Looking for a quick employee evaluation checklist to evaluate your employees’ performance?
Most Companies conduct Employee Assessments regularly, at least once a year. It is a useful tool in managing employee performance and details how the employee’s work performance matches expectations.
These results are often tied with bonuses and promotions. Your employees’ performance translates into the organization’s overall performance and keeping track of their achievements is a crucial but extensive task.
You can do all that with an employee assessment only if it is thoughtfully planned and executed. Certain aspects to be involved in the review can be summarized as a checklist.
An Employee Evaluation Checklist can help you do just that- by incorporating the factors in the Employee Evaluation checklist into your next Employee Appraisal, you can take the first step to create a team that works at a higher efficiency level.
Employee Appraisals, combined with positive feedback and an improvement plan, can transform performance appraisals into a fulfilling experience that everyone can look forward to.
Conducting Employee Assessment: How to evaluate Employee Performance
Preparing for Employee performance Evaluations are time-consuming for Employees, managers, and the HR department within an organization. With countless meetings, appraisal forms to complete and feedback to gather, sometimes these processes may feel labour-intensive. It is essential to implement a systematic framework to reap the benefits a performance appraisal offers and transform it into a value-adding process. An Employee Evaluation checklist ensures that you streamline your company’s performance appraisals such that it adds value to both the employee and the Manager. Keep the Employee Evaluation checklist points in mind while carrying out the next Employee Evaluation process.
Employee Evaluation Checklist: Improve Employee Performance with our Quick Checklist
An Employee Evaluation checklist can help employees and managers keep track of shared goals, overcome roadblocks, and put into action a game plan for improvements. Employee assessments offer an opportunity to lay the groundwork for an employee’s career advancement. So, ensure these employee assessments are beneficial with this employee evaluation checklist:
1. Plan the Employee Evaluation
Be prepared for the employee assessment in advance. Review the finer details of the employee’s performance during the year and note down everything you would like to discuss with them. Have a clear picture of the feedback to provide at the end of the review. Please start with the positive aspects of their performance. Be specific while commending them for their work instead of comments like “keep up the excellent work”.
Focus on the positive traits that you have noticed while working with them. In addition, offer advice on how to improve for the next year. End the review on a positive note by providing them with the information they need to learn and grow. Here’s an employee performance review created using SurveySparrow..
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2. Document both Employee Achievements and Shortcomings
It is always useful to keep track of the employee’s achievements and shortcomings (if any) throughout the year. Note down their significant milestones, targets achieved, certifications completed or any areas they require improvement. This has to be done regularly, so when the time for a performance appraisal arrives, you can be well prepared to review these notes and implement a successful employee evaluation, improving employee satisfaction in the long run.
3. SMART goals
Set SMART goals- ones that are specific, measurable, attainable, time-bound and realistic. Each person has their individuality and their strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, the performance appraisal will be different for each employee. Sit with your employee to work on goals that are relevant to their position. SMART goals are more comfortable to achieve, and once the goals are set, do not forget to evaluate their progress.
4. Honesty is the Best Policy: Be transparent.
Be prepared to hold an honest conversation with your team member. It should be a two- way conversation during which you can provide both positive remarks and constructive criticism about their work. They should understand the assessment’s main objective and the outcome that should be achieved. It is all about letting them comprehend the purpose of such a review and helping them overcome their skill gap with the right training. By following this Employee Evaluation checklist, you prove that performance appraisals are not a one-way street but take Employee Satisfaction into account.
5. Set a Performance Standard
This is yet another Employee Assessment checklist that needs to be adhered to. Set crystal clear performance standards, that can be applied to many employees holding the same position. While developing such performance standards, make sure that they are achievable and are related to their job role. An employee’s performance can be compared with this performance standard.
6. Make sure that feedback is an ongoing process
Always remember that employee evaluation is an ongoing process. A performance appraisal is a culmination of that feedback and a formal process created by the HR. By following this Employee evaluation checklist, you realize that the best way to ensure continuous employee performance improvement is by offering small suggestions and feedback to them every day.
7. Have an open conversation.
The performance reviews should not be like a one-way conversation, with only the Manager expressing his feedback. There should be ample space for the employee to mention his concerns, queries and suggestions. This Employee Evaluation checklist ensures that employee engagement is maintained at high levels through performance appraisal. Measure your employee engagement with an anonymous feedback tool, say SurveySparrow’s Employee Engagement feedback survey to know how they feel about their work and gain insights on their engagement levels within the company.
