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Mpox (Monkeypox): Understanding the Outbreak, Symptoms, and Prevention

blog author

Kate Williams

Last Updated: 24 August 2024

11 min read

Is Mpox the new pandemic threat?  

The news is buzzing! And, so are our heads! Are we heading towards another lockdown? If so, are we prepared? How do we foresee the future?

I’m pretty sure at least one of these questions might have popped up in your head. And it’s quite normal to panic. After all, we just called a ceasefire in one battle! 

But the key is to stay calm and understand the state of events before panicking. Easier said than done, huh?  But trust me, and give this article a few seconds. Perhaps, you might find some answers that help.  

Oh and, there is a Free Mpox Screening Template within the content for quick use. Hope it helps you! 

Here are the questions we'll be answering in this blog. Feel free to jump ahead to the section you like!

Key Takeaways: 

  • Mpox, (Monkeypox), is a serious, but rare viral illness caused by the monkeypox virus. Mpox is a synonym for Monkeypox, termed by WHO in 2022.
  • It is a contagious disease that spreads through close contact with infected people and animals, or via any environment contaminated by the virus.
  • A high temperature, sore muscles, backache, and swollen glands are a few of the common symptoms.
  • Hygiene is key! Maintaining a healthy and clean lifestyle is a must to avoid contraction. Also, avoid any contact with humans or animals that have shown even the mildest symptoms such as rashes or swollen lymph nodes.  

Mpox: A Threat?

Mpox has been declared as a case of global health emergency, owing to the recent outbreak of a dangerous strain in the central parts of Africa.  

But before we get into the recent events, let’s take a look at how it all began.  

Though there is no proof to verify the exact source of the first variant, it was concluded that Monkeypox was transmitted by African rodents and monkeys. 

For that matter, the first case of Monkeypox dates back to 1958, when an Asiatic monkey imported from Singapore, tested positive for the virus. And, it is a zoonotic disease.  

What’s This New Strain of Mpox?

On August 15, 2024, Swedish health officials confirmed a new strain (Clade Ib type) of the Mpox virus in a citizen who recently arrived after a vacation in Africa.  

Approximately 14,000 people have tested positive and more than 500 deaths have been reported in Africa. Immediately in a day, WHO declared it as a Global Health emergency. 

According to Dr. Raynard Washington, this new Mpox variant is easily transmissible and a tad bit more deadly than its predecessors. Yet, with detailed care and proper observation, you can recover.  

It is observed that the symptoms persist even after 20 days of contraction. They include severe headaches, body chills, swollen lymph nodes, rashes, and blister-like lesions or bumps.  

But what should be done? Do not overlook symptoms! Immediately consult a doctor even if you are in doubt about being exposed to the virus. Moreover, keeping things organized is a must in this situation. That’s one thing that Covid-19 has taught us. 

The Data collection process should not be overlooked. A screening test must be conducted to keep things in order.  Here’s a Mpox screening template you can use quickly if you’re in need. It is completely customizable and free.  


Monkeypox Screening Survey

Use This Template

Who Should Use the Mpox Screening Test Template? And Why?

  • Healthcare Officials: To quickly assess Mpox symptoms in the patients, conduct proper tests, and initiate isolation measures.
  • Educational Institutions: To screen students so that any possibility of an outbreak can be prevented.
  • HR departments in Organizations: To maintain a healthy and safe workplace.
  • Airport Officials: To protect travelers from getting exposed to the virus, identify potential cases, and take necessary precautions. 

Easily use the sample template and prevent any possibility of an outbreak around you. As it says, a change starts from you! 

Data collection and analysis are extremely important. SurveySparrow would be more than happy to help in these tough times. You can create surveys, collect the data, visualize it on a dashboard, and analyze it with advanced tools such as text analytics and sentiment analysis.  

And, you need not worry about the money. A free trial is available and you can switch to the free version any time!

Will Mpox Be The Next Covid-19?

Well, I know this question might be lurking in your mind. Covid-19 hit us like a tornado as everything went still.  

People across countries are anxious about a possible shutdown soon as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Mpox as a matter of global concern. But would it be a pandemic?  

Currently an epidemic in Central Africa, Mpox virus has the potential to be a Pandemic. As per reports by the UN, between 0.1 percent and 10 percent of people infected by the virus have died.  

Note: This number is owing to many factors such as unavailability of basic facilities and economic constraints, and cannot be generalized. 

In majority of the cases, with proper care and medications, the symptoms are said to be leaving on their own within a few weeks.  

As of now there is no pressure of a complete lockdown. But, what if such a situation arises? 

Are We Prepared to Fight Mpox?

Yes, we are! We aced it once, and we'll do it again if the need comes! Plus, authorities know what to do, owing to the past instances. 

As Dimie Ogoina, the Chairman of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee, spoke ever so perfectly, 

“It is time to act decisively to prevent history from repeating itself.”  

Take all measures you can to prevent an outbreak. One thing Covid-19, or Ebola taught us was the importance of organization. Follow the guidelines provided by the health officials and we’ll be safe and sound. 

