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Email templates

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Free email template for SaaS Affiliate Program

Hey $name,

Let’s talk about making your website top-notch! And your visitors will leave your website mighty impressed.

For this, SurveySparrow offers a really cool feature called Embedded Surveys. These surveys are integrated into your website and gently pop-up asking for a feedback.

  • No redirects from your website
  • Automate it or the user can invoke the survey
  • Add matching colours to blend the survey with your website design
  • And.. you don’t need to depend on a Programmer to do this!

The whole survey is designed in a chat-like environment, ensuring high responses.

Get a feel of their survey experience with a click on the below link.

Website Feedback Survey

Hey $name,

I have some pretty cool stuff I want to share with you.

It’s crucial to gain some feedback from patients who come to your hospital/clinic isn’t it?

The Patient Satisfaction survey offered by SurveySparrow :

  • Covers the key areas in hospital care
  • Contains relevant questions to extract the right info from your patients.
  • And the entire survey is set-up like a chat, guaranteeing more responses.

So it would come as no surprise that a sign-up with this tool would find a place in your Wise-Investment column.

Check out the survey template to have a feel of the survey experience the product/software offers. Feel free to alter the questions or make a new survey itself!

Patient Satisfaction Survey

Hey $name,

Here’s something to grab more leads right way!!

Say no to the traditional, boring lead generation forms. SurveySparrow offers a fresh and innovative chat-like experience!

  • This can tremendously boost the response rates.
  • This means more number of leads!
  • Attract more leads and add your prospective clients into your loyal user base.

The link below will take you to have a feel of the survey experience offered!

Lead Generation Form

Hey $name,

Employee satisfaction surveys may not necessarily provide the most honest feedback of your organisation.

But, you can get the actual picture from an employee who’s leaving your organisation.
Hence Exit Surveys!

  • Identify the areas which need improvement.
  • Create a better working environment for your current employees.

Have a look at the survey experience which Surveysparrow offers. This link will take you there:

Exit Interview Survey

Hey $name,

Managing the periodic Employee Surveys is task by itself. But we can tell you a way to make this task simple and time-saving!

  • SurveySparrow can help you with this entire process.
  • All you need to do is set up the survey once.
  • Send it out to your desired audience all at one go.
  • If you wish to resend the surveys periodically, you can automate the surveys! Not just that, you can send reminder emails to complete the surveys.

You can do this and much more with SurveySparrow. The surveys have a chat-like interface inviting more responses! To get a feel about the survey experience they offer, click the link below.

Employee Pulse Survey
Try for free