160+ Website Feedback Survey Questions to Ask in 2024

Pragadeesh Natarajan
Last Updated: 19 July 2024
14 min read

Your website is a great place to gather feedback from your customers or users. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best website feedback survey questions you can ask to gather all kinds of feedback on your website, product, competition, content, and more.
Here’s every kind of question you’d need to gather feedback on your website:
- Website survey questions to learn about your website and its usability
- Questions to ask about your redesign
- Questions to ask about your content
- Website survey questions for measuring their satisfaction
- Questions to learn about your competition
- Questions to ask about your product
- Website survey questions for eCommerce
Wait, are you looking for a ready-to-use website feedback survey or a chatbot for website feedback bot that you can embed with your website?
Here you go! Customize it however you like, and start collecting insights right away!
Website Feedback Survey Template
Use This TemplateWebsite Feedback Survey Questions to Learn About Your Website and its Usability
Explore these website survey question examples to learn more about survey questions for website feedback and how usable they are for gathering website feedback.
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Now to the questions…
Website Feedback Form Questions to Get Started with
- What are you hoping to accomplish by visiting our site?
- Where did you first hear about us?
- What do you like the most/least about our website?
- What was your first impression when you entered our website?
- Is there anything missing on this page?
- What made you exit the website?
- What is your preferred payment method?
- Is our pricing clear to you?
- Did you find the information you were looking for on this page?
- If you didn’t find what you were looking for, what did you do next?
- If you could no longer use this website, what’s the one thing you would miss the most?
- How easy was it to complete your purchase?
- What was the main concern or fear you had before purchasing?
- What was the main thing that persuaded you to purchase this?
- Were you looking for anything today that you could not find?
- What could we have done better?
- Was there anything specific that made you cancel?
- Why are you leaving?
- Are you having any trouble finding anything?
- How was your experience compared to your expectations?
- How easy was it to use our website? did you have any problems?
- What is a feature you wish our website had?
- If you could change one thing about our website, what would it be?
- How easy is it to understand the information on our website?
- What is the most useful feature of our website?
- Click on the image to indicate which section of the page you like the most
- Click on the image to indicate which section of the page you like the least
- How easy was it to find what you were looking for on our website?
- Did it take you more or less time to find what you were looking for on our website?
- How visually appealing is our website?
- Are there any features you don’t find helpful?
- How much do you trust the information on our website?
- Do you have any other comments about how we can improve our website?
- What are you looking for on our website?
- How did you navigate the website?
- Overall, how does our website affect your impression of our business?
- Are you usually able to find the information you need on our website?
- Where exactly did you first find out about us?
- Does this page meet your expectations?
- Which other options did you consider before choosing us?
- What could we do to make this site more useful to you?
Are you looking for a chatbot for website feedback to gather feedback on your website?
Then, try this free website feedback bot and embed it on your website to help the users with feedback options and resolve queries. Please create a free account and try it for free now.
Website Feedback Bot
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Website Feedback Form Questions to Understand the Usability of Your Website
- What caught your attention about this site in the search results?
- Which one of these four options do you think we should build next?
- If you could change anything during your purchasing experience, what would it be?
- How well do you understand what {company_name} does from our homepage?
- What changes would you make to ensure our website is user-friendly?
- How accessible is our website?
- What attracted you to our website?
- How could we improve your experience on your next visit?
- Are you satisfied with the website navigation?
- Are you a person with disabilities?
- How easy is it to navigate our website?
- Is the information available on the website enough for you to make a buying decision?
- How would you describe our website in one or more words?
- What friction have you encountered using our website?
- Did you find that information valuable?
- How much effort did you have to put forth to handle your request?
- How did this effort compare with your expectations?
- Has this page answered your query, if not share what was missing?
- What do you think about the story we tell through our website?
- How can we improve our pricing page?
- On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the performance of your website?
- What task did you want to accomplish on this website?
- What’s the main reason you are downgrading/canceling?
- How often do you visit our website?
- Did you face any challenges while using our website?
- Were you able to differentiate the links easily?
- Did you find the images on the website relevant and useful?
- How was your experience with our mobile website?
- Did it take too long to fetch your details on our website?
- Could you get all the necessary features on our mobile website?
- Did you have to click too much to get what you were looking for?
- Did the website render well in your browser?
- Were you able to find links easily?
- Were you able to navigate to other pages easily?
- Did the links take you to the relevant pages?
- What difficulty did you encounter while navigating our website?
- Did you feel your payment details are secure on our website?
- Did the website accept common payment cards?
- Was the payment process smooth and fast?
- Did it take too long to save your data?
