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Acceptable Usage Policy

Acceptable Usage Policy


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This policy concerns all users of website, products, and services(“SurveySparrow Platform”), for the purpose of outlining the responsible and legitimate use of the SurveySparrow Platform, aiming to restrict unlawful or unauthorized use.

If You are using the SurveySparrow Platform as an individual, a company, or other legal entity in a workplace or on a device or on an account subscribed by  You, You shall ensure that Your use of the SurveySparrow Platform complies with this Acceptable Usage Policy (“AUP”) at all times.


While SurveySparrow strives to provide a reasonable level of privacy and security, You must ensure that Your use of the SurveySparrow Platform does not violate any applicable laws and that You do not use the SurveySparrow Platform in an inappropriate, illegal, unlawful, harmful, or fraudulent manner.

You agree and acknowledge that Your use of the SurveySparrow Platform does not transfer, restrict, impair, or deprive SurveySparrow of any ownership, proprietary interest, or Intellectual Property Rights in the SurveySparrow Platform. You agree that You will have no right to use such Intellectual Property Rights owned by SurveySparrow for any purpose other than those expressly agreed upon in writing by SurveySparrow.


You shall be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, quality, transmission, content, and legality of Your Data, and the means by which You acquired Your Data must be with proper consent.

The following practices shall be adhered to by You, Your successors, representatives, employees, and permitted assigns at all times while using the SurveySparrow Platform;

  1. You shall not transmit, distribute or store any data in violation of any applicable law or regulation that is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, materials protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization and data that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat or violates export control laws.
  2. You shall not access SurveySparrow Platform or its content to build a competitive product or service or for any other competitive purposes or benchmark with any product or service, or reverse engineer any service provided through the SurveySparrow Platform.
  3. You shall not interfere with other users’ access or disrupt the integrity or performance of the SurveySparrow platform in its normal operation or its sub-contractors engaged in rendering the services on behalf of SurveySparrow.
  4. You shall not cause a denial-of-service, transmit, advertise, or otherwise make available any content, product, or service that is intended to violate this AUP, including, but not limited to, the facilitation of the means to send e-mail spam, the initiation of pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, denial of service attacks, and software piracy.
  5. You must not download or transmit content that contains any illegal content, such as pornographic content, malicious content, phishing hyperlinks, or fraudulent data.
  6. You must take reasonable precautions to prevent the transmission of malware or viruses, spam (which includes all unlawful marketing communications and unsolicited commercial communications), or any code of a destructive nature via the SurveySparrow Platform.
  7. You must not resell SurveySparrow unless expressly authorized in writing as an independent, non-exclusive reseller of SurveySparrow services.
  8. You will be solely responsible for complying with any applicable regulations while using the SurveySparrow Platform.  You may not use the SurveySparrow Platform in any way that would subject SurveySparrow to those regulations unless You have first obtained SurveySparrow’s prior written consent.
  9. You shall not use bot malware or malware designed for mining bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.
  10. You shall not knowingly or unknowingly share or otherwise disclose Your password and other credentials You use to access your account with any other third party unless SurveySparrow expressly permits it.

SurveySparrow gives utmost importance to preventing respondents from falling prey to phishing or other scams. To adequately avoid such scams, You shall ensure that the following measures are taken;

  • Never collect social security numbers, federal or state identification numbers, social security numbers, banking credit cards or any other financial information, identification numbers, passwords, or other sensitive information.
  • Never share content that is downloadable, live-streamed, or merely intended to solicit clicks to other sites.
  • Never share content that mimics valid email addresses or reputable entities.
  • Never share or publish personal information without the valid consent of the disclosing party.

When it comes to unsolicited email and text messages shared through SurveySparrow Platform, SurveySparrow has a strict zero-tolerance policy. You acknowledge and agree to abide by the guidelines more particularly in accordance with the applicable law, carrier compliance requirements, industry standards, and the guidelines set forth below:

  • You shall ensure to use the SurveySparrow Platform to send emails and text messages solely under Your name to individuals who have explicitly consented or opted-in to receive such email or text messages. You shall not use third-party, purchased, or rented mailing lists unless You are able to provide proof that individuals on the list have opted-in or subscribed to receive emails or text messages of the type You will be sending them. This written consent can be in the form of a physically signed agreement, a digitally signed agreement, a subscribe option, or an SMS opt-in. You may also use Your website form to ensure that You capture and retain the appropriate consent. This means that a customer or prospect must give You definitive approval (consent) to send content to them via text message.
  • You shall ensure to maintain a record of written consent shared by Your customers or respondents prior to sending an email or text message in a protected database.
  • You shall clearly state Your terms and conditions for Your customers.

For example:-By acknowledging or signing the agreement, the customer is authorizing the company to send a specific type of content via messages.

  • You shall ensure to block a person from receiving text messages who has opted-out, and You shall store such opt-outs in your records. We also recommend You confirm the opt-out with one final message.
  • You agree that a legitimate email address is used when creating an account. You are not permitted to create SurveySparrow accounts through the use of “bots,” other unapproved automated procedures, or temporary or disposable email addresses.
  • You must not send unsolicited emails to newsgroups, message boards, distribution lists, or email addresses.
  • You must provide clear and distinct instructions to help respondents understand how they can remove consent, such as “STOP” for text messages and “Unsubscribe” for email responses.
  • You must not use the Services to send emails with deceptive subject lines or false or misleading header information.
  • Email messages sent in through the  SurveySparrow Platform must contain an “unsubscribe” link that allows subscribers to remove themselves from Your email messages. You acknowledge and agree that You will not hide, disable, remove, or attempt to hide, disable, or remove the opt-out link from the email invitation. You will actively record and process unsubscribe requests received by You immediately once You receive the request.

You must use the SurveySparrow services in compliance with, and only as permitted by, applicable law. The use of our services in conjunction with other tools or resources in furtherance of any of the unacceptable uses described herein is also prohibited. In the event of any violation of this Acceptable Uses Policy, SurveySparrow may, in its sole discretion, do one or more of the following;

(i) temporarily suspend or terminate Your use of the services;

(ii) notify impacted third parties and/or law enforcement authorities of the violation (where appropriate and subject to applicable law).


Any instance, occurrence, or practice that You in good faith believe is in conflict with, or in violation of this Acceptable Usage Policy, including any suspected violation of the laws and governing regulations, must be reported to us at