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NPS Email - Ultimate Guide: 21 Tips, NPS Email Template & Examples

blog author

Mathew Maniyamkott

Last Updated: 18 September 2024

16 min read

Does this NPS email look familiar to you?

“How likely are you to recommend our product on a scale of 0 to 10?”

It is highly likely you have been asked this question either through an NPS email survey or a widget.

You might have ignored some of these surveys too. But when you are the one sending out surveys, you want higher response rates.

In this blog, we’ll discuss some NPS email examples – along with 21 tips and tricks to send perfect NPS email surveys to your customers or employees, and gather an overwhelming response rate.

NPS Email Examples

Here’s an NPS email example that you can use to roll out NPS email surveys to your customers and employees.

1. Customer NPS Email

Subject: Your honest feedback helps us refine your experiences for you. Rate us?

Email Body:

Hi [Name]

You’ve been using our product/service for a while now. Thank you for choosing us.

To refine your experiences further, we’d love it if you could rate us here.

nps email example

Thank you,


2. Employee NPS Email

Subject: Love working here? Rate us here!

Email Body:

Hi [Name]

Thanks and cheers to having been part of our team. We wholeheartedly appreciate your efforts. We’d be super glad to have your feedback.

enps email example

Thank you,


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NPS Email – 21 Tips & Tricks That Work like Magic

Are you one of the users who send NPS email surveys to your customers?

Do you get the desired response or does it get ignored? Many enterprises carry out a dedicated NPS survey through email but they hardly garner the desired response rates.

Ever wondered why?

Yes, of course, the number depends on the experience and relationship the customers have with your brand. But it also relies on how you craft your NPS email.

NPS Email Share

Here are some of the tips to get that NPS email working.

#1. Stick to the formula:

NPS consists of the initial question where you want to gauge the customer’s inclination to recommend your business to their peers. Once the respondent answers this, the next question should be the following-

“Why did you give that score?”

  • The first question will help establish their loyalty towards you and how much they like your product.
  • The second answer will help you understand the “Why” behind their answer.

This will give you detailed feedback on why they gave you a particular rating using which you can take appropriate steps in commensuration to it.

#2. Segmentation is the key:

Not every customer is the same, using an online survey tool like SurveySparrow lets you segment the audience based on different characteristics.

You can divide the customers into different groups to ask them a varied set of questions. You could trigger your NPS email surveys at various touchpoints, it could be during different interaction points with you, at various stages of the customer journey, every time they have done a transaction with you, after each interaction with a customer service agent, etc.

This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the way you treat your customers at each of these junctions and can help you unearth business problems that might have been invisible to the naked eye earlier.

#3. KISS – Keep It Simple and Short:

A survey sent to your audience is not the right time to show the prowess of your vocabulary. Ensure that the question is phrased using simple words.

Do not craft questions that are difficult to understand. They should not head to use a dictionary to understand the words in your survey. After the NPS follow-up question, give the option for your customers to get on a call instead of sending them a barrage of email follow-ups in case you want to ask them anything else.

#4. Personalize your NPS email:

Read these two questions and imagine that your name is Kennedy.

‘Kennedy, how likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?’

‘How likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?’

Isn’t it easy? The first question will have more responses, right?

People love their names and it invokes a powerful emotion for them. They are more likely to respond when they find their names at the beginning of a sentence.

Personalized NPS email surveys

Personalized NPS email surveys work like magic!

Personalization increases customer engagement. As your respondent goes deeper into the funnel, you could gather more information which you can use when communicating with them.

#5. Send different follow-up emails based on responses:

The initial NPS question alone doesn’t give you a lot to use. You need to get specific insights to make the entire exercise useful for you. Here’s what you can do.

Draft different follow-up emails to everyone. Someone who gave a 9 or 10 can get an immediate response from the founder with gratitude. You can even ask these customers to send you a review, and more often than not, they will be happy to give you one as they are extremely happy with you.

For the respondents who gave 7 or 8, the follow-up email should ask how you can improve the service for them. For the respondents who gave a score below 7, you need them to get in touch with your customer service head so you can create clearer strategies to bring them into the fold too as happy customers.

Sending such targeted email followups helps you engage promoters, passives, and detractors in different ways.