- Did it take too long to load the website?
- Was the size of the web controls appropriate enough?
- On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate the overall payment experience?
- Do you have any comments, questions, or suggestions?
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Website Feedback Survey Questions to Ask About Your Redesign
Ask these questions when redesigning your website:
- On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the usability of our website?
- What do you like about our current website?
- What would you like to change on our current website?
- Do you prefer the old or new design?
- Would you like to be involved in our website redesign? if yes, please share your contact details.
- What do you like the most about our new website?
- What would you like to change on our new website?
- How easy is it to find what you are looking for?
- What would you like to see on our new website?
- What was your first impression when you entered the website?
- Do you have any other suggestions?
Website Feedback Survey Questions to Ask About Your Content
Gather feedback on your content with the following questions
- Did you find this page meaningful?
- Could you search for the content you were looking for?
- Did this page help you?
- Did you find the content on the website relevant?
- On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the clarity of the content?
- On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the conciseness of the content?
- Was the content presented in the right format?
- Do you think there is a better way to present the same content?
- Did the podcast host ask the right questions?
- Did the video player have the needed controls?
- What would you like us to write/talk about next?
- Did this article answer all your questions?
- What content would you like to see more of?
- What are your favorite blogs?
- Is there something I left out?
- How helpful is this article?
Website Feedback Survey Questions for Measuring their Satisfaction
Here are the questions to gather feedback to measure customer satisfaction on your website:
- Did you accomplish the goal of your visit?
- On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our website to your friends and family?
- What can you do to improve your experience?
- What do you like the most about visiting our website?
- Would you visit us again?
- What should we do to wow you?
- If you rate our website with a score out of 10, what score would you give us?
- If you were unhappy with us, what can we do to get you to come back?
- What was the one time you found our product or website to be highly satisfying?
- Overall, how well does our website meet your needs?
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Website Feedback Survey Questions to Learn About Your Competition
Gain insights into your competition with these questions:
- What would you use as an alternative if our product was no longer available?
- Who can we learn from?
- What makes us stand out from the competition?
- Compared to our competitors, are our prices higher, lower, or about the same?
- Compared to our competitors, is our product quality better, worse, or about the same?
- Which of our competitors did you consider before choosing us?
- What is the primary reason for choosing us over the competitors?
Website Feedback Survey Questions to Ask About Your Product
Improve your product with the following website survey questions:
- How likely are you to recommend our product to your friends and colleagues?
- When looking for this kind of product, how likely are you to consider our product first?
- What problem would you like to solve with our product?
- What would you say to someone who asked about our product?
- Which of the following tools do you use?
- What features could you not live without?
- What features could you live without?
- If you rate our product with a score out of 10, what score would you give us?
- What is the most important feature of our product?
- What is the primary benefit that you’ve received from our product?
- Based on our website, what is your first impression of our product?
- What other products (or product features) would you like us to offer?
- How does our product or website compare to x product?
- Why did you start using our product?
- What’s the one most important feature we should add?
- What are your goals in using our software and how can we help you reach those goals?
- What features and training would you like us to develop next?
- How upset would you be if our product was no longer around?
- What do you like or dislike about these other products on the market?
- How often do you use our product and why?
- What other products do you use to accomplish similar tasks and why?
- If you could change one thing about our product, what would it be and why?
- What comes to mind when thinking about our product?
- Have you paid for any of these other products or tools?
- Was there anything surprising or unexpected about the product?
- What are the most frequent tasks you do when using our product?
- To what extent do you feel this is a professionally made and maintained product?
Website Feedback Survey Questions for eCommerce
Here are some questions you can ask if you run an eCommerce website:
- What was the one thing that stopped you from buying today?
- How can we help you complete your purchase?
- What is your preferred delivery method?
- How did you find our store?
- Are you planning to purchase from us again?
- Compared to our competitors, is our product range diverse enough?
- How do you rate the quality of our products?
Final thoughts
Get clear on what you want to learn and customize the above questions to gain the insights you seek.
If you’re looking to boost your survey responses and create pleasant experiences, take the conversational way and try SurveySparrow today!
Have you got any questions on creating website feedback surveys? Got any tips or hacks for conducting effective website surveys? Let us know in the comment section below.
Looking for a survey platform that makes it easy and effective to conduct website feedback surveys? Wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for conducting surveys on your website? Reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!

Pragadeesh Natarajan
I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.
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