8. Never Compare Employees
Another important Employee Evaluation Checklist to note is that comparing and pitting one employee against another is a big no. Doing so leads to a toxic environment and unhealthy competition. Employee assessment should only compare an employee’s performance with a set of standardized expectations, typically those mentioned in their job description.
9. Inculcate a learning path and training programs
The main focus of employee evaluation is to discern how you can develop your employees and improve their performance. This Employee Evaluation checklist helps you inquire whether there is any skill they want to learn and develop. A company keen on investing in employee development is ultimately investing in themselves. Keeping in mind the company’s objectives and the employee’s desire, they can choose a suitable course that will help them excel further in their career and feel confident about their skills.
10. Communicate with their peers
Have a discussion and get the opinions of those who work alongside the employee like their co-workers. They might shed light on how the employee participates within a team, teamwork, and coordination. It need not be just their co-worker from whom you can take feedback from, but everyone within the company who works with them – be it a subordinate, another line manager or any other stakeholder. You can do this very conveniently with a 360-degree feedback survey. For example, SurveySparrow’s 360-degree feedback surveys cover crucial skills like leadership, communication, and creativity skills, on which you can rate the employee. Get a 360-degree evaluation from a variety of stakeholders.
11. Focus on the future
You can start by discussing their future in this company and how their career path will look like. Keep them posted on any crucial projects they will work on in the next year and elucidate what is expected of them in the future. Keep them in the know-how of the company’s plans for their future. Enquire about their career goals. Follow this Employee Evaluation checklist to improve employee engagement. Employees need to know how they are performing in their job and in what ways they should improve in the future.
Everything About Employee Assessment
Employee Assessments’ main goal is to determine where it is possible to improve your employee’s performance, thereby boosting the organization’s collective outcome. There are various ways to conduct an Employee Assessment. Organizations can choose any method that fits in with their needs, or they can use a combination of the following methods:
1. Self-Assessment
One of the main types of assessments, it is performed in two stages. The employee is given a questionnaire to assess their strengths and weaknesses. After reflecting on their performance, they have a discussion with their Manager on ways to further improve it in the next performance cycle. The self-assessment method is done in combination with other forms of evaluation.
2. Graphic Rating scale
The graphic rating scale is one of the simplest and easiest assessment methods. A manager can rate various qualities such as punctuality, creativity, leadership, and communication on a scale of 0 to 5, or these qualities can be marked with variables like Poor, average or Excellent. Since this method is limited in functionality, it is used in combination with 360-degree appraisals.
3. 360-degree appraisal
Considered as a complete Performance appraisal, all stakeholders ranging from co-workers to subordinates and managers are invited to participate in the feedback process. It is a balanced way to understand the teammate’s actual performance and know-how the employee affected their teammates’ work. An important aspect to keep in mind is that enough participants have to be chosen to get relevant and comprehensive data. Utilize 360 degree feedback surveys, like SurveySparrow’s 360 degree appraisal tool, that can be shared across multiple platforms , to increase your survey’s reach. That way, you could get data from different stakeholders across departments.

4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
BARS is a performance rating system designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative information into the appraisal process. BARS identify employee’s performance against behaviors that are given a number rating. In this method, we rely on unique behaviors needed for an individual position within a company, rather than behaviors that can be evaluated for any job role. This rating scale is ideal for large organizations with groups of similar job roles.
Why create an Employee evaluation checklist?
An Employee evaluation checklist can help you to carry out the employee assessment in the best way possible. It fulfills several objectives that can enhance employee engagement and improve company culture. Some benefits of employee assessment are:
- Provides the employees an idea of what is expected of them.
- Their Manager can comprehend their strengths and weaknesses.
- A correctly implemented performance appraisal gives an objective review of the employees.
- The information garnered from the employee evaluation plays a crucial role in decisions involving pay raise, increments and lay-offs.
- At the end of these employee evaluations, managers can provide their advice and guidance on how to move forward in their career.
Wrapping it up
Employee Evaluations are quite tricky and are a task that needs a balance between constructive criticism, recognition, praise and setting realistic goals. A consistent, unbiased employee evaluation can do wonders for your organization. Following an Employee Evaluation checklist is one of the best ways to conduct performance appraisals that can positively impact the employees’ minds. By planning your performance appraisals with an employee evaluation checklist and adequately implementing it, you can drive away the anxieties and tensions commonly associated with such a process. A Performance Evaluation System should be a crucial aspect of your organization and its proper implementation ensures accountability and growth.