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Call Center ACD: Everything You Need To Know

blog author

Vismaya Babu

Last Updated: 9 July 2024

5 min read

Customer satisfaction is the key element of a successful organization. You can’t have a long list of customers waiting for a response or not getting their issue resolved by a knowledgeable agent. If they wait too long or get an unsatisfactory answer, there is a high chance that you’ll lose those customers.

If your call center faces this issue during high call volume periods, you’re missing out on a crucial technological solution. 

Enter ACD, a must-have system for all contact centers so that the agents won’t have to leave waiting callers unattended. Let’s dive deeper down the ACD road and see how it can improve your call center service.

What Is ACD (Automatic Call Distribution)?

ACD is an acronym for Automatic Call Distribution. This intelligent system impulsively channels the incoming calls to the most viable agent for the best response. It works in unison with two systems; IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and CTI (Computer Telephony Integration).

An IVR collects the user’s queries, and a CTI allows the computers to interact with other communication media such as emails or live chats. The ACD then compiles this information and smartly distributes the calls to the appropriate departments. 

Uses Of ACD

A superior call center ACD is the pillar of any organization as it smoothens the communication process to a large extent. Following are the uses of ACD in solving the issue of high call volume.

1. Intelligent Call Rerouting To Appropriate Agents

ACD automatically identifies which department will be more suited to the customer’s requirements. For instance, it will direct the calls from foreign customers to specific language-speaking representatives.

In the same way, if the customer dials the finance department’s number, their call will be directed toward the respected agent.

2. Acquiring Essential User Data

Collecting user data for further analysis is crucial for an organization’s improvement. In this regard, ACD helps companies by recording the call time, the number of customers that called, who got replied, and how many were put in a queue.

3. Effective Customer Management

To make the process more effective, modern ACDs are integrated with advanced CTIs. It enables the agents to gain a handful of information before receiving the customer’s call. This data is gathered by CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) through different forms of communications like social media, help desks, emails, or live chats.

4. Call Monitoring

New agents facing difficulty in their job are not meant to be fired; they need proper training. ACD allows the managerial personnel to effectively monitor an agent’s call using conferencing and provide relevant feedback. 

They can indulge in whisper coaching to prepare the agents properly and enhance their organization’s productivity.

What Are The Benefits Of ACD?

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Customers are satisfied only when they receive the correct response first, without having to listen to those waiting jingles. It doesn’t waste time connecting the users to the right agent, increasing first call resolution and satisfaction. Therefore successful companies invest in their customer services and distribute corporate gifts to the employees.

Increased Agent Productivity

ACD provides the agents with customer data like phone numbers, areas, etc., so they know who they’re talking to. Moreover, when a technical agent receives a call to solve a technical issue, they will surely be more productive. 

It boosts their confidence while enhancing their capabilities and expertise in the field.

Smooth And Time-Efficient Routing

ACD utilizes pre-defined parameters to perform intelligent call routing, saving a lot of time for both the customers and agents. This reduced call transferring time can be used for other productive purposes.

Reduced Costs

Also, ACD can save customers the hassle of jumping from one department to another, waiting for their queries to be resolved. It enhances customer loyalty while reducing the cost-per-call for the contact center. It’s a win-win situation.

Streamlined Operations

ACD, in collaboration with other systems, critically analyzes the customers’ queries. An agent with the appropriate expertise gets to respond, and the customer receives the best possible response. 

It is only possible when the customer’s needs are clarified, which is what ACD’s for.

How Can You Get Most Out Of ACD?

No wonder ACD is the backbone of a successful contact system. It pretty much sounds like a magic spell. Right? It might be a highly beneficial tool; however, its value extraction varies from company to company.

Here’s how you can make this tool more beneficial for your organization:

  • Companies should provide clear pre-defined parameters for ACD to efficiently analyze which department would best serve a particular customer.
  • Define secondary or backup agent pools for the scenario when no primary agents are available.
  • Implement agent transparency so the managers can make proper decisions based on an agent’s activity and performance.
  • ACD software should be constantly updated to meet any changes and additional department information that has been added to the organization.
  • Too many IVR options can frustrate the customer. Make sure to make it as simple as possible.


Automatic Call Distribution act as a lifeline that effectively manages an enormous amount of incoming calls. It offers some brilliant uses and benefits such as increased agent productivity, greater customer satisfaction, smooth call rerouting, and streamlined operations while reducing costs.

Despite these positives, ACD systems can be improved by implementing the suggestions mentioned above. It can take your call center’s environment to a whole new level.

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Vismaya Babu

Lead SEO specialist at SurveySparrow

Marketing whiz and tech lover, always exploring the digital world with curiosity and creativity!

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