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60+ Remote Working Survey Questions to Ask Employees

blog author

Pragadeesh Natarajan

Last Updated: 11 June 2024

8 min read

Remote working survey questions help you quickly gauge the needs, engagement levels, and well-being of your remote employees.

In this article, we’ve listed the best remote working survey (or work-from-home survey) questions you can ask to measure a remote worker’s unique WFH experience.

Here are the 7 kinds of questions to ask in a remote work or WFH survey. Feel free to jump to the relevant section:

Remote work (or work from home) survey questions for remote or hybrid employees

Here are the best kinds of remote working survey questions to ask your employees:

#1. General WFH survey questions

  1. Are the remote work (or work from home) policies clear?
  2. I know what is expected of me every day
  3. How can we better communicate work expectations?
  4. Our organization communicates effectively
  5. Do you feel there is adequate communication between your teammates and team leaders?
  6. How satisfied are you with the frequency of communication from the leadership team?
  7. How satisfied are you with the quality of communication from the leadership team?
  8. What communication channels work best for you?
  9. Is it easy to reach your teammates and team leaders when you need them?
  10. Do you feel trusted and supported by your team leader?
  11. Do you have all the remote tools and resources to complete your work to your usual ability?
  12. What can the leadership team do to support your work while you work remotely?

#2. Questions on well-being

  1. Our company’s management has shown that employee health and well-being are priorities?
  2. How do you feel while working at home?
  3. Have you previously been working from home?
  4. Have you been able to set up a nice routine or schedule for work while working from home?
  5. Do you take breaks regularly?
  6. Have you got a healthy work-life balance at home?
  7. Do you have a separate and suitable space in your home for work?
  8. Is it easy to turn off work mode at the end of the day?
  9. Do you feel as productive at home as you are at the office?
  10. What is your biggest WFH struggle?
  11. What’s your favorite part about working at home?
  12. What do you do to recharge each day?
  13. What is the most important thing we do to help you be successful working at home?
  14. How do you manage distractions during the day? is it a challenge?
  15. What helps you feel connected to others and counteract the potential loneliness of working remotely?
  16. I do not expect remote work to affect my mental health negatively
  17. I expect remote work to affect my mental health positively
  18. What’s one thing we could get for you that would make your work easier or better?
  19. Is there anything else we can do to improve your work-from-home experience?

#3. Pulse remote working survey questions

  1. My direct co-workers answer promptly to keep me going with my task
  2. I know what I need to do to achieve my goals
  3. I’ve got access to the resources and tools I need to get my work done
  4. I feel driven
  5. I have full support from my team leader
  6. What can your team or management do to assist you?
  7. Are you facing any challenges while working remotely? if yes, then what?

Try our WFH survey template below!

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#4. Questions on remote performance

  1. I’m able to effectively structure my day while working from home
  2. I find it easy to focus and minimize distractions while working from home
  3. I feel productive working from home
  4. Working remotely does not negatively affect the outcome of my daily work
  5. Working from home does not negatively impact my work morale
  6. My expected output and responsibilities are clear to me
  7. I have enough time to focus on learning and career development during my typical work week

#5. WFH questions on remote connectedness

  1. I feel well-informed and connected to our company’s overall mission and goals
  2. Working remotely does not have a negative impact on teamwork
  3. I feel included in team decisions
  4. Our company’s management effectively communicates with everyone working remotely
  5. I feel connected to other team members while working remotely
  6. I feel connected to other teams while working remotely
  7. I’m satisfied with the communication processes chosen by our company
  8. I am satisfied with the communication processes chosen by our team

#6. Questions on remote manager support

  1. It is easy for me to get input and feedback from my manager while working remotely
  2. My manager regularly communicates with me while working remotely
  3. I have regular one-on-ones with my manager
  4. I’m happy about the number of 1:1 and team meetings I take part in each week

#7. Open questions on remote working

  1. What is your greatest work-related concern right now?
  2. What is one process you would like your team to maintain?
  3. State the three challenges you are currently facing while working remotely?
  4. What is one process you would like your team to stop?
  5. What further support do you need while working remotely?
  6. Considering your role and responsibilities, how often would you prefer to work from home?
  7. What are your suggestions on what could be done differently or improved right now?
  8. What is the highlight of a typical day at work?
  9. Is there a lowlight of a typical day at work? If yes, then what?
  10. What do you like the most about working remotely?
  11. What do you like the least about working remotely?

Final thoughts

Remote working surveys (or WFH surveys) help you understand how productive your remote employees are while working from their homes.

When done right, these surveys can boost employee morale and engagement, and help your employees embrace the future of work. We hope this article will help you create an effective WFH survey.

Are you looking to create and conduct WFH surveys by yourself? SurveySparrow provides you with everything you need to create and conduct a conversational work-from-home survey!

Conversational surveys typically tend to boost survey responses and create pleasant experiences. Most of your remote employees will complete your survey as they would be pleased to take conversational surveys.

These surveys are different from the long, boring forms you’ve seen on the internet.

SurveySparrow provides you with a simple drag-and-drop interface and a free work-from-home survey template.

If you’re looking to boost your survey responses and create pleasant experiences, take the conversational way and try SurveySparrow today!

Have you got any questions on creating work-from-home surveys? Got any interesting tips or hacks for creating an effective work-from-home survey? Let us know in the comment section below.

If you’re wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for you and would rather have someone walk you through our platform, reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!

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Pragadeesh Natarajan


I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.

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