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Vacation Bible School Registration Form Template

This Vacation Bible School (VBS) registration form template is used by churches and educational institutions to enrol children in their Bible study programs.  This streamlines the registration process, making it easier and quicker for parents and the church. It also helps gather essential information, such as the children’s names, ages, allergies, and emergency contact details, in order to ensure responsible care. 

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Features of Vacation Bible School Registration Form Template

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What to Include in Your Vacation Bible School Registration Form

Here’s what it typically includes:

Key Information:

  • Child’s information: Name, age, grade level, date of birth, and home address.
  • Medical information: Allergies, special health needs, current medications, etc.
  • Parent/Guardian information: Names and contact details including phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Emergency contact: Name and contact details of an alternate person to reach, in case of an emergency.
  • Dates and timing: Specific dates and hours for the VBS program, deadline to register.

Optional Information:

  • T-shirt size: To provide a themed t-shirt for the child, if applicable.
  • Photo/video release: Permission for the church to use photos or videos of the child for promotional purposes or during the VBS program.
  • Liability waiver: Acknowledging potential risks, and releasing the church from liability for certain incidents.
  • Specific interests: Sections for the child to indicate interest in activities offered during the VBS.
  • Snacks or meals: A message indicating if snacks or lunch will be provided.
  • Fee and payment: Registration cost (if applicable) and payment details.


Why is This Form Useful for Churches?


Planning and Organization

SurveySparrow’s real-time reports can help you understand how many children will be attending, as well as their age groups. This enables better management of staff, supplies, resources and group formations. Moreover, unlike paper forms, our online VBS registration form is impossible to misplace.

Streamlined Communication

Using SurveySparrow’s ‘Contacts’ section, you can establishes a reliable database of parent and emergency contact information for program updates. These also enable you to follow up with specific program dates, times, and fees, thus ensuring that all of the families are well-informed.

Risk Management and Safety

By letting you see individual responses to the form, you can quickly spot the students with any allergies or health concerns. This helps you take proactive measures for a safe and inclusive environment. Moreover, you can also protect your church against liabilities by using SurveySparrow’s ‘Consent/Agreement’ question type to include liability waivers (where applicable).

Enhanced Participant Experience

Just because it’s Bible school, doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Use ‘Picture Choice’ and ‘Dropdown’ question types to collect information on student interests or activity preferences. You can also use this information to connect families, build a sense of belonging and foster your community during the program.

Additional Benefits

SurveySparrow helps you create a well-organized registration process from end to end. This can go a long way toward demonstrating professionalism and reflecting the quality of your VBS program. It also saves time because it builds an online database of contacts that you can target for future VBS programs. Plus, with SurveySparrow’s visual dashboards, you can gain valuable insights for improvements and outreach strategies.




What is the age range for children attending vacation Bible school?

Here are some common age groups for VBS attendees:

  • Preschool: Ages 2-3
  • Kindergarten: Ages 4-5
  • Beginner: Grades 1-3
  • Intermediate: Grades 4-6
  • Advanced: Grades 7-12

However, the specific age range may vary depending on the church’s policy, and the availability of volunteers to supervise and teach different age groups.

When should I open my VBS form?

The exact date when VBS registration forms open can vary. But they typically open several months before the event, allowing parents and guardians to register their kids in advance. So check with your local church or VBS organizers for the specific opening date.

What activities are typically included in vacation Bible school?

VBS activities vary depending on the age group. Here are some common activities for different age groups:

  • Preschool: Arts and crafts, story time, music and movement, outdoor play.
  • Elementary School: Bible stories and lessons, games and activities, art projects, music and worship, snacks and recreation.
  • Middle School: Bible studies and discussions, team-building activities, service projects, music and worship, games and sports.
  • High School: Bible studies and discussions, service projects, leadership tasks, mission trips, worship and music.


How to Use the Vacation Bible School Registration Form

Step 1: Design the Form

Customize your VBS form template. Add fields for participant information, program details, and registration fees if applicable. Use simple language and an appealing layout. Also, consider incorporating the church's logo or theme for a professional look.
Step 1: Design the Form

Step 2: Share the Form

After proofreading and testing, you can embed the form on the church website, publish on social media, or email it directly to interested families. Consider taking printouts of the form as well - paper forms are ideal for churches with a limited online presence.
Step 2: Share the Form

Step 3: Collect Form Responses

Monitor form responses as they come in. You can design your form to deliver an automated thank you message upon submission. Clearly outline the next steps in your follow-up communication (e.g., payment details, event reminders, etc.).
Step 3: Collect Form Responses

Step 4: Analyze Data

After the registration period, analyze the data using the Executive Dashboard to inform program planning and logistics. Follow up with participants for additional information and address any questions or concerns they may have about the VBS program.
Step 4: Analyze Data

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