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50+ User Experience Survey Questions & Free UX Survey Template

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Pragadeesh Natarajan

Last Updated: 9 October 2024

10 min read

Looking to understand the “Why” behind your users’ behavior within your app? Need some sample user experience (UX) survey questions to customize and include in your own UX questionnaire?

In this article, you’ll learn what a UX survey is, the best user experience survey questions you can ask your users, and the best practices for creating an effective UX questionnaire, along with a user satisfaction survey example template that you can use for free.

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What is a UX survey?

A UX survey lets you gather quantitative and qualitative data about your users’ interactions and experiences within your app or software. 

You can gain a better understanding of why they started using your app, quickly gather feedback on a new, beta product, and gauge their overall satisfaction with your app.

That said, UX surveys, while helpful for gathering insights on user interactions and experiences, may not provide comprehensive information about user behavior, usability problems, or user needs and pain points, which can be better addressed through dedicated UX services such as user testing and usability studies.

User Experience Survey Template

If you’re searching for a free user experience survey questionnaire, go ahead and use this for collecting critical insights into how users interact with your product or service without any incurring costs. It’s Free!

Free UX Survey Template

Use This Template

By using this questionnaire, you can identify areas of improvement, increase user satisfaction, and ultimately drive product enhancements.

You can also create surveys using AI . SurveySparrow AI features allows you create an entire survey from scratch in seconds. 

AI survey feature of surveysparrow

As you can see, it works similar to ChatGPT. Just add in the your prompt and the feature will do the rest. The feature is available with the tool's free forever don't shy away. Feel free to sign up and check out its efficiency. 

Now let's jump into the UX survey questions you can ask. 

30+ User Experience Survey Questions to Ask Your Users

Here are the UX survey questions to include in your UX questionnaire:

General Usability and Experience

These questions aim to understand the overall impressions of a product. The answers to the following can help provide clarity on user experience and functionality. 

1. How well do you understand the purpose of {product or app name}?

  • Very well
  • Somewhat
  • Not at all

2. How easy is it for you to navigate and use {product or app name}?

  • Very easy
  • Somewhat easy
  • Difficult

3. How would you rate the overall usefulness of {product or app name} in your daily activities?

  • Extremely useful
  • Moderately useful
  • Not very useful

4. Please share your overall experience using {product or app name}. What do you like or dislike?

5. On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate the user-friendliness of the {product or app name} interface?

  • 1 (Very Difficult)
  • 2
  • 3 (Neutral)
  • 4
  • 5 (Very Easy)

6. How would you describe the overall ease of use of {product or app name}?

  • Very easy to use
  • Somewhat easy to use
  • Challenging to use

7. What aspects of {product or app name} do you find most frustrating? Please elaborate.

Feedback on Specific Features

You can use this set of UX questions to focus on specific elements of a product that contribute to UX. Have a look at them.

8. Do you find that the terminology used throughout the app is consistent? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Comments:

9. Is the positioning of messages across the screen consistent and intuitive? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Comments:

10. Are the prompts displayed for inputs clear and easy to understand? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Comments:

11. Does our app effectively inform you about the progress of tasks?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Comments:

12. How helpful do you find the error messages displayed in the app?

  • Very helpful
  • Somewhat helpful
  • Not helpful at all

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UX Design and Aesthetics

See what your users think about your product's visual appeal and usability. The feedback can help you pinpoint the changes you need to make. 

13. How would you rate the overall design of our app's interface?

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Average
  • Poor

14. To what extent do you enjoy the visual aesthetics of our app?

  • Love it!
  • Like it
  • Neutral
  • Dislike it

15. How easy is it for you to locate what you're looking for in the main navigation menu?

  • Very easy
  • Somewhat easy
  • Difficult

16. How often do you find yourself using our product?

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Rarely

17. Which features do you use most frequently within the app? Please list them.

18. How does {product or app name} stack up against {competitor} in terms of functionality and user experience?

  • Much better
  • Somewhat better
  • About the same Worse

19. Which competitors did you consider before choosing our product?

20. What influenced your decision to choose us over our competitors?

User Satisfaction Survey Questions

This is kinda obvious isn’t it. Use the following UX questions to measure the satisfaction level of your users

21. Based on your extensive use of our interface, how likely are you to recommend it to friends and colleagues?

  • Extremely likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not likely

22. On a scale of 1-10, how would your usage of our app be affected by the introduction of {feature or update}? (1 being no impact, 10 being a significant positive impact)

23. If you are currently unhappy with {product or app name}, what changes or improvements would encourage you to return?

24. Can you share a specific instance when you found our app to be particularly satisfying?

25. What made that experience stand out for you?

UX Improvements and Suggestions

Most of the questions asked here will be open-ended survey questions. The main focus is to gather more detailed information from customers. 

