13 Product Testing Survey Questions for a New Product or Concept

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Parvathi Vijayamohan

Last Updated: 10 September 2024

8 min read

Do you want to create a product survey but don’t know what to ask? We’ve made a list of our top 13 product testing survey questions that you can swipe for your own survey.

Use these product testing survey questions to:

  • Test your concept.
  • Prove your product-market fit.
  • Refine your product roadmap from concept to launch to growth.

Before we begin, you might want to check out this top-rated survey template designed specifically for product testing.

Product Testing Questionnaire Form

Use This Template

 With SurveySparrow, you can take testing to the next level

  • Automate the process with workflows that let you trigger surveys according to predefined conditions.
  • Use our AI survey builder to create personalized surveys in minutes.
  • Test user satisfaction with your key features instantly with Spotchecks.

Now, let's dive in!

Top 13 Product Testing Survey Questions: For Concept Testing and Product Launches

1. What was your first reaction after seeing the product?

Let’s start small. With this question, you can capture your customer’s first impression – which, as they say, are often the most lasting impressions.

This is often framed as an open-ended question so that users can jot down their thought processes in real-time. But in SurveySparrow, you can frame this product testing survey question with either a text input field or a voice transcription field. The second option is beneficial for capturing tones and moods for richer sentiment analysis.

2. What did you like the most about the concept/product?

Unless you are designing a single-feature product, this is a helpful question to include in your product survey. With this product testing survey question, you can find out the most essential features for your users.

This data will help you retain those features in your product roadmap. In fact, you might find that a feature that was added as an afterthought is helping to maintain users. Or that your customers are using your product in completely different ways from how you had imagined it.

3. What did you dislike the most about the concept/product?

Okay, so this might seem like you are unnecessarily drawing attention to the negatives. But that is not the intention.

“While it may feel great to know that users are satisfied with your product, that information is not useful on its own,” says Kurt Heinrich in his blog Happy Users Can ‘Dislike’ Your Product Too. “The key is finding out what your users dislike, find annoying, or simply just think can be made better. And there are always things that can be made better.” These things could be potential deal-breakers that keep other people from buying your product.

4. Below is a list of product features. How important is each feature to you?

Unless you target a niche or homogenous audience or offer a single-feature product, not everyone uses your product the same way.

The feedback from this product survey question helps you define your user groups according to their primary use case (reason to use that product). In addition, our product survey templates work great with our survey widget feature for A/B testing multiple versions of your product and comparing the results.

5. How often could you use this product?

This product testing survey question helps you define your user groups according to their product usage. We commonly track two product usage metrics:

  • Usage frequency: How often customers are using your product. This can vary according to your product’s user needs and customer satisfaction levels. This metric doesn’t hold much meaning for products with one-time or infrequent usage, like life insurance or a bespoke luxury handbag.
  • Usage time: How long customers use your product. If they only use it for short periods, it could signify that the UX needs improvement.

6. Based on the description/product test, what price do you expect to pay for the product?

You have a ballpark price for the product. But how do you know if your intended audience can afford it, or even if your intended audience is the right one? This product testing survey question is an easy way to find out.

You know you have a potentially premium product on your hands if it is on the higher side. Conversely, you’ll need to build some premium features or price it for a more cost-sensitive audience if it is on the lower side.

7. How interested are you in buying this product?

Now it’s time to measure purchase intent. This product survey question will clue you in. First, however, consider that price alone doesn’t affect purchase intent.

Luxury sneakers are an excellent example of that; the price of Nike Yeezy Red Octobers did not influence purchase intent as much as the brand’s associations and exclusivity. So it’s a good idea to follow up this question with a ‘Why?’.

8. How would you rate the quality of the product?

Do people perceive your product to be of high quality? Then, they will be open to paying more for it.

Like the previous question, it is good to follow up this product testing survey question with a ‘Why’? If the rating is poor. This will pinpoint specific areas of quality improvement for your next update.

9. How would you rate the uniqueness of the product?

Does your product have something other products don’t? Then you already have the edge over the competition.

There are multiple ways for your product to be unique – like design, service, packaging, or features. Maybe you offer a 30-minute delivery guarantee or penalty-free early repayments on credit cards. Ask a follow-up question to get into the specifics.

10. How likely are you to replace your current product with this one?

Always look out for the answer to this question. If the most common answer is “very likely,” it successfully answers the question: Does my product solve the problem? 

If the answer is “not likely,” then your product is too similar to an established brand, and you might have to put extra effort into swaying consumers from their preferred product.

For example, when Monster energy drinks launched on the market, they created a formula with almost double the servings of Red Bull, plus double the caffeine, sugar, and calories. Yet, Red Bull continues to dominate as the energy drink leader because they were first on the market.

11. How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?

This product testing survey question also doubles as an NPS survey question. NPS surveys are one of the most reliable tools for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction levels.

You can go further and change “friend” to any audience to whom users might refer your product. Like “family members”, “colleagues”, “people with the same interests”, “other similar businesses”, etc.

12. Rate your overall experience with the product.

You can frame this product testing survey question as a matrix grid. This will allow users to rate vital aspects like onboarding, KBs, ease of use, navigation, support, etc.

“As makers, our perspective to products is limited,” comments Alican Bektas, Product Manager of UserGuiding, “and to be honest, worthless to its eventual success.” So user feedback on their experiences helps provide some much-needed perspective for product teams and business owners. Agree?

13. Any suggestions on how this product can be improved?

This product testing survey question will clue you in on what to prioritize in your next update.

Save this for the end of your survey. Because after going through the previous questions, your users will have greater clarity about their product experience and what they want out of it. So by the end of the survey, they can offer constructive feedback.

Wrapping Up

In his article on Inc, Damon Brown argues that products and services “should be polarizing” – a lesson he learned from the product blueprint for his app, Cuddlr.

It is much easier to know what to do next when you know your audience, and it became clear that some people absolutely would not like, get or understand our service…Instead, we doubled down on the hundreds of thousands of people who used our app and concentrated on new features that would serve them best.

Keeping these words in mind, these product testing survey questions are not just about the product. They are also about finding the people who want to use your product.

So, don’t focus too much on your detractors. Instead, focus on the people who love and see potential in your baby. And as we say at SurveySparrow: make it work, make it better.

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Parvathi Vijayamohan

Content marketer at SurveySparrow.

Parvathi is a sociologist turned marketer. After 6 years as a copywriter, she pivoted to B2B, diving into growth marketing for SaaS. Now she uses content and conversion optimization to fuel growth - focusing on CX, reputation management and feedback methodology for businesses.

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