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How AI Integrations in Surveys Can Boost CX

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 9 August 2024

11 min read

From reviewing contracts to breaking down Babel, industries are using AI in ways that could be ripped from a sci-fi novel. But today, we’re zeroing in on a more down-to-earth application – AI integrations in customer experience.

Or more specifically, customer experience surveys.

Why surveys, you ask? Simple. They’re the dashboards of customer feedback, revealing exactly where you need to step up your game. Without them, you’re flying blind.

In this blog, we will explore how AI survey integrations for business are transforming these trusty tools, while simultaneously boosting customer engagement. Let’s go!

TL;DR: AI Survey Integration in a Nutshell

  • AI is transforming customer experience surveys by making them more personalized, efficient, and insightful.
  • There are various types of AI including Narrow AI, General AI, Machine Learning, and more.
  • AI helps create and customize surveys quickly, leading to more relevant questions.
  • AI enables real-time sentiment and text analysis which speeds up issue resolution.
  • AI-driven predictive analytics, automated reporting, and data visualization help businesses improve customer experiences and retention.
  • AI chatbots and virtual assistants provide 24/7 support, personalized interactions, and proactive assistance.
  • SurveySparrow is one of the best AI survey tools to enhance customer experience. Our ChatGPT integration helps you collect data better, analyze that data faster, and make decisions smarter.

What are the types of artificial intelligence?

There are different types of AI, each with its own unique characteristics and applications. Let’s explore some of them. 

  1. Narrow AI: Also known as Weak AI, narrow AI refers to AI systems designed to perform specific tasks within a limited domain.
  2. General AI: General AI, also called Strong AI or Human-Level AI, refers to AI systems that possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various domains, similar to human intelligence. 
  3. Artificial Superintelligence: Artificial Superintelligence refers to an AI system that surpasses human intelligence across all domains and tasks.
  4. Machine Learning: Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that focuses on enabling systems to learn from data and improve their performance without being explicitly programmed.
  5. Deep Learning: Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning that utilizes artificial neural networks inspired by the structure and function of the human brain.
  6. Cognitive Computing: It aims to mimic human thought processes and emulate human-like intelligence.
  7. Reinforcement Learning: (RL) involves training an AI agent to learn optimal behavior through interactions with an environment. 

Now that we have an idea about the types of AI, let’s start with its applications in surveys.

1. Hello, Kitty: Personalizing surveys with AI

The data is clear: 91% of customers like to shop with brands who provide relevant recommendations and offers.

But the same study also talks about the ‘burden of choice’; most businesses have a pile of data and tools at their disposal, yet they struggle to translate that into personalized service.

Enter the transformative power of AI survey integration.

How does AI help?

1. Quick survey generation

Survey templates can help you get feedback campaigns up and running ASAP.

But, suppose you have a survey goal that’s quite targeted and specific (for eg., “team poll for a new webpage color palette”), It will still take time to find a suitable template, edit the questions, and customize it.

Enter AI integrations to the rescue. You can enter a prompt to generate and share the form in just seconds.

2. AI-driven survey customization

When it comes to customer surveys, writing questions so that the key message is conveyed in the first few words helps to sustain attention (and response rates). But not everyone has the skill to write error-free questions.

Enter AI. Whether you need to edit, rephrase or check for tone, you can use the AI integration to enhance your surveys further.

3. Adaptive questioning techniques

Imagine a branching conversation, where the next question depends on what you said earlier. This is how adaptive survey questioning using AI works.

Here’s how:

  1. Start with the initial icebreakers: The survey starts with some general questions to understand the respondent’s background or basic knowledge about the topic.
  2. AI analyzes responses: The AI can analyze the underlying sentiment as well as the choice of words that were used.
  3. Tailor the follow-ups: Based on the results, the AI suggests the most relevant follow-up questions or response for that customer interaction.

For example, if a customer gives a low rating on their vehicle service experience, the AI might suggest follow-up questions about staff behavior, communication or quality of service.

This creates a personalized survey experience that avoids irrelevant questions and keeps the customer engaged.


1. Increased Relevance: Imagine getting a survey asking about your experience with a specific product that you just bought instead of a generic one about the entire store.

Personalized questions tailored to a customer’s specific interaction (e.g., recent purchase, service call) make them feel valued and heard.

2. Reduced Friction: Imagine instantly getting a survey that focuses on details of your specific interaction with a specific staff – making you go “Whoa, how did they know that?”

Personalized surveys eliminate the need for irrelevant questions, making the process quicker and less frustrating.

3. Demonstrates Care: Surveys feel less like a checkbox task, and more like a genuine attempt to understand the customer experience.

2. “How May I Help You?”: Real-Time Feedback Analysis

How does AI help?

1. Sentiment analysis and emotion detection

Imagine a call center chat where the AI detects frustration in the customer’s tone. This can then lead to one of two solutions: the AI recommends some action or prompts a supervisor to intervene and offer additional support.

By integrating AI surveys within the feedback process, you can go beyond a basic “positive” or “negative” rating to really dig into the customer’s emotions, and get a better understanding of their experience.

2. Text analysis and extraction

Let’s say you own a pizza place, and you want to understand what aspects of your diner resonate (or not) with customers. You share a survey but you’re deluged with feedback.

An AI survey integration can identify frequently mentioned phrases, and automatically extract key themes and topics from the comments. This removes the need for manual analysis, saving time and resources.

3. Real-time data processing

Suppose you’ve got a product launch, and you need to nip any issues in the bud before customer perception hardens. Real-time sentiment analysis of in-store feedback can help you do that.

