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How To Use AI for Better Customer Engagement to Boost Sales

blog author

Gracie Myers

Last Updated: 21 March 2024

11 min read

We can safely say that “Artificial intelligence has taken the business world by storm.” It has evolved into one of the most influential business tools in the world. AI can be defined as a disruptive technology that is changing how businesses do almost everything. At the top of the list is that AI is overhauling the customer engagement. We all understand how valuable the customer experience is to businesses, so it’s important to note that artificial intelligence has provided us with a way to improve the entire journey vastly.

By the year-end, nearly 40% of all business-related digital transformation initiatives are expected to incorporate AI. We also expect almost all customer interactions to be handled by this technology, removing human interaction.

AI is powerful because it can process and analyze vast amounts of data from every imaginable source. This includes predicting behavior. Let’s look deeper at how marketing utilizes AI’s full potential.

But, before that, let’s clear the basics.

What is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement creates and maintains a positive connection between a business and its customers. It involves actively reaching out to customers, understanding their needs, and ensuring they have a good experience with the company.

Simply, it’s how a business connects with and keeps its customers happy and satisfied. Think of it as building a solid and lasting relationship where customers feel valued and want to continue doing business with you.

AI Customer Engagement: What’s That?

Yes, you guessed it right. Just as the title suggests, it is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to enhance and streamline interactions between businesses and their customers.

AI-driven tools and systems are implemented to understand customer preferences better, provide personalized experiences, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

In the context of customer engagement, AI can analyze large sets of customer data. Moreover, AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated systems can provide instant and efficient customer support.

Elements of AI Customer Engagement

Various elements of AI customer engagement enhance how businesses interact with their target audience. Here is a list of the key features:


  • Data Analysis: Gathering and analyzing customer data.
  • Personalization: Customizing interactions based on preferences.
  • Predictive Analytics: Anticipating future customer behaviors.
  • Chatbots/Virtual Assistants: Providing instant automated support.
  • Natural Language Processing: Understanding human language for meaningful communication.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Gauging customer satisfaction from reviews and interactions.
  • Automation: Streamlining routine tasks for efficiency.
  • Omnichannel Integration: Ensuring consistent experiences across channels.
  • Machine Learning: Adapting and improving strategies based on new data.
  • Recommendation Engines: Suggesting products/services based on customer behavior.
  • Customer Journey Mapping: Optimizing interactions at each stage.
  • Continuous Learning: Refining strategies through ongoing learning and improvement.

AI-Powered Customer Engagement: Challenges

Data Privacy and Compliance:

Balancing the use of customer data for personalization while ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations is a top challenge. Businesses must navigate complex legal landscapes and prioritize customer privacy to build and maintain trust.

Algorithm Accuracy and Bias:

Ensuring the accuracy of AI algorithms and mitigating biases is crucial. Biased algorithms can lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes, impacting customer satisfaction and trust.

Customer Trust and Acceptance:

Gaining and maintaining customer trust in AI-driven interactions is challenging. Some customers may be wary of automated systems, and businesses must effectively communicate the benefits while addressing concerns.

Integration Complexity:

Integrating AI systems with existing infrastructure can be complex and resource-intensive. Compatibility issues with legacy systems may pose challenges, requiring careful planning and execution.

Adaptation to Changing Customer Behavior:

Customer behaviors and preferences evolve. AI systems must be adaptable to these changes, and businesses need strategies to keep their AI models and approaches up-to-date and relevant.

Enhancing Customer Engagement with AI Surveys

You know how important it is to understand and respond to customer needs. Right? AI surveys enhance customer engagement through personalized, adaptive, and data-driven interactions, fostering a deeper understanding of customer needs and preferences. Let’s take a deeper look into it:

Features of AI Surveys

  • Real-time Analytics: AI surveys provide instant data analysis, allowing businesses to access real-time insights into customer sentiments and preferences.
  • Personalized Experiences: AI algorithms tailor survey questions based on individual customer data, ensuring a personalized and relevant survey experience.
  • Adaptive Questioning: Dynamic survey questions that adjust based on respondents’ answers, streamlining the survey-taking process and keeping customers engaged.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI can predict customer trends and behaviors, offering businesses valuable foresight for strategic decision-making.
  • Targeted Follow-ups: AI-driven surveys identify specific customer preferences or concerns, enabling businesses to implement targeted follow-up actions.

The benefits of using AI in your surveys are numerous. Likewise, having an advanced tool to help you out is equally vital. Take SurveySparrow, for instance. The platform makes your surveys more engaging and efficient.

Incorporating AI surveys streamlines the feedback process and actively contributes to enhanced customer engagement. Plus, the platform also has a ChatGPT plugin to make your life easier! All you need to do is enter a simple prompt and let AI do the magic.

