35+ Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions to Find How Happy Your Employees Are

Hari Gopinath
Last Updated: 16 November 2021
17 min read

It is no secret that when your employees are engaged, they become passionate contributors, innovative problem solvers, and enthusiastic colleagues. In addition, they will positively adopt the vision and values of the organization they work for.
Now, who wouldn’t want to be satisfied, engaged employees. Eh? But, but, you’d be startled to know how many organizations overlook the most crucial step in creating thriving workplace-employee feedback.
Yes, yes, we know. Employee satisfaction surveys questions were fended off for a long time as most were long and inconvenient to complete. Worry not, we’ve got your back.
30+ Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions
With a multitude of tools available in the market, anyone could pick a survey platform that works best for them. By also emphasizing asking the right questions, you could make informed decisions that help improve your employee experience.
But how do you know which questions should be on your employee satisfaction survey?
To save you time, we’ve classified questions into several categories-
- Workplace Culture Survey Questions
- Management-related Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions
- Job Responsibilities-related Survey Questions
- Personal Growth Survey Questions
Now that it is out of the way, here are a few questions you could include in your next employee satisfaction survey:
Work Culture Survey Questions
1. How would you rate our company culture?
We know how challenging it is to create a company culture that every employee is satisfied with. But believe it or not, it is a crucial step to retain employees in the longer run.
That’s why companies need to ask the right questions about their culture so that managers know how to improve or maintain them.
For instance, if employees provide overall positive feedback about the culture, you can positively deduce that your employee satisfaction is intact. On the other hand, negative responses would indicate that it’s time to tweak and improve your company culture.
2. Do you feel connected to your co-workers?
If employees feel connected with their co-workers, they will be more likely to make an effort to maintain a healthy company culture by positively influencing their co-workers’ performance.
Therefore, it’s crucial to identify ways in which employees feel connected with their co-workers and bosses, both at work and outside of work hours.
Giving them a platform to make connections will strengthen the sense of community within your workplace culture. Rest assured.
3. Does your team inspire you to do your best work?
When you’re running a company, your team is your most important asset and biggest resource. So, it is essential for your employees to feel motivated by their co-workers.
This will undoubtedly and positively contribute to the success of any given team, but it also ensures that all members can do their best work.
4. Is our company culture energizing or draining?
Once in a while, it’s essential to take a moment and see if the tasks and responsibilities assigned to your employees are grinding them down. Look over and scrutinize whether your task force is tired, depleted, and quite frankly just done with “business as usual.”
If they are, it’s time to make amends. The first logical step towards setting things straight would be to probe the plausible causes leading to disengagement. Once that is over, it’s time to roll the dice and spring to action.
5. Is there transparency in the company?
Workplace transparency amidst old-school maxims such as “business is war” and “loose lips sink ships” often appear a tad idealistic. But despite the skepticism, you should strive to create an open culture where employees can openly come forward and discuss their problems.
Because if there is no transparency in the company, it will negatively impact the trust between employees and senior management.
6. As an organization, how open are we to change?
Overcoming resistance to changes is often one of the biggest challenges if you are eyeing continuous improvement.
You simply can’t make an effective change within a company without the support of employees. But, on the other hand, if they are open to it, you can implement it successfully, and you’ll see a positive response from your workforce.
7. Do you think our company takes a proactive approach to promote employee wellness?
Gym membership rebates to office yoga classes-employers can offer multiple types of wellness programs to their employees.
This would ensure a healthier workforce with reduced healthcare costs down the road due to less absenteeism from illness or injury-related job applicants who don’t pass screenings because they’re too sick during testing sessions.
8. How satisfied are you with working for our organization?
If your team has low morale or is unhappy with the company culture, your organization is quickly going the way of the dinosaurs.
So it is advisable to run an employee pulse survey frequently to get insights into how your employees feel about their work and the organization as a whole.
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9. Would you be happy to recommend our organization to friends and family as an ideal workplace?
In a tight job market, attracting skilled workers is a Herculean task in itself. But what if your employees brought in new talent by referral? That’d be every organization’s dream.
Well, by ensuring your workers are happy and satisfied, you can do just that.
10. What is your feedback on our company’s work-life balance?
It’s essential to have a good work-life balance if you want your employees to be happy and engaged. Without this healthy regimen in place, there could be resentment towards the company because it doesn’t allow time for hobbies or spending quality family moments together.
For many, balancing life and work can be stressful, but ensuring your employees get enough downtime will improve their outlook and how they feel about themselves at work and ultimately improve their performance. Bingo!
11. If you leave the organization, what would be your reason for doing so?
As uncomfortable as you may feel asking this, this is a critical question that helps you determine if your organization is right on track when it comes to growth opportunities for your employees.