#6. Go for survey branding:

Do not send cookie-cutter templates that have none of your brand identities in place. Customize the survey template to fit your company’s brand image. It is a representation of your brand and you want your customers to get a consistent experience across all platforms.

Add your logo, the right mix of colors, styling, typography and everything else to represent your brand. Do not assume that this is an insignificant part of the business. Surveys, especially NPS, hold a lot of weight and customers are always judging you.

Without your company’s branding on the survey, it will look as if it is someone else who is doing it.

#7. A/B test your email:

The open rates of emails have come under a lot of scanner of late. Why? Since people get hundreds of emails every day, open rates have come down drastically.

The average open rate for emails is 25 per cent. So this means that you need to go with data that only a quarter of your customers would have received. Among this 25 per cent, there will only be a fraction of people who would be interested in responding to the survey.

The subject line occupies an important space in increasing open rates. You need to experiment with different subject lines to see which one has higher open rates. You can’t afford to have bad content nor dull layout. Well, here are some email testing tools to dodge any flaws in your campaign.

#8. Ask open-ended questions:

The NPS question should be the standard, but the follow-up questions can be completely personalized based on the responses or you can also group the responses into a particular segment and ask them questions.

After you have segmented your respondents based on the NPS score they gave you, now is the time for you to get them to answer the follow-ups. NPS is just a number, but you need further explanation from your respondents to ensure that it is growing as expected.

#9. Ensure the survey is mobile-optimized:

Responsive design is the gold standard and it is important that your survey template looks fantastic on mobile devices as most of the users are reported to use their smartphones to respond to surveys. The NPS template should be responsive and mobile-friendly to ensure that you don’t miss out on anyone.

#10. Ask only one follow-up question:

It might be tempting to ask a lot of questions to your respondents. But let us tell you at the outset that customers hate responding to surveys and if you send them an NPS survey, they expect you to stop with that and not bombard them with tonnes of follow-up messages.

Here is what you need to do: send just one follow-up message like the one we discussed in the article. Nothing more, and inform your customers as well.

Customers will back out of surveys that consume a lot of their time, NPS surveys are popular because it is short and takes very few seconds to get done with.

#11. In-app and in-email surveys:

Customers love in-app and in-email surveys because they are very convenient for the user as they don’t have to go to a different page to complete the survey. You can use SurveySparrow which lets you do both in-email and in-app surveys with ease.

In-app surveys can lead to higher responses and it is not necessarily an alternative to email surveys as you can trigger the same to their email IDs too at the same time.

#12. Timing is everything:

If your customer hasn’t used your product for a long time, hasn’t spoken to your customer representative, and hasn’t been searching for a similar product, it doesn’t make sense to send them an NPS survey.

Send NPS surveys when the customer’s mind is fresh about your product. In other words, when the customer has completed a service or interacted with you in some way or the other.

#13. Send survey from a real person:

Do not send emails from or

These are highly impersonal. Instead, send it from a real person’s email account. Not only will it have higher chances of escaping the ‘Promotions’ tab, but it will also have higher response rates.

Your NPS surveys will look attractive and personal when the email starts like this -” Hey! Corey from XYZ here. I am the Customer Success Manager at XYZ. We would love your feedback on this and it is really important to us.”

#14. Send reminders:

Customers are busy and they would not respond to your request to fill a survey unless they know you for a long time and are personally invested in the company. This is why following up is an important aspect of asking for surveys.

Do not send a reminder email on the same day, use this formula to send reminder emails. 3-7-7.

The first follow up should be on the 3rd day, second follow-up on the 7th day and 3rd follow-up after another week. This way, you give your potential customers time to respond and are not pushing it. If there is no response after the 3rd follow-up, then quit it and move on to other things.

#15. Include a comment box:

Here is a small innovation that can open up a lot of leeway in terms of understanding your customers.

The NPS survey that you are going to send will have just two emails like we discussed: the initial email where we ask them if they would be willing to recommend us and the follow-up email. It is best advised not to send any more emails. But here is something clever that you can do to get a few more responses from customers.

Add a comments section where customers can explain the reason for their score or add anything else that they think might be appropriate for you. SurveySparrrow has the option where you can add a comment box.

