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High Touch Customer Service: A Guide to Exceptional Customer Experiences

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 19 September 2024

13 min read

Customer service is no longer a mere exchange of goods and services. Now, every interaction is crucial, and every experience you offer counts. Do you remember the last time you received truly exceptional customer service? The kind that made you feel valued, heard, and left a lasting impression? If you do, the fact that you recall it is proof of high-touch customer service! But if you didn’t, fret not. Let’s make sure your customers do.

Now, what exactly sets this remarkable customer service apart? What makes it high touch? And how can you harness its potential to elevate your business? Let’s find out.

What is High Touch Customer Service?

High-touch customer service, often referred to as “white glove” service, is a customer-centric approach that goes above and beyond to meet and exceed customer expectations. It’s about forging strong, personalized connections with customers, offering tailored solutions, and making them feel special.

What is high-touch?

“High-touch” is a way of doing customer service where the main goal is to make customers feel really special. It’s all about giving them personal attention and making them feel like they’re important and valued. Instead of just doing the basics, high touch goes a step further. It pays close attention to what each customer likes and wants.

Think of it as when a friend remembers your birthday and gives you a thoughtful gift. High touch is like that – making each customer feel important and appreciated.

What is High Touch Support?

High-touch support is a customer service approach that’s like having a dedicated assistant. When you buy a product or use a service, high-touch support steps in to provide you with personalized assistance. They aim to make your experience smooth and tailored to your needs. It’s like having a knowledgeable advisor who is genuinely interested in ensuring your satisfaction.

It is about creating a sense of trust and reliability. It assures customers that they’re not alone in navigating their purchase or using a service – there’s always someone ready to assist them. This level of care and attention can turn a regular customer into a loyal advocate for the brand.

Think of it as a premium service where you’re treated with extra care and attention, ensuring that you have a hassle-free and enjoyable experience.

After all, good customer service leads to exceptional customer experience!

High Touch Services Examples

Whether it’s software, travel, or luxury goods, the common thread is the commitment to ensuring each customer feels truly valued and well-cared for.

Personalized Onboarding

Imagine you’ve just signed up for a complex software service. With high-touch services, you wouldn’t be left to figure it out on your own. Instead, the company assigns you a dedicated onboarding specialist.

This expert takes you through the software step by step, tailoring the training to your specific needs. They ensure you understand how to make the most of the software’s features, making your transition smooth and hassle-free.

Priority Support

Picture yourself as a premium passenger at an airport. High-touch services in the airline industry mean you get access to dedicated check-in counters, where there are no long lines.

You breeze through security checks, and once onboard, you enjoy exclusive in-flight services that make your journey truly special. High-touch support ensures your travel experience is comfortable and stress-free from start to finish.

Luxury Retail Experience

Suppose you’re shopping at a high-end boutique for a special occasion. High-touch services here mean you’re not just another shopper. Instead, you’re treated like a VIP.

A personal shopper is assigned to you, who takes the time to understand your style and preferences. They handpick items that align with your tastes, provide expert fashion advice, and even arrange exclusive events where you can preview the latest collections. The goal is to make your shopping experience memorable and tailored to your desires.

What are Low Touch Services?

Low-touch services are a different approach to customer service compared to high-touch services. They’re more about efficiency and automation than personalized attention. In low-touch services, the focus is on providing a quick and convenient experience for a larger number of customers, often through self-service or minimal human interaction.

Here are some examples to help you understand low-touch services better:

  1. Self-Service Supermarkets: Think about a supermarket where you can scan and pay for your items at self-checkout counters. There’s no need to interact with store staff unless you have a specific question. This makes the shopping process faster and more convenient for customers who prefer a quick in-and-out experience.
  2. Chatbot Customer Support: Many companies use automated chatbots on their websites. These bots can answer common customer inquiries and provide assistance 24/7 without the need for a human customer support agent. It’s a way to provide instant responses and support to a large number of customers simultaneously. Plus, did you know that you can even create a chatbot for your website without any coding knowledge!
  3. Online Booking Platforms: When you book a flight or reserve a hotel room online, you’re using a low touch service. You can do it all by yourself through a website or app without talking to a travel agent. This approach is ideal for customers who value the convenience of making bookings independently.

What is High Touch Customer Experience?

High touch customer experience is the culmination of all high touch efforts within a business. It represents the sum of every interaction, engagement, and touchpoint a customer has with a brand, product, or service. The goal of high touch customer experience is to create moments that customers remember, cherish, and appreciate. It’s about forging emotional connections that go beyond simple transactions.