But, I get it. There are multiple sources sharing customized guidelines and you have no idea whom to trust! It is always better to confide in the authorized and official channels. 

Who is a Suspected Mpox Case?

  • Anyone who has been in close contact with an affected person or environment within a limit of 21 days and projects any of the symptoms. 

Note:  Contact, according to WHO, is skin-to-skin touch that includes kissing, hugging, respiratory exposure, or intimate physical contact. 

  •  If they report acute skin rash, lesions or swollen lymph nodes. This can be in their hands, ano-genital region or anywhere on the body.
  • Someone who shows the symptoms and has had multiple sexual partners in the onset of the previous 21 days.
  • Who has taken a test and came out positive for MPXV infection. If they confirmed positive for Orthopoxviral infection

Note: Patients with acute skin conditions such as eczema must be particularly taken care of as Mpox can be fatal for them. At the same time, they can be carriers of the virus.

Mpox Guidelines

Here’s a breakdown of the Mpox prevention guidelines initiated by the WHO, CDC, and the UN. 

  • Be aware of the symptoms.
  • Openly communicate about any symptoms to the health authorities as well as your community members. This will prevent a mass spread.
  • Hand hygiene is a must. Clean your hands with soap and use alcohol-based hand rubs.
  • Do not consume food items that have been bitten or scratched by animals.
  • Stay in a fully ventilated room and fill your lungs with fresh air.
  • Make masks a part of your life again.
  • If you feel you have contracted the virus, isolate yourself. Take necessary precautions and consult a doctor.
  • If you test positive, isolate and quarantine until the lesions fall off and a new layer of skin forms.
  • Eat healthy. Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, and stay hydrated.
  • Avoid injuries from scratching the rashes. Yes it can be annoying, but wounds can cause infections, and we don’t want that, do we?  

Yes, there are vaccines available. But, as per the United Nations(UN), we have not reached a stage where there is a dire need for mass vaccination.  

Now, say we do come across a time when a lockdown or a complete shutdown is needed. You already know what we need to do, right? 

Mpox Screening Questions

These questions are a must when it comes to screening for monkeypox. You can add them to the template attached above and customize it to your liking.

 These are questions apart from the basic ones, such as name, age, and location.  

  1. Were you in direct contact with a Mpox patient in the last 21 days?
  2. Have you traveled across the country in the last few days? If yes, where?
  3. Have you been in close contact with anyone from areas that are contaminated with the virus?
  4. Did you consume anything that was bitten by an animal that could be infected with Mpox?
  5. Do you have any of the following symptoms? (Lymphadenopathy, fever, headache, fatigue)
  6. Do you have any health conditions that a health practitioner should know before vaccinating?
  7. Have you been vaccinated for Mpox or smallpox before? 
  8. Did you recently take a test to confirm Mpox infection?
  9. Do you have a skin condition such as eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis?
  10. Are you pregnant or breastfeeding currently?
  11. Have you had severe allergic reactions to certain medicines before? If yes, kindly explain.
  12. How would you describe your immune system?
  13. Has anyone at home been diagnosed with Mpox recently?
  14. Do you have a nonprimate pet that might be infected by the virus?

Things to Do in Case of a Shutdown

We cannot rule out the possibility of a lockdown today. The best part? We already know what to do!  

We have gone through it once and we will come out of it like any other hurdle! You might be thinking these are positive words being spurted out. But no!

Here are a few tested and proven things you need to do at the onset of a possible lockdown. 

Stay Connected

Being isolated in your homes can be tasking especially when we have recently come out of a complete shutdown a few years back.  Talk to a close one at times when you feel a bit lonely, or demotivated. 

Practice Better Hygiene

With a bit more care and cleanliness we can tackle any pandemic. Make sure you wash your hands regularly and not touch any of the solid surfaces unnecessarily.  

While washing, use soap and water. Later, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

Prepare for a Virtual Life

Though temporary, we might have to get in the groove of online learning and remote working. Hey we’ve got this! This is something we have already done, right?  

Make sure you have a good internet connection with a router at your home. Plus, keep a desk ready. Working or learning on your bed often don't work well. I usually end up sleeping within a few minutes. 

Having a separate work desk helps you focus and stay motivated.  And, lastly....

Start Journaling

This is something I did personally in the last lockdown. 

Jotting down what happens in a day and what you feel helps you validate your feelings and emotions.  I used to write everything. Literally everything! 

Now when I look back at the pages, they talk of the times I spurt out with happiness when my test turned negative, long paragraphs that whine about the loneliness I went through and the sleepless nights I spent overthinking!  

You must try it! Trust me! 

Let’s Prepare to Conquer!

Let’s stay calm and face this new challenge with a strong heart. If we take the proper measures, follow the guidelines given by the health officials, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and screen it at the right time, we can conquer Mpox.  

SurveySparrow is always ready to help. We know the importance of data collection and organization in these tough times. Join hands with us and let’s create a safer environment. 

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Kate Williams

Content Marketer at SurveySparrow

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