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ActiveCampaign integration with SurveySparrow lets you create/update subscribers or deals on your ActiveCampaign account directly from your survey responses.

ActiveCampaign Survey Integration: Use Cases

Create/Update Subscribers on ActiveCampaign