One, you address issues promptly, and two, your proactive approach leads to better customer satisfaction rates. Thanks to AI integration, it’s a win-win.


1. Instant resolution: Businesses can look into immediate issues quickly. This prevents small problems from escalating.

For example, if negative sentiment spikes in a specific store or location, managers can investigate and resolve the issue promptly.

2. Emotional depth: Customer experience teams can understand the emotional drivers behind feedback. This helps with more targeted solutions.

For example, a frustrated customer might need immediate attention. But a disappointed customer might need a follow-up with an apology and a solution.

3. Tell Us More: Generating Actionable Insights

How does AI help?

1. Predictive analytics

What if you could predict the future?

Suppose you own a retail store, and you need to know when to stock up on summer clothing. By using machine learning, and analyzing historical survey data, AI’s predictive analytics can help you boost sales. For example, informing you when there’s going to be a surge in demand.

The next steps: Know which summer products will be in demand (trend forecasting), understand who to market to (product recommendations) and create what your customers will love(product development). All of which contributes to a great customer experience in the end.

2. Automated reporting and data visualization

Imagine if your customer service team could see real-time dashboards to monitor performance and improve response times, instead of manually crunching numbers by month-end.

With automated reporting, reports are easier to read and visualizations can turn complex info into clear insights. All of these help you save time. And in customer experience, time is money.


1. Personalized Customer Journeys: By understanding individual needs and preferences, businesses can tailor the customer experience across all touchpoints.

2. Proactive Issue Resolution: AI can identify and address potential problems before they impact customers, leading to a smoother experience.

3. Improved Customer Retention: Satisfied customers are more likely to stay loyal to a brand. AI-driven insights can help companies identify and address customer churn risk factors.

4. Keep Improving: Continuously enhance your products and services based on feedback.

4. Enhancing Customer Interactions

How does AI help?

1. AI chatbots and virtual assistants

73% of customers expect your website to have a virtual assistant because it makes interactions more convenient. Because unlike human representatives, AI chatbots can collect feedback anytime, providing greater flexibility for customers.

This opens up a huge opportunity for staying in touch with customers outside of the conventional touchpoints like first visit or post-purchase. For example, late-night deliveries, feature feedback, troubleshooting, product research etc.

2. Interactive survey experiences

You can use AI to introduce game mechanics like points, badges, or leaderboards to surveys, increasing participation and motivation.

What’s more, you can use AI to create personalized journeys by analyzing their customer data. For example, Myntra’s virtual assistant remembers your preferred clothing size. and recommends similar styles when they browse new arrivals.


  • Tailored Conversations: AI personalizes interactions by analyzing customer data and preferences. This allows for greetings by name and relevant product recommendations based on past behavior.
  • 24/7 Availability: AI-powered chatbots are always available, providing consistent support and reducing wait times.
  • Proactive Support: AI can anticipate customer needs and offer assistance. This reduces customer effort.

Example: An airline chatbot can notify a customer about a potential flight delay and suggest rebooking options before they even experience any inconvenience.

Emerging trends in AI for survey platforms

1. Conversational AI Surveys

AI-powered chatbots are enabling a new generation of surveys that feel more human in conversation.

For example, tools like SurveySparrow allow you to create conversational surveys that adapt questions based on previous responses.

2. Automated Survey Creation

AI is making it faster and easier to create surveys from scratch.

Tools like SurveySparrow and Fillout Forms allow you to generate survey questions on any topic in seconds by entering a prompt.

3. Real-Time Data Analysis

Tools like SurveySensum and SurveySparrow use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze open-ended responses, detect sentiment, and identify key themes and trends.

This allows researchers to spot insights faster.

4. Predictive Capabilities

Some AI survey tools are starting to incorporate predictive analytics capabilities. By analyzing current and historical survey data, the AI can forecast future trends.

This allows organizations to be more proactive in their decisions.

5. Automated Insight Generation

The combination of automated data analysis and predictive capabilities enable AI survey tools to generate insights, and recommendations, with less human intervention.

For example, tools like Crayon use AI to monitor competitive intelligence, spot trends, and automatically update sales battlecards.

6. Integrations and Workflow Automation

To maximize the value of AI, you can integrate your survey platform with other business systems.

For example, tools like SurveySparrow and Hotjar integrate with CRM and marketing platforms to connect customer experience data with customer records. This allows companies to take a more holistic approach to customer service.

Where Can I Try Out These AI Survey Integrations?

Now that you’re excited about AI surveys, where can you give them a shot? 

Enter SurveySparrow. It’s a platform that’s user-friendly, feature-rich, and perfect for conducting AI surveys. 

By making your surveys more engaging and efficient, it helps you gather nuanced data. And with that data, you can make smarter decisions for your business.


SurveySparrow provides a seamless platform for integrating AI into your surveys. With its user-friendly design and robust features, it’s an excellent tool for conducting AI surveys.

  • Easy Integration: With SurveySparrow, you can easily implement AI into your surveys, making them more engaging and efficient.
  • Richer Insights: By using AI surveys on SurveySparrow, you can gather more nuanced data and uncover insights that would otherwise be missed.
  • Improved Decision-making: With the comprehensive and accurate data collected, you can make smarter, data-driven decisions for your business.


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Wrapping Up

AI survey integration is transforming every stage of the feedback process – from creation to analysis to insights generation.

By making surveys more engaging, efficient and insightful, AI-powered survey platforms lead to richer customer and market intelligence and better decision making. A win-win all around, we would say. 


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Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

Turn every feedback into a growth opportunity

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