Easy Projects
Easy Projects is a project management tool that enables small and medium sized businesses to personalize and streamline their workflows. The platform lets you allocate resources based on skills, manage project budgets, cut expenses, and other financial metrics.
Easy Projects Survey Integration: Use Cases
Easy Projects survey integration to manage all your projects and tasks efficiently. Bring your team on the same page, collaborate, brainstorm the best ideas, and set up workflows to implement them using Easy Projects survey integration.
Trigger a survey when a project is created
Easy Projects survey integration to trigger a survey when a new project is created. Collect feedback from your clients & team and streamline all task assignments right from the start using Easy Projects survey integration.
Trigger a survey when an activity is updated
Automate a survey when an activity is updated. Ensure your team is up-to-date with the changes, workarounds, and process flow of the project with Easy Projects survey integration.
Create an activity from survey submissions
Create an activity from survey responses. Decode the expectations of your clients, incorporate critical inputs from your team, and update the activity list using Easy Projects survey integration.
Better experiences
begin here!
Easy to create. Easy to set-up.
And 40% more responses.