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Client Intake Form Template

This client intake form template allows organizations to customize and set up a very robust onboarding process for their prospective clients.

This form comes with several customizations including adding your own logo and can be used across companies of varied backgrounds.

Also added features which include different types of questions and a smooth aesthetic interface that ensures prompt filling of the form by the associates.

Each question is meticulously thought out and framed so as to capture a 360-degree view of the client’s background, including their challenges in business, budget allocation, competitor details, etc.

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Why use this client intake form template?

Everything there is to know about client intake forms

Client intake forms – identify deals beforehand

When associates try to close deals with potential clients, not all are successfully converted. This is where the role of a client intake form comes into play. By associates gathering information about potential clients, including all the nitty-gritty details regarding their business, their past business activities as well as potential threats and competition, companies can analyze and have a clearer picture of the types of clients that are worth pursuing and the types that would just be a waste of time and money for the company and its associates.

What are client intake forms?

A client intake form is a questionnaire or a data collection form that a company or an agency uses to essentially onboard its clients. The form usually seeks information regarding various aspects of the client, which can vary from their basic personal and business background to intricate details such as prospects’ needs, interests, and pain points. This helps the company determine whether the client will be a good fit for its services as well as help companies come up with viable options and strategies beforehand to effectively serve their clients.

Client intake forms are used by a vast variety of organizations and individual contractors, spanning across various industry sectors and practices. Some of the areas would include medical industries, law firms, accountants, and other kinds of companies or business people where they have to deal with clients on a regular basis and accordingly can draw benefit from leveraging this kind of document.

Who can fill a client intake form?

In any business that involves working with clients, there are business associates/ salespeople involved whose job is to actively pursue the clients and try to strike a deal with them. So, as associates are the people who come in the first contact with the client, it is usually them who gather all the information from the clients and fill the form. There are instances where the associates must research the client on any portal where client details are stored or look into the client database if this was already an existing client for the company.

What to put on a client intake form?

Based on the nature of the business and also the type of client, the details that are to be filled in a form might vary. But on an overall, following is a basic blueprint of what details are required to be included in a client intake form.

  • 1. Fundamental contact and company information
  • 2. A brief description of the client’s business
  • 3. The challenges the client currently faces
  • 4. Goals of the client
  • 5. Budget information
  • 6. Overview of competitors
  • 7. Any other information or questions that might not have been covered
  • Once these details have been captured, analysts can go through the client data, compare them against several parameters and decide whether they are a good fit for the company, viable to serve given the company’s constraints, and ultimately, if they are worth pursuing.

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