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5 Customer Experience Mistakes You Should Avoid Like Fire

blog author

Clare Zacharias

Last Updated: 28 May 2024

9 min read

Want to avoid customer experience mistakes? When it comes to customer experience, you should understand what a customer expects as a good experience with your brand and take steps to avoid these customer experience mistakes at all costs.

If you are a Customer Support person, chances are, you have often felt that yours is a thankless job. Perhaps you just got off a call with the most discontent, grumpy, and snappy customer there is and is hating your job. Does your business get a thumbs-down for customer experience?

Are You Making These Customer Experience Mistakes?

We have listed five of the mistakes most commonly found in customer support so that you can watch out for them.

Five common customer experience mistakes

1. Trying to Win an Argument With the Customer

The hospitality industry got it right: customers are always right! Sadly though, the adage isn’t very realistic. If you are running the support of a SaaS product, telling customers how to do something and identifying their dilemma is your job description.

In such scenarios where you cannot indulge the customer like a spoilt kid, do it nicely. Stay away from arguments at any cost. For example, rather than yelling, ‘you are doing it all wrong, press the green button before you click next!’, patiently ask them to ‘try pressing the green button instead.’ Do not come across as patronizing, or worse, scornful.

Yes, you know your product best, but remember that they are the ones paying your bills. We agree that some customers can be highly impatient, so all the more reasons not to escalate the exchange into an argument, that you fear you must win.

2. Not Respecting Customer Privacy

You, me, the guy-next-door, everyone hates spam. So why would you send out numerous emails and notifications just because you have their email address?

avoid spamming because its a customer experience mistakes

Swamping their mailbox with offers they don’t want at random hours and using their data without permission can seriously offend your customers.

If customers abandoning your brand is not your ideal result, have a transparent policy of using their personal information so they can opt-out of anything that makes them uneasy.

Your emails and texts need to be scheduled regularly, but not too frequently. Moreover, make it a point to share only valuable content that benefits the customer.

3. Making it Difficult for Customers to Reach You

It is one thing to overwhelm your customers with offers and messages and another thing to play hard-to-get when they are looking for you.

Rarely does a happy customer reach out to tell you how excellent a product you’ve built?

Nine cases out of ten, they contact you because they need to sort out a mess they have encountered and not listen to a bad customer experience.

Few things are more frustrating than when you have to click so many links or become a researcher to locate the contact details. So ask yourself this question: how easy is it for a customer to reach you? Should they need to get in touch with you?

Make the contact information easily visible, and be available for your customers. Else, your competitors will only be too keen to provide the support that you wouldn’t offer.

4. Sending Canned Responses

Even the slightest disconnect can lead to negative feedback. Canned responses can put-off even a loyal customer when your response is unfit for the query they are having.

This shortcut is not worth the loud and clear message you send out to your customers; that you can’t bother with individual attention.

Instead, make sure you have enough people to react to customer requests straightforwardly. Remember that it requires five times more effort and cost to find a new client than to keep one.

5. Ignoring Customer Feedback

It’s too common to see businesses caught up in the everyday running and focusing purely on sales, only to forget about the essential part of the equation: the customer and what they need.

Customer service representatives often fall into the trap of believing that customers always know, and can articulate, what customers expect. It largely rests on your shoulders to measure customer satisfaction, discover what your customers need from you and ensure that they remain happy customers using customer.

Collecting Feedback to Improve Customer Experience

Customer feedback can be used to improve your customer experience and increase customer engagement with product and service offerings. Customer satisfaction surveys are pivotal to find out how well you are doing in this regard.

  • You can seamlessly collect customer feedback to improve customer experience using a survey tool like SurveySparrow. SurveySparrow is an omnichannel conversational survey tool that has been fine-tuned for effortless response collection from customers.
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Successful companies implement feedback surveys to collect customer complaints. Regular customer surveys will help businesses identify which factors are contributing positively to the customer experience and the aspects that might need to be retrained as customer experience improvement is ongoing.

You cannot ignore the advantages of a customer survey platform should you wish to step up your game. Acting on these can indicate that you are not ignoring feedback from customers.

Ignoring Customer Feedback is a big customer experience mistakes

When you are a customer support expert, it is natural to get dejected on a day filled with grumpy clients complaining non-stop.

Unfortunately, too many business owners make the same customer experience mistakes repeatedly, sending their customers into the arms of their competitors. But you can turn the tables by making sure to stay clear of these five customer experience mistakes.

Apart from the mistakes from front line teams, there could be organizational mistakes when it comes to customer experience and this is where custom-centric culture plays a major role.

Fixing the Customer Experience Mistakes with Custom-Centric Culture

Custom-centric culture is another important aspect that is forgotten most of the time and that is another customer experience mistake to avoid.

When it comes to creating a positive customer experience through culture, every organization should focus on instilling the basic principles of customer experience improvement in their products and services as well.

51% of consumers expect companies to anticipate their needs even before they make any purchase.


The key to having a robust customer-centric culture is the capability to recognize and address mistakes that can kill any initiative, no matter how good it may be.

There are three common mistakes as critical pitfalls: siloed thinking, short-term focus, and functional fiefdoms.

Let us try to understand each of these:

1. Siloed thinking

When teams are organized by department (product owners, marketing, support, etc.) without any formal process for working together.

his kind of approach is destructive and can spread to customer experience initiatives. It can even threaten the success of positive initiatives even before it gets off the ground.

The best way to avoid this pitfall is to hire a customer experience leader with an eye for driving cross-functional collaboration.

2. Short-term focus

Most companies can easily list their strategic goals, but they may forget to include customer experience in the grand scheme.

Without it, you will never meet your customers’ expectations or see any meaningful growth. This mistake is simple to avoid: make the customer experience a core part of your strategy, rather than an afterthought.

3. Functional fiefdoms

When the people who create the products or services don’t have a seat at the table in terms of overall customer experience goals, they focus on what matters the most, to them and not the customers.

This approach breeds internal politics and should be avoided at all costs. A customer-centric culture can only succeed when there are no “fiefdoms” – everyone cares about the same thing: making customers happy.”

You should continuously improve your customer experience by enhancing your brand’s NPS score through an omnichannel approach. The constant improvement of customer experience is bound to develop a sense of loyalty towards your brand.

Well-crafted customer satisfaction surveys are proof that their opinions matter and that you intend to improve the experience they have with your brand.

Have a look at our free customer satisfaction survey template for a smoother ride!


If you want your customers to stick around and keep coming back, you’ve got to steer clear of these customer experience slip-ups. Whether it’s avoiding arguments, respecting their privacy, making it easy to reach you, giving genuine responses, or paying attention to their feedback – these steps can make all the difference. It’s like a roadmap to winning their hearts and loyalty. So, keep these customer experience mistakes in mind and watch your business thrive!

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Clare Zacharias

A sort of Jill-of-all-trades! Enchanted with storytelling, fascinated with startup life.

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow.

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