#16. Clean your email list:

The quality of your responses is as important as the number of responses you get.

Sending NPS emails to customers who have never engaged with you will not add any value. Do not survey these types of customers.

Also, regularly monitor your bounce rates and use other methods to unsubscribe inactive customers who do not click on any of the emails. Keep weeding out disengaged customers from your list so that you are connected only with valuable customers.

#17. Do not send NPS email to a disgruntled customer:

If a customer came to you with a problem that was not possible for you to solve immediately, then do not send him/her your NPS email. They will surely give you an extremely low rating.

It doesn’t make sense to send them an NPS survey when you already know their issue and can do nothing about it, at least for the short term.

The situation could be due to a lack of resources, exigencies, a bug or a process failure that you are currently working on but has no immediate resolution to it.

#18. Stick to GDPR regulations:

The GDPR regulations have impacted the way companies do business. It forced businesses to follow best practices that would be respectful of their client’s privacy. When you are sending out an NPS email , ask as little information as required.

Include a privacy disclaimer in your email so that the respondents know what they are dealing with.

#19. Do not overdo it:

There are a lot of companies that are guilty of not getting feedback from their customers at all, but the opposite can also be a bad thing to do.

Do not send out a customer survey every few weeks. Not only will it irk the customers, they might put your email account on their spam list. Ask surveys at touchpoints, it makes a lot of sense and customers wouldn’t mind it at all.

For the case of NPS email surveys, set a goal to get it every 6 months.

#20. Offer an incentive:

Have you ever realized that there is nothing in it for the customer when they respond to a survey? In the case of most surveys, it is advised to avoid incentivizing the respondent as it might lead to biased responses.

Here’s what you can do.

You can use incentives when your NPS email’s response rate is low, otherwise, it is best to avoid the tactic. The incentives that can be offered are discounts, giveaways, coupons, free strategy calls, account credits and more.

#21 Add a thank-you message:

While this has nothing to do with NPS, it is something that businesses often forget. There was no obligation for the customer to fill out the survey, the least you can do to show your gratitude is to thank them for their time.

Let the ‘thank you’ email be simple. Maybe, it could tell how you plan to use the feedback from the NPS email survey to make positive changes for your customer.

What is NPS?

For those who are unaware of what is NPS exactly, it is an index of -100 to +100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend your company’s products to their connections. It is used to find out the customer’s satisfaction from using your product and is an indicator of customer loyalty.

Any NPS score above 0 is considered good. +50 is excellent and anything above 70 is considered world-class.

A standard NPS question looks like this:

“How likely are you to recommend us on a scale from 0 to 10?”

There is no strict rule on this being the only way you can ask this question. You can rephrase them based on your needs and expectations.

Here are some of the variations of the questions that you can ask:

  • ‘Considering our service so far, how likely are you to recommend our company to your friends and colleagues? (0-10)’
  • ‘How likely are you to recommend our product to someone who is in need of it?’
  • ‘What did you find most useful about us?’ This NPS follow-up question should have multiple-choice options for the respondent.
  • ‘What should we do to impress you?’ This is an open-ended NPS question.

As we have mentioned here, the NPS question can be drafted in any way.

There are many channels through which you can forward your NPS question. Email is one such channel that is gaining much popularity.

 Wrapping Up

Customer Satisfaction is an extremely important parameter to gauge. Understand the needs of the customers. Draft a clear strategy to find out more ways to keep them satisfied and happy. NPS is one of the best feedback mechanisms that make sure if a business is going on the right track.

If you do everything right, your NPS machine will keep giving you actionable feedback from your customers. Take decisive action to convert your detractors and passive customers into promoters who love and admire your brand.

Take a commitment to respond to the NPS surveys in a way that will affect changes in the way you do business. Once you make the changes based on the feedback, it is your duty to inform the customers about the same. This will increase loyalty as well as trust in your brand.

Would you like to add anything else on crafting the perfect NPS email surveys for your business? Leave us a comment and we will add it to the article with a mention.

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Mathew Maniyamkott

Regular contributor to various magazines. Passionate about entrepreneurship, startups, marketing, and productivity.

Guest Blogger at SurveySparrow

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