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Crisis Management Questionnaire Template

With this crisis management questionnaire template, you can build a form regarding how self-sufficient the organization is to overcome an internal crisis or a calamity. The questionnaire asks employees about the feedback on different aspects of communication security during an unexpected crisis.

Use This Template

Why use this Crisis Management Questionnaire Template?

Identify weaknesses with this crisis management questionnaire and build a stronger response plan


Benefits of Crisis Management Questionnaire Template


Set Reminders

Automatically send reminders to those who haven’t completed the questionnaire or have only partially filled it out. This ensures more people participate, giving you detailed and comprehensive information for better analysis.

Analyze Feedback

With a dashboard to review responses easily, you can understand the feedback quickly. This insight allows you to run awareness campaigns or make improvements within your organization based on the collected feedback.

File Upload Feature

If respondents have detailed plans or documents they want to share, they can easily upload files (like PDFs). This feature enables the submission of comprehensive suggestions or references alongside the questionnaire responses.

Conversational & Engaging

The questionnaire’s conversational user interface (UI) is designed to engage participants in a more natural and friendly conversation. This approach often results in more honest and candid feedback.

Different Question Types

To cater to different information needs and preferences, the questionnaire offers a wide range of question types. These include heatmaps for visual feedback, rank ordering for priorities, matrix-type questions for comparisons, group ratings for collective evaluations, and more. These diverse options help in capturing nuanced insights in the most effective way.


This questionnaire is useful for?


  • Business Leaders and Managers
  • Emergency Responders and Disaster Recovery Teams
  • Human Resources Departments
  • Government Agencies and Public Sector Organizations
  • Healthcare Organizations and Hospitals
  • Educational Institutions
  • Non-Profit Organizations and NGOs
  • Risk Management and Insurance Professionals


How to use this template?


Step 1: Customize the template

Start by personalizing the questionnaire to match your brand or purpose. Edit background colors, fonts, and even add a video background to make it engaging. Customize the welcome and thank-you pages, add or remove fields as needed. Use the AI wing feature to rephrase entry fields creatively. Advanced users can apply CSS for deeper customization.

Step 2: Integrate with Third-Party Apps

Connect with Google Sheets to organize responses, Mailchimp for email campaigns, Slack for instant team notifications, and Zapier to automate workflows across hundreds of other apps. These integrations streamline your data collection and analysis process.

Step 3: Share

Distribute your questionnaire through multiple channels to maximize response rates. Share it via direct link, SMS, email, or on social media platforms. Embed it on your webpage for easy access or use a QR code for quick scanning and participation. Offering various sharing options makes it convenient for respondents to participate.

Step 4: Check Responses in the Dashboard

Monitor and analyze the responses through the SurveySparrow dashboard. Export the data to CSV for offline analysis or use the dashboard’s filters and widgets to gain insights directly. The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your data, helping you make informed decisions based on the feedback collected.

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