Here’s what high touch customer experience entails:

1. Personalized Interactions

In a high touch customer experience, customers are not treated as numbers. Instead, they are recognized as individuals with unique preferences and needs. Businesses make an effort to address customers by their names and offer tailored recommendations based on their past interactions.

2. Anticipating Needs

High touch goes beyond just solving existing problems. It involves anticipating customer needs and providing solutions before they even ask. It’s like having a friend who knows you so well that they offer help before you realize you need it.

3. Ongoing Relationship Building

High touch customer experience is not limited to a single transaction. It extends beyond that, maintaining a continuous relationship. Businesses keep in touch, show genuine care, and express interest in customers’ well-being, even when there’s no immediate sale involved.

Consider a high-end hotel as an example. From the moment you arrive, the staff knows your name, remembers your preferences, and offers personalized services. They may even surprise you with thoughtful gestures, like remembering your favorite room view or providing a complimentary bottle of your preferred beverage. It’s an experience that leaves a lasting impression and makes you want to return.

High Touch vs. Low Touch

 High TouchLow Touch
PersonalizationIndividualized careStandardized service
Human InteractionFrequentLimited or Automated
Customer EngagementDeep connectionsTransactional
Service EfficiencyMore time-consumingQuick and efficient
Customer BaseSmaller, high-valueLarger, broad audience
ExamplesLuxury retail, concierge servicesSelf-service kiosks, automated chatbots


  • High Touch: High touch services prioritize personalized and tailored experiences. They go the extra mile to understand individual customer needs and preferences.
  • Low Touch: Low touch services often provide standardized solutions, offering the same experience to a larger audience without personalization.

Human Interaction

  • High Touch: High touch services involve frequent and meaningful human interaction. Customers often have direct contact with dedicated service representatives. If short-staffed, consider outsourcing customer service.
  • Low Touch: Low touch services may involve limited human interaction or rely on automation, such as chatbots, for customer interactions.

Customer Engagement

  • High Touch: High touch services aim to create deep connections with customers, fostering long-term relationships and emotional engagement.
  • Low Touch: Low touch services tend to be more transactional, focusing on the efficiency of each interaction.

Service Efficiency

  • High Touch: High touch services may be more time-consuming due to personalized attention and human interaction.
  • Low Touch: Low touch services prioritize quick and efficient service delivery, often relying on self-service options.

Customer Base

  • High Touch: High touch services are typically geared towards a smaller, high-value customer base where individualized care is crucial.
  • Low Touch: Low touch services cater to a broader audience, offering standardized services that can accommodate a larger customer base.

How to Create High Touch Customer Service

Creating a high touch customer service strategy involves a thoughtful approach aimed at fostering personalized, meaningful interactions. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create it:


1. Customer Segmentation

  • Identify Your Most Valuable Customers: Begin by identifying the customers who contribute the most to your business. This includes those who make frequent purchases or engage deeply with your brand.
  • Segment Your Customer Base: Group your customers into segments based on their needs, preferences, and behavior. This segmentation helps tailor your high touch efforts effectively.

Read More: What is Market Segmentation : The Ultimate Guide

2. Dedicated Support Teams

  • Assign Dedicated Teams or Agents: Select dedicated support teams or individual customer service agents to handle high touch customers. These teams should have a deep understanding of your products or services and the ability to build rapport with customers.
  • Provide Specialized Training: Ensure that your dedicated support teams receive training not only in product knowledge but also in interpersonal skills, empathy, and problem-solving.

3. Continuous Training and Improvement

  • Train Your Employees: Extend customer service training to all employees, not just those in dedicated support roles. Every team member should understand the importance of high touch interactions.
  • Encourage Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of learning and improvement within your organization. Regularly gather feedback from customers and employees to identify areas for enhancement.

4. Feedback Loops

  • Gather Customer Feedback: Actively seek feedback from high touch customers. Use surveys, interviews, and other feedback channels to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Act on Feedback: Take action based on the feedback you receive. Address issues promptly and make improvements to enhance the customer experience continually.

Customer Engagement Model in High Touch Customer Service

A well-defined Customer Engagement Model is vital for delivering exceptional high touch customer service. It provides a structured framework for building and nurturing customer relationships. Here’s a simplified model to illustrate how it works:

1. Know Your Customers (KYC)

  • Begin by collecting relevant data about your customers. This includes their preferences, purchase history, communication preferences, and any special requirements.
  • Segment your customers based on common characteristics or behaviors. This helps tailor your engagement approach.