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Chatbots Have a Huge Impact on the Customer Experience

Customers love a streamlined buying experience, so businesses that can automate it will make a positive impact. As long as the experience is hassle-free, people will love it. Chatbots are a great example of AI customer engagement. They are programmed with conversational algorithms that can be used in several different customer scenarios. For instance, we see them used in customer service outlets to handle complaints and eliminate unnecessary delays. When businesses can automate these processes, they reduce their overhead costs because they don’t have to train employees to handle these issues.

Customers love a streamlined buying experience, so businesses that can automate it are going to make a positive impact.


Artificial intelligence uses a process known as predictive personalization to monitor customer behavior and then predict their next series of actions. This level of customization makes the overall experience feel as if it’s catered to each customer. Amazon uses this technology to create a fully immersive experience for its shoppers by monitoring visitors’ behavior on its website and placing them into specific marketing channels. It’s how they can send information about products that customers are interested in.

Analytics Provide Key Customer Insights

Artificial intelligence and business analytics go hand-in-hand by providing marketing professionals with the right insights into customers’ behavior. Not only will they monitor behavior, but they will automatically compile reports and ensure that the right people see them. That way, leaders can make better decisions moving forward.

AI customer engagement analytical tools include text analytics to identify key metrics through complex data structures.

Voice, Visual, and Text Engagements are Essential

We now have the technology to analyze conversations and determine their sentiment. For instance, algorithms can be written that detect specific facial expressions in face-to-face communications and can detect nuances in vocal conversations. The benefits are that these systems will route these people to the right places. This will build customer satisfaction since customers want a seamless experience. They don’t care if a system is automated as long as it provides them with what they need.

A Quick Guide to AI Customer Engagement

Now that you understand how artificial intelligence improves the customer experience let’s focus on getting your business! Most of these steps can be done in-house, but some companies might find it beneficial to bring in an outside provider like the Research Optimus Team to help set it up.

Step 1: Personalize the Customer Experience

Artificial intelligence can be used to personalize content. People no longer have to spend hours researching to find a product or service that makes their lives easier. Look at places like YouTube and Amazon to see how they flawlessly provide recommendations based on your history.

Therefore, your business needs to put in systems that fully utilize AI to offer personalized content. Customers are more likely to buy from a business that has products or services targeted to them.

Step 2: Use Chatbots to Augment Customer Service

One method of collecting data is through chatbots. These virtual systems are designed to talk to leads when they visit your website. I’m sure you’ve come across them on one page or another. Chatbots serve as a guide for your customers, leading them all of the ways through the journey. They create awareness, interest, and help the customer decide to take action.

Chatbots can be installed on the backend of several areas of your website – from lead generation pages to inventory management. They will then relay essential information to the right people.

AI can continue the cycle of personalizing a conversation with potential customers by serving as a sales assistant.

Step 3: Utilize the Power of AI Through Virtual Assistants

AI can continue the cycle of personalizing a conversation with potential customers by serving as a sales assistant. For instance, the Research Optimus Team can install machine learning and Natural Language Understanding technology to interact with customers. This frees your team to focus on hot leads while the automated system communicates with cold leads.

Step 4: Use AI-Enabled Analytics to Identify Customer Insights

Customers leave a rather large digital trail wherever they go. Companies that learn to follow this trail are likelier to make a sale. Therefore, having an AI system that analyzes and identifies customer insights is worth its weight in gold. Analyze data like feedback, service requests, and interaction times to discover what your customers are doing when they are online.

These AI tools make managing customer data much easier and ensure it’s being delivered to the right departments. Then, your marketing team needs to use that data to make marketing-based decisions.

Your business needs to invest in the right tools so that you can tap into this powerful asset.

Importance of AI-Powered Customer Engagement


AI enables businesses to analyze vast amounts of customer data to create personalized experiences. Companies can tailor their offerings, promotions, and interactions by understanding individual preferences and behaviors, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Efficiency and Automation

AI-driven automation streamlines routine tasks, such as answering common queries, processing orders, and handling customer service requests. This improves operational efficiency and allows you to focus on more complex and value-added activities.

24/7 Availability

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide continuous customer support, allowing businesses to engage with customers around the clock. This ensures timely responses to inquiries and enhances the overall customer experience, irrespective of time zones or business hours.

Predictive Analytics

It can analyze historical customer data to predict future behaviors and trends. This enables businesses to proactively address customer needs, anticipate market shifts, and tailor their strategies accordingly, contributing to better decision-making and a competitive edge.


AI systems can scale seamlessly to handle growing customer bases and increasing data volumes. Whether dealing with a small group of customers or a large user base, AI technologies provide the flexibility to adapt and maintain consistent customer engagement practices.

Putting it All Together

Customer interactions used to be extremely slow and required substantial resources to manage. But today, we’re seeing AI take the customer experience to a new level. There are unlimited AI customer engagement tools at your disposal, so do the proper research to utilize them fully. Business success has become dependent on improving the customer journey.

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Gracie Myers

Gracie Myers is a content writer at Research Optimus . She enjoys writing on various topics mainly associated with Research. Her famous articles are on the topic of Business Research, Market Research, Business Analytics and many more.

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