26. How would you rate the overall usability of our app? Please explain your reasoning.

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Average
  • Poor

27. If you could improve one specific aspect of the app, what would it be and why?

28. What is one feature you wish our app had that is currently missing? We value your input!

29. How can we enhance {product or app name}? Please share your suggestions and ideas.

Miscellaneous UX Survey Questions

These are some extra questions you can include in your user experience surveys. It could be helpful depending on your goal.

30. What thoughts or feelings come to mind when you think about {product or app name}?

31. Is there anything else you'd like to share or discuss? We welcome any additional comments or feedback!

On a specific note, if you want to create a new, similar survey in just the nick of time, use the surveys using AI feature from SurveySparrow that will help create a survey using AI.


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20+ Website User Experience Survey Questions

These questions are more focused ones on the user experience on a website. The questions will help you assess the usability, design, functionality, and overall satisfaction of your website. 

Below are key categories and examples of user experience survey questions to consider.

General Website Usability Questions

These questions focus on the overall experience users have with the website.

  1. What did you like most about our website?
  2. Were there any challenges you faced while using our website?
  3. On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our website to others?
  4. What changes would you suggest for improving our website?
  5. How easy was it for you to find the information you were looking for?

Website Design Usability Questions

Design plays a pivotal role in user engagement. These questions assess the visual appeal and layout of the site.

  1. How would you rate the overall design of our website?
  2. Do the colors and fonts used enhance your experience?
  3. Is the layout intuitive and easy to navigate?
  4. Were you able to distinguish between links and other content easily?
  5. What improvements would you suggest for our website's design?

Mobile Responsiveness Questions

With an increasing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, it's essential to evaluate mobile usability.

  1. How would you rate your experience using our website on a mobile device?
  2. Did you encounter any issues with navigation on your smartphone?
  3. Were the buttons and links appropriately sized for mobile use?
  4. Did the website load quickly on your mobile browser?

Website Functionality Questions

These questions delve into specific features and functionalities of the website.

  1. Did all features work as expected during your visit?
  2. Were there any functionalities that you found confusing or difficult to use?
  3. How quickly were you able to complete tasks on our website?
  4. What features do you find most valuable?

Emotional Response Questions

Understanding users' emotional reactions can provide deeper insights into their experiences.

  1. What was your first impression of our website?
  2. How did using our website make you feel? (e.g., frustrated, satisfied, confused)
  3. What aspect of the website left a lasting impression on you?

Suggestions for Improvement

Encouraging users to provide feedback can lead to actionable insights.

  1. What is one thing that would improve your experience on our website?
  2. Are there any features or content that you feel are missing?
  3. If you could change one thing about our website, what would it be?

5 UX Survey Best Practices

Here are some best practices to follow when designing your UX questionnaire:

Have a goal

The first step is to define a goal for your UX survey. What aspects of your product or design are you looking to improve? What are you trying to learn about your users?

Keep it short and relevant

Make your UX surveys as quick and easy to complete as possible. Ask only those questions that would help you learn something that’s relevant to the goal of your survey

Check for bias

Ask neutral questions and avoid the leading ones. Check for certain phrases or words in a question that might force the respondent to pick a particular answer.

Keep it clear and transparent

Avoid jargon, acronyms, and terms your audience might not be familiar with. Also, tell them what you intend to collect with your survey and how you would use their data.

Provide incentives

If you want most of your user base to take your survey, you should provide financial incentives. Incentives are a great way to get more respondents and improve completion rates.

Final thoughts

UX surveys help you gain insights into your product’s usability and your users’ overall experience. When done right, they will help you design a better product that helps your users accomplish their goals more efficiently. 

Use only the user experience survey questions examples that would help you achieve your UX survey’s goal. We hope this article will help you create a better UX questionnaire.

Are you looking to create and conduct UX surveys on your own? SurveySparrow provides you with everything you need to create and conduct conversational UX surveys that your users will love answering!

Conversational surveys typically tend to boost survey responses and create pleasant experiences for your users.

Most users will complete your survey as they would be pleased to take surveys that are conversational in nature and are quite different from the long, boring forms you’ve seen on the internet.

SurveySparrow provides you with a simple drag-and-drop interface and a free, premade UX survey template that anyone can use to create UX surveys in minutes without having to start from scratch.

Create free user satisfaction surveys with SurveySparrow. 


Claim your free account by signing up here and start creating numerous surveys for free.

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Have you got any questions on UX surveys? Got any interesting tips or hacks for creating effective UX surveys? Let us know in the comment section below.

If you’re wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for you and would rather have someone walk you through our platform, reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!

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Pragadeesh Natarajan


I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.

Turn every feedback into a growth opportunity

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