2. Personalization and Communication

  • Use the gathered data to personalize interactions. Address customers by their names, recommend products or services based on their preferences, and acknowledge their unique needs.
  • Engage with customers through their preferred channels, whether it’s email, phone calls, chat, or in-person interactions.

3. Active Listening and Feedback

  • Initiate contact to check in on customers, offer assistance, or inform them about relevant updates or promotions.
  • Encourage customers to provide feedback, and when they do, take it seriously. Address their concerns promptly and implement improvements based on their suggestions.

4. Surprise and Delight

  • Occasionally surprise customers with small, unexpected gestures of appreciation. It could be a personalized thank-you note, a special discount, or a free upgrade.
  • Recognize and celebrate important milestones in your customer’s journey with your business, such as anniversaries or birthdays.

5. Continuous Relationship Building

  • Maintain ongoing communication with customers, even when they’re not actively making purchases. Share valuable content, insights, or updates related to their interests.
  • Offer educational resources or support to help customers make the most of your products or services.

6. Feedback and Improvement Loop

  • Continuously assess the effectiveness of your customer engagement model. Is it achieving the desired outcomes? Are customers satisfied?
  • Use the insights gained to refine your approach. Adapt to changing customer preferences and needs.

If you’re concerned about streamlining this process, consider using advanced platforms such as SurveySparrow. You can create engaging surveys, collate feedback, analyze and take informed decisions based on the insights. Moreover, you can conduct customer pulse surveys to measure the satisfaction index.

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Role of a Customer Success Manager in High Touch Customer Service

A Customer Success Manager (CSM) plays a pivotal role in ensuring that customers have a positive and fulfilling experience with a company’s products or services. In the realm of high touch customer service, the CSM takes on added importance as they become the primary advocate for the customer within the organization. Here are the key responsibilities and functions of a CSM:

1. Customer Onboarding and Training

  • Personalized Onboarding: CSMs ensure that new customers receive personalized onboarding experiences tailored to their specific needs and objectives.
  • Training and Education: They provide training and educational resources to help customers understand how to use the product or service effectively.

2. Account Management

  • Account Assessment: CSMs regularly assess customer accounts to identify areas where they can add value or address potential issues.
  • Customer Advocacy: They serve as the voice of the customer within the company, advocating for customer needs and preferences.

3. Proactive Engagement

  • Regular Check-Ins: CSMs conduct regular check-in calls or meetings to understand customer goals and challenges.
  • Proactive Support: They proactively identify and resolve issues before they escalate, ensuring a seamless customer experience.

4. Customized Solutions

  • Tailored Solutions: CSMs work closely with customers to develop customized solutions or strategies that align with their business objectives.
  • Problem-Solving: When challenges arise, CSMs collaborate with cross-functional teams to find solutions that meet customer needs.

5. Feedback and Improvement

  • Feedback Collection: They gather feedback from customers and convey it to the product development and service teams for continuous improvement.
  • Iterative Enhancements: CSMs participate in refining the customer engagement model based on feedback and evolving customer requirements.

6. Renewals and Expansion

  • Renewal Management: CSMs play a crucial role in ensuring customer renewals by demonstrating ongoing value.
  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: They identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling additional products or services that benefit the customer.

7. Customer Advocacy and Retention

  • Advocacy Programs: CSMs encourage satisfied customers to become advocates, participating in case studies, testimonials, or referrals.
  • Retention Strategy: They develop and execute strategies to retain high-value customers, reducing churn rates.

8. Monitoring and Reporting

  • Data Analysis: CSMs analyze customer data to track engagement, usage patterns, and overall satisfaction.
  • Reporting: They create reports and dashboards to measure the impact of high touch service efforts.

Benefits of High Touch Customer Service

Why invest in high touch customer service? Here are some compelling benefits:

  1. Customer Loyalty: High touch service creates loyal customers who are more likely to stick with your brand.
  2. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied customers become brand advocates, bringing in new business through referrals.
  3. Higher Lifetime Value: Customers who receive high-touch service often spend more over their lifetime.

Wrap up!

High touch customer service is not just about satisfying customers; it’s about delighting them. Besides, it’s about creating memorable experiences, and forging lasting relationships. Now, it’s your turn. Take these insights, apply them in your unique context, and embark on a high-touch journey that resonates with your customers, building bonds that stand the test of time. Your pursuit of high-touch excellence is a powerful step towards a future where every customer feels not just served but truly cared for.

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Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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