- What is my biggest pet peeve?
- What are my favorite pastimes?
- How many languages do I speak?
- What’s the farthest I’ve driven in my car?
- Am I more of a rule follower or rule-breaker?
- What’s my go-to cuisine?
- What is something I find difficult that others find easy?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions to Ask When You Want to Have Deep Conversations
As the heading implies, use the following questions (at least as the starter) to have deep conversations with the person you like (who else, right 😅).
- What am I most scared of?
- What’s something that’d cheer me up no matter how sad I am?
- What is one of my fondest childhood memories?
- If I could change one thing about myself, what would it be?
- For what in my life do I feel most grateful?
- Would I ever want to be famous?
- What would be my idea of a “perfect” day?
- What have I always wanted to do but haven’t done yet?
- What do I count as my greatest accomplishment in life so far?
- When did I last cry in front of someone?
- If I could have three wishes, what would I wish for?
- What does spirituality mean to me?
- What do you think was my biggest learning from my past relationship?
- How do I want people to remember me after I die?
- What is the most intense experience I’ve had so far?
- How do I like to unwind and relax after a long day?
- How do I make up after a fight?
- What do you think is my love language?
- What’s something that makes me feel loved?

Wrapping up
As discussed, these questions make up for an excellent way to gauge how attentive your friends and family are. It is an excellent way for people to get to know you better and open the way for deeper conversations.
But make sure this exercise is done in good sport. It is perfectly okay if they do not get each and everything right. In fact, it is entirely normal for some information to get lost on the radar. So remember not to get too hung up on their responses. Good luck!
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Aysha Muhammed
Part-time hermit and a full-time writer trying to survive the SaaS space, one blog at a time. Bylines in digital but always on deadline.
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