Customer Survey

Weave splendid Customer Surveys that help you know your customers inside-out.

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Build highly engaging customer surveys


Send customer surveys to your audience via sharing channels


Draw valuable conclusions from customer survey responses


Take well-informed decisions using customer survey insights

What Are Customer Surveys

Customer Survey is an essential tool used by companies to collect customer feedback. Customer surveys help businesses to understand how satisfied their customers are about their product/service. The primary idea behind any customer survey is to identify customer loyalty levels, predict their future moves, and thereby take corrective measures to reduce any impact on the business.

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7 Ways Customer Surveys Help A Business Grow

Customer surveys provide reliable data on customer trends and behavior thereby helping organizations in many ways. So what are the benefits of sending out well-crafted customer surveys?

Know Customers Inside Out

If you want to know what customers think about your brand, all that you need to do is ask them. How would you do this? Customer surveys, it is. You can find out the answers to many crucial questions like why customers prefer your product, what are the things they like & dislike about your brand, what new features would they like to see in your products, by employing customer surveys.

Competitive Leverage

Customers don’t think twice about switching brands if they are even slightly unhappy. Thus it is imperative to stay one step ahead of your competitors. How can you do this? By keeping your customers happy and avoiding the mistakes made by competitors. Find out the deciding factors opted by customers for choosing a product, like the price, quality, support, etc., and turn that to your advantage by positioning your product correctly in the market.

Build Customer Relationships & Loyalty

Customer surveys help to engage with your customers and cater to their liked and disliked. Customer experience, satisfaction, and support must be given tremendous importance since the success of your brand lies with If a customer switched brands because of poor customer experience, step-up and give them a flawless experience. This will make them fall in love with your brand and remain loyal.

Grow Sales, Boost Revenue

What is the direct consequence of having a loyal customer pool? A stream of steady, increasing revenue coupled with various factors such as brand image enhancement and recruitment of new customers. That’s undoubtedly in the must-have list for any business which is why customer surveys are a boon.


Who else can critique your products/services best than the customers who use it? With customer surveys, a brand can self analyze where they stand and evaluate their strengths & weaknesses. Is the product features not up to the mark? Or is the support meager? Gather the answers to all of these questions and more by seeking the answers from your customers directly with online surveys. Build better strategies that are backed up by reliable data.

Make Informed Decisions

Customer surveys give you insights on customer trends, their requirements, and expectations. This helps to keep up with customer pulse constantly thereby providing the best customer experience to every single one of your clients. Takewell-informed decisions based on solid data rather than vague notions and instincts.

Discover New Opportunities

A customer survey helps to understand the customer’s interest in potential products and services in addition to improving an existing one. Through a customer survey, one can understand what the customers wish to see developed in a product, like a new feature! In many cases, these surveys take up the unassigned role of a market research study, thereby helping businesses to uncover new opportunities.

6 Steps To Create Magic With Customer Surveys

Are you customer surveys bringing nothing but a frown on your respondents’ face? Try out these six steps as you draft your customer surveys and see the magic that unfolds!

Craft Engaging Surveys

If you plan to interrogate for feedback and opinions, there’s little luck in getting the answers you were looking for. You can bid farewell to boring surveys and say welcome customer surveys that are conversational in nature. This helps in multiple ways. Surveys that are visually appealing and interactive in nature helps to engage your respondents better. This translates into higher completion rates and higher quality responses.

Include Diverse Question Types

When you draft your customer surveys, ensure that you add a mixed combination of diverse question types like opinion scale, matrix type, star rating, etc. This will help you fetch accurate responses from the audience. Don’t stick to the typical Yes/No questions as they offer very little room for respondents to give honest feedback. However, keep in mind not to make every question the open-ended type- by overdoing it, you introduce survey fatigue in your audience.

Keep it Short

This is a no-brainer. When you make surveys unnecessarily long, respondents will abandon your survey midway. The ideal number of questions you should stick to would be 5-8. Remember that as you add more number of questions, people spend less time on each question thereby reducing the quality of the responses. Don’t make your audience speed through your survey, clicking the first random button that meets their eyes. This leads to a massive decrease in the quality of responses.

Ask What’s Relevant

Ask a vegan their favorite cheese, and you can see the frown on their faces instantly. Bombarding your audience with a bag of irrelevant question is the quickest way to survey abandonment by respondents. Customer survey tools offer smart logic branching feature which helps to pose only relevant questions to a customer. This is done by analyzing the previous answers given by them. In this manner, if a customer has answered ‘No’ to a question, you can skip all the subsequent questions that don’t pertain to the ‘No’ option.

Personalize the Survey

When you personalize the customer surveys, it is a great way to strike an instant connection with the audience. When you can connect with your respondents, you can engage with them better. Customer survey tools that offer personalization feature is a great buy, thus. When you send email surveys, people usually skim through those swiftly. The quickest way to capture the attention of your audience would be to address them by their name, right! This is the power of personalization.

Channels to Share Surveys

As you send customer surveys, the channel you pick to share them is vital. Thus keep in mind to choose a survey software that helps you share surveys via multiple media like email surveys, social media, SMS, etc. This provides immense flexibility for your audience to pick the channel of their choice to take the customer surveys. Opting for customer survey tools that offer multi-device compatible surveys goes a long way in spiking the response rates.

How SurveySparrow Can Help You Build Winning Customer Surveys

It’s evident why customer surveys are the coal and ice for any business to know their customers more. Read on to find out how SurveySparrow can help you craft stellar customer surveys in absolutely no time!

Easy-to-use Interface

SurveySparrow offers a simple-to-use, intuitive interface that’s easy to follow and even simpler to use. A simple cruising through the tool is all that you need to acquaint with it.

Survey Themes

You thought surveys are dull? Well, not if you have our survey themes by your side. Make stunning designs for your customer surveys using the advanced styling features offered by survey themes. From changing the font, background color, image, you can set the tone and feel of surveys. Make surveys even more stylish with CSS customization that comes with the themes.

Share Options

SurveySparrow’s customer survey platform has multiple sharing options so that your customer surveys get the maximum reach. The various sharing channels supported are:

Multi-UI Platform

SurveySparrow is about changing boring surveys into exciting conversations. Thus, it comes with not just one but two interfaces; chat-like surveys and conversational forms. Get up to 40% increased survey response rates as you go conversational with SurveySparrow’s customer survey software.

Recurring Surveys

Automate is the new black. With the recurring survey feature, you can send pulse surveys automatically to your respondents without moving a muscle. Set the survey settings- when your surveys must be sent, and how frequently. The customer survey tool takes things from there. Save time and efforts.

Diverse Question Types

SurveySparrow’s customer survey platform come with a bunch of distinct question types from simple MCQ type to complex matrix type. Get more data from your audience without making your surveys long.

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