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Top 10 Business Process Automation Tools In 2024

Kate Williams

Last Updated:  

11 June 2024

9 min read

Picture this:

You’re at your favorite coffee shop and craving a cappuccino. But as you wait, you overhear a frustrated customer venting about their missing order. Turns out, the staff misplaced their order slip, leaving them in the grip of caffeine withdrawal – and seriously annoyed.

Isn’t it frustrating when processes fail, causing unnecessary chaos? Order management and other repetitive tasks can be prone to errors and delays, regardless of how well-trained your team is.

That’s where business process automation (BPA) steps in. BPA harnesses technology to automate crucial tasks, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in your daily operations.

Ready to discover the top BPA tools of 2024 and unlock smoother workflows for your business? Let’s dive in!

Top 10 Business Process Automation Tools Of 2024

Let’s take a look at the top tools for business process automation in 2024 and beyond.

  1. SurveySparrow
  2. Asana
  3. Bpanda
  4. IBM
  6. Qntrl
  7. Bonitasoft
  8. Kissflow
  9. Appian
  10. Pipefy

1. SurveySparrow’s Feedbot: For businesses across industries

SurveySparrow is more than just a survey tool; it’s a comprehensive business process automation platform. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, SurveySparrow enables businesses to streamline various processes, from customer feedback collection to employee engagement surveys. 

In particular, Feedbot – their no-code website chatbot – is quick and easy to implement as a communication automation tool.

What you can do with SurveySparrow

  • Provide automated responses and assistance, enhancing efficiency and saving time.
  • Collect valuable data and feedback in real-time.
  • Customize and deploy chatbots without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

Pricing: SurveySparrow has the following pricing plans:

  • Surveys — Under which the most popular business and professional plan is priced at $79 and $249 USD and offers multiple question types and features. The basic plan starts at $19, and there’s a forever free plan with limited features.
  • CX suite (NPS, CSAT, CES) — Starts at $249 (considered the best plan to measure customer loyalty, satisfaction, and effort scores)
  • 360 Assessments — Includes research backed question banks, advanced performance analytics, and group reports.  It is available at the custom quote.
  • Reputation Management – Starts at $79 supporting 70+ platforms. A limited version is available for free.

2. Asana’s efficient collaboration: For project-based businesses`

Asana isn’t primarily a business process automation (BPA) tool, although it does have some automation features. It’s more focused on project and task management.

However, Asana excels at automating projects with defined tasks, milestones, and deadlines. Asana’s free plan offers basic features suitable for small teams, and paid plans scale well for growing businesses.

What you can do with Asana:

  • Allocate work individually, track deadlines, and prioritize urgent tasks.
  • Provide task visibility for all of your employees, so that they would know exactly what they’re supposed to do and when.
  • Streamline recurring tasks and manage tickets.

Pricing: It’s one of the most pocket-friendly business automation tools you’ll ever find! Asana’s basic plan, which’s good enough for new businesses, comes for free, while the premium plan is $13.49 when billed monthly. 

3. Bpanda’s planning & visualization: For businesses with intricate workflows

Bpanda excels at modeling and managing complex processes with its intuitive visual editor and BPMN 2.0 compliance. This includes multi-step, multi-departmental processes as well.

Moreover, Bpanda has collaboration tools, risk analysis, and performance metrics, allowing teams to continuously refine and optimize their processes.

What you can do with Bpanda:

  • Create interactive flowcharts to map out the entire campaign or a process, allowing you to find weak spots.
  • Give teams visibility into the campaign or process.
  • Enable them to give feedback and share knowledge, allowing everyone to be on the same page. 

Pricing: Bpanda comes with a 30-day free trial post which you’ll get to know their pricing based on the requirements. 

4. IBM’s Business Process Manager: For advanced process automation

IBM’s Business Process Manager (IBM BPM) caters to a wider range of businesses compared to Asana and Bpanda, thanks to its diverse editions and feature sets. In particular, IBM BPM’s Standard and Advanced editions are well-suited for automating complex enterprise processes – especially those involving high transaction volumes or integration with legacy systems.

What you can do with IBM BPM:

  • Get insights into the future of your campaigns and processes.
  • Gain a full life cycle detail so you can plan, develop, and test unique processes using its appealing interfaces and design tools. 
  • Test the processes under different scenarios and get a report based on your set parameters.  

Pricing: It comes with a 30-day free trial, and the pricing would be revealed at the end of your trial period. 

5. Monday’s Do-it-all Automation: For basic to moderate automation, while not entirely a pure BPA tool, has features that make it suitable for all teams seeking some level of process automation. offers flexible plans and customization options, making it scalable for growing teams.