It is possible to create new strategies that attempt to alleviate those issues and retain your staff by identifying this.
After all, uncovering unforeseen reasons is an opportunity to create new strategies and cultures that mitigate those problems and reduce employee attrition.
Management Related questions for Employee Satisfaction Survey
Regardless of the size or industry, the managers and management greatly influence worker satisfaction and employee experience levels.
12. How much does the management value your feedback?
One of the secret formulas for a successful company is creating empowered managers who put their employees first. One foolproof way to embody this mission is to encourage your employees to share their open and honest feedback with managers.
Managers that are more concerned about getting results than giving credit will most likely not be the best. Instead, their role should be as a collaborative partnership in which they respect their employees’ work and input while also working towards common goals.
13. How much does the management value your contributions?
Everyone is happy when recognized for their efforts, and this especially applies in the workplace, where people spend a lot of time working on their assigned tasks.
When managers take note of even small accomplishments, it creates an engaging environment that motivates co-workers to do better at their job.
14. How transparent do you feel the management is?
There is a prevalent blind spot among employees about the reality of their organization. Addressing the blind spot is essential for employees to function effectively, both as individuals and members of an interconnected team.
15. Is the work evenly distributed across the team?
When certain team members are overworked while others aren’t, it creates an imbalance that needs to be corrected.
Without strong leadership and employee feedback for this issue, things will only get worse as more employees notice how bad things have gotten in terms of workload distributions among other members of your work staff.
16. Does the management care about you as a person?
Did you know that even the tone in which an employer communicates with their employee impacts their satisfaction in that position?
That is why, with receptive and empathetic management towards employees, the company culture benefits because it creates a more positive work environment to trust and grow.
17. Does the management provide the support you need to complete your work?
Sometimes, team members also require management to remove specific obstacles to complete their activities and achieve their objectives. Great managers make sure their employees receive the support they need and deserve.
To advance productivity, managers need to continually give their employees the support they need to do their jobs.
Job Responsibilities Related Survey Questions
Allowing employees to do their job is fundamental for the success of the team and the organization, so you need to ensure you’re providing them with the resources necessary to fulfill the work they are doing.
The best way to make sure your employees are happy with their tasks is by providing them with all the tools necessary.
18. Is your work meaningful?
If employees don’t find their jobs engaging, it will be hard for them and the business to feel connected, leading to an unhappy path towards disengagement.
So to build a culture of innovation, the company’s purpose or mission statement must have meaning for its employees. Whether your staff members are inspired by what you stand for may depend on how well they understand these core beliefs- so review them carefully.
19. Does your company offer opportunities for career development?
In today’s vibrant yet competitive economy, companies are more important than ever to invest in their employees.
Providing learning opportunities, career development, and cross-department opportunities for employees to grow their skills will help your customers get better service.
20. Does our company give you the technologies you need to do your job well?
It’s no secret that work is not always fun. But the agony gets a tad too compounded when your employees have to rely on old-fashioned tools and legacy technology.
Denying employees the resources they require would pose a significant source of frustration for employees who feel like working hard but can never get enough help.
Case in point, the hidden cost of substandard resources is the unfulfilled potential for value creation.
As a result, employees would wind up working on less valuable activities for the organization. Eventually, the question arises whether or not this organization values them as much as it should with what little effort has gone into making them feel worthwhile.
21. Do you have clarity in your job responsibilities?
When roles are not properly defined, it can lead to a lot of confusion. When employees don’t know what their role entails or how they should be acting for themselves and others to succeed, there is no way everyone will work together harmoniously.
To ensure employees know precisely what they should be doing and the boundaries of those responsibilities, so there is no miscommunication. This way, they can focus on their tasks without distractions, leading to a more efficient work environment!
22. Do you feel like your job uses your skills to their maximum potential?
Sometimes, companies don’t tap into the full potential of their employees, which is a real problem for employee engagement and retaining top talent.
It’s tough for a team to be happy when their employer ignores their most vital skills. So if team members don’t think you’re leveraging what makes them unique, start encouraging some independent work while encouraging cross-team collaboration.
Just by simply asking someone about what they’re capable of achieving, you will be surprised to know how much time you save!
23. How happy are you at your current role at work?
Your employees should be excited and proud to work for an organization where their happiness matters.
It’s because when you take time to ask them what makes them happy, not only will this make your workplace better, but it’ll also give you more insight into how best to handle situations.
If your employees aren’t happy, then the chances of being satisfied with their work environment and, therefore, their job will be slim. Chances are they won’t be productive either.
If not fixed promptly, you’ll start to see more turnover, which brings us back to where we began: more overworked, unhappy workers.