What you can do with

  • Choose from 200+ solutions that include project management, CRM, sales, software development, HR & Recruitment, and IT. 
  • Structure workflows for various departments and projects with visual boards and custom views.
  • Get built-in automations for triggers, notifications, and data updates.

Pricing: Their basic bundle starts at $24 a month. Super affordable! 

6. Qntrl’s Workflow Orchestration Software – For businesses prioritizing transparency and compliance

Qntrl is designed for department heads who want to centralize everything – all of their workflows, people, information, and tools- on one platform, and know the status of everything under their watch at any time. Qntrl allows users to build flexible and scalable business processes on a drag and drop platform, tailored to meet their requirements.

What you can do with Qntrl:

  • Connect to enterprise systems, like ERPs, payroll systems, and accounting software.
  • Visualize each stage of a process to establish clear guidelines and expectations.
  • Monitor the progression of a process and ensure adherence to established milestones.

Pricing: It comes with a free version with ample features, and the business plan starts from $7 per user per month. 

7. Bonitasoft Bonita Studio – For businesses prioritizing community support

Bonitasoft is an open-source BPM software that’s particularly popular with DevOps teams. Along with its drag-and-drop interface and BPMN 2.0 compliance, it boasts a large and active community with resources, tutorials, and assistance.

What you can do with Bonitasoft:

  • Design and document workflows easily with intuitive tools.
  • Automate tasks, decisions, and data manipulation within processes.
  • Manage processes and tasks on the go with mobile apps.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at €2,000 per user per year.

8. Kissflow – For businesses that need mobile accessibility

Kissflow is a cloud-based, low-code platform for business process automation and application development. It has pre-built workflows for various industries, robust analytics, and mobile accessibility.

What you can do with Kissflow:

  • Get started quickly with industry-specific templates and ready-made processes.
  • Gain insights into process performance and identify improvement opportunities.
  • Access and manage processes and tasks from any device.

Pricing: Free plan available, paid plans starting at $4 per user per month.

9. Appian Low-Code Platform – For large organizations

Appian is a software that mixes low code with comprehensive automation to help companies refine their business processes. It’s popular across various fields including finance, insurance, healthcare, and government. Plus, it offers strong tools for building apps, smart features powered by artificial intelligence, and meets BPA security standards.

What you can do with Appian:

  • Build custom applications without extensive coding knowledge.
  • Leverage AI for intelligent decision-making and predictive analytics.
  • Meet various industry standards and regulations for data security.

Pricing: Contact Appian for custom quotes based on specific needs and deployment options.

10. Pipefy – For HR, IT and procurement teams

Pipefy can be described as a visual, collaborative Business Process Automation tool. While not as advanced as some of the other tools on this list, Pipefy does offer basic to moderate automation features.

What you can do with Pipefy:

  • Organize and track processes with customizable Kanban-style boards.
  • Connect with popular tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack.
  • Share tasks, discuss processes, and provide feedback easily within teams.

Pricing: Free plan available, paid plans starting at $15 per user per month.

Note: This is not the “ultimate” list. The best tool depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider factors like complexity of your workflows, team size, industry, and desired level of automation when making your choice.

What Business Processes Can Be Automated?

In organizations, business process automation tools are used whenever there are recurring tasks. Also, it is used for complex, large, one-time tasks. Other than that, it is used to repeat regular processes quickly and without error.

Here are a few such processes that can and should be automated:

  1. Email marketing and campaigns. 
  2. Planning and campaign designing.
  3. Customer communications.
  4. Customer onboarding.
  5. Recruitment and employee onboarding.
  6. Employee scheduling.
  7. Team collaboration.
  8. Software development.
  9. Result tracking and improvement.
  10. Report distribution and storing.
  11. Issue ticketing and resolution.
  12. Employee benefits enrolment.
  13. Payroll and compensation.

How To Select A Business Process For Automation

Now that you’ve read this far, you know what business process automation tools can change the way your team works. However, that’s the outcome. And you’ll achieve this outcome when you choose the right process to automate.

From our experience of servicing clients with diverse requirements, we think there are five steps to follow to determine which business process needs automation. Let’s have a look.

#1. Assess the importance 

Start by understanding how crucial a process is to your business. This helps pinpoint where it impacts your business and its growth.

#2. Check on your team

Gather insights from your team members who handle the process daily. Surveys can reveal pain points and suggestions for improvement.

#3. Identify the problems

Analyze the root causes of any persistent issues in the process. Determine if they stem from management issues, lack of technical support, or other factors.

#4. Communicate with your employees

Before diving into automation, ensure your team is on board. Communicate openly about the decision and consider their input. Employee satisfaction is paramount.

#5. Choose the right tool

Once everyone’s aligned, explore business process automation tools that fit your needs. Take advantage of free trials to test different options before making a commitment.

By following these steps, you’ll be equipped to choose the ideal process for automation.

10 Benefits Of Automating A Business Process

In a 2018 survey by McKinsey, 57% of organizations were already diving into business process automation, with big companies leading the charge. But why the buzz? Because automation brings a range of benefits, especially in today’s hybrid work landscape. Let’s explore some key advantages:

  1. Skyrocketing Productivity: Automation slashes time-consuming tasks, freeing up your team to focus on strategic initiatives.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: With automation handling routine tasks, your team has the space to refine processes continuously.
  3. A Playground for Innovation: BPA tools let you experiment with new processes, refine them, and drive innovation.
  4. Zero Errors: Say goodbye to costly mistakes. Automation ensures precision and reliability in critical processes like customer support.
  5. Improved Collaboration: Streamline teamwork with better project management tools, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.
  6. Empowered Oversight: Leaders gain insight without micromanaging, thanks to project management automation.
  7. Boosted Morale: By automating mundane tasks, you empower your team to tackle more fulfilling challenges, boosting morale and productivity.
  8. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Automation tools like chatbots enhance communication, leading to quicker, more satisfying customer interactions.
  9. Cost Savings: Trim unnecessary expenses by eliminating paper, dedicated systems, and infrastructure costs with automation.
  10. Tech-Savvy Growth: Embrace automation to streamline customer interactions, saving time for both customers and support teams.

In 2024 and beyond, automation can be the game-changer your business needs for sustainable growth.

BPA vs RPA vs BPM: A Teardown

Business Process Automation (BPA), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Business Process Management (BPM) are all aimed at improving efficiency and streamlining operations. But they have different focuses and approaches:

Business Process Automation (BPA)Robotic Process Automation (RPA)Business Process Management (BPM)
Automates repetitive, rule-based tasks and workflows to enhance efficiency and reduce human error.Automates repetitive, mundane tasks through the use of software robots or “bots.”Manages and optimizes end-to-end business processes to achieve organizational goals and improve performance.
Uses software applications to automate processes across various teams.These bots mimic human actions by interacting with existing applications and systems to perform tasks; like data entry, copy-pasting information, and more.Uses software platforms to model, automate, and monitor processes, and enable collaboration among stakeholders.
Aims to optimize existing processes and improve overall productivity.Useful for tasks that are highly repetitive and rules-based, requiring minimal human intervention.A holistic approach to process improvement; including process modeling, analysis, redesign, implementation, monitoring, and optimization.

In short, while BPA focuses on automating specific tasks and workflows, RPA specializes in automating repetitive tasks using software robots, and BPM takes a broader approach to managing and optimizing entire business processes. You can choose to implement one or a combination of these strategies depending on your objective.

What to Look for in a BPA Tool

When picking a business process automation tool, keep these points in mind:

  1. Easy to Use: Find a software that’s user-friendly, so everyone can understand and use it without getting bogged down in technical details.
  2. Tailored to Your Needs: Look for customization options that let you adapt the tool to fit your specific business processes.
  3. Works Well with Others: Make sure the BPA tool can smoothly integrate with your existing software and systems.
  4. Design and Automate Workflows: Choose a software that makes it simple to design and automate workflows, even for complex processes, using visual builders and automation features.
  5. Handles Growth: Your chosen platform should be able to grow with your business, handling more tasks and processes as your organization expands.
  6. Insightful Analytics: Opt for a tool that provides useful insights into how your processes are performing.
  7. Keeps Things Safe and Legal: Look for security features like data encryption and access controls to keep your information safe and compliant with regulations.
  8. Good Support and Training: Find a vendor that offers resources and support to guide you through setting up, and using the BPA tool effectively.

Wrapping Up

So what’s the takeaway? 

The business process automation market is booming, especially with the surge in remote work. It’s clear: to reach growth targets, organizations must invest in business process automation tools to streamline vital processes and minimize errors.

Now, it’s up to you. We’ve covered all the essentials to get started. Take the next step and choose the right tools for your business needs.

Kate Williams

Product Marketing Manager at SurveySparrow

Excels in empowering visionary companies through storytelling and strategic go-to-market planning. With extensive experience in product marketing and customer experience management, she is an accomplished author, podcast host, and mentor, sharing her expertise across diverse platforms and audiences.

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