24. Do you feel empowered at work?
The desire to be autonomous and make independent decisions is what empowers people. Just like that, your employees wish to have the freedom to make independent decisions while on their job.
Unfortunately, this often leads to stress in the workplace, even making them rebellious towards the management. Having an empowering environment and nurturing managers can help relieve some of that pressure off their backs. ,
25. Do you find your job role exciting and challenging?
Risk and challenge in the job is a long-lasting motivator for employees. It gets their creativity flowing, which leads them to become more absorbed in what they do best at work.
Challenging responsibilities can be seen as an advantage if the same person has been working on something boring or mundane before being spurred into action by some dynamic input.
If someone does not find enjoyment within their career path, they’ll most likely show little interest when faced with such tasks.
Such team members strive for innovation and operate best alongside people who can handle more challenging assignments, even if this takes more time and effort.
26. Do you think you have enough freedom to decide how to do your work?
To collaborate productively, a team with diverse skills must have complete autonomy over their projects. Freedom enables them to work together asynchronously on the tasks at hand without constant oversight from managers.
When coordination between various aspects becomes necessary; keep track of progress by monitoring what has been completed so far (and not just overall); eliminate obstacles that may stand in your way, such as lack of resources, etc.
27. Do you know what is needed to meet your goals and objectives?
Many companies focus on their employees’ goals but don’t consider how they can help them reach those expectations.
If managers and business owners give their employees all the tools they need, it is a given that those people will thrive in their careers.
Therefore, managers should provide clear guidance to ensure no confusion on what the employee has to do or when something important will happen with deadlines for this year’s goals.
Giving them resources like training courses would also help keep up-to-date on changes within industry standards.
28. Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your job well?
Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for an employee without the required resources and equipment to be underperforming, unhappy, possibly unsafe, or stressed out. If that is the case, the organization can lose money while losing their customers.
29. Do you find your workload reasonable?
Every organization has those employees who are reliable and produce excellent results, most of the time. Chances are, you seldom have to worry about them.
But have you ever taken the time to reflect on whether you’re relying too heavily on that one person? Chances are, if you do, you are already overlooking or worse, ignoring other workers in the process.
30. Is work evenly distributed among your team?
When teams are working together, each member of the team must have an equal workload.
However, even distribution doesn’t mean everyone on your squad should be tackling every project at once; what takes one person three hours could take another all day.
Delegating work is an essential responsibility of the manager. The team’s skills should complement each other, and it will help them be more productive if managers spend time planning out projects for them throughout the week rather than focusing on day-to-day tasks only.
Just make sure that the plan can adapt when needed; unforeseen circumstances might arise.
31. Do you feel a sense of accomplishment from what you do?
Studies show that modern employees are looking for more value from their job than just a hefty paycheck. What they want are opportunities to do something that matters and get rewarded for their efforts.
32. Are you fairly compensated for the work you currently do?
When evaluating employee satisfaction, it is essential to take into account the extrinsic factors that contribute. These include compensation and benefits packages and work-life balance policies at your company – all things which could make or break an individual’s decision about where they want to spend their time daily.
33. Do you get enough time to do your job well?
When employees feel overwhelmed from work, they can experience several physical symptoms.
Missing deadlines and even deteriorating health are expected outcomes as the stress levels reach boiling point in pursuit for more tasks to be completed with fewer resources available.
A significant part of having a happy and healthy work-life is ensuring that your employees have the right amount of time to complete tasks.
If they’re constantly overworked and provided with limited time, they might get overwhelmed, creating problems with their health and affecting how much progress they make during any given week or month.
Professional growth
34. How do you feel about your professional growth in the organization?
Every organization wants the best to stay and rise through ranks. However, if there’s no clear progression plan in place, they may be eyeing the door even if they’re relatively happy with the role.
It’s a common misconception that happy employees will stay in a position indefinitely.
35. Does this role provide you with the scope to develop new professional skills?
One-third of employees leave their job due to a lack of opportunities for learning new skills.
Top performers seek challenges, and stagnation equals death in today’s world, where everything changes quickly.
36. Do you see a path to advance your career in our company?
In the past, companies used to lay out clear skills development paths for their employees.
For example, they might start as trainees and work their way up through different levels of management before becoming executives with years of experience under their belt.
Instead of providing set titles or progression charts, there can often only be general guidance about what positions someone wants.
The right questions are the key to making sure your employees feel valued. The technology you need for conducting these surveys should ask great questions and provide you with real-time reports and dashboards that will help keep you on track in developing employee experience.
SurveySparrow is the perfect way to get feedback from your employees. With an easy-to-use interface, you can survey what they like and dislike about work to improve engagement levels.
Try SurveySparrow Today!

Hari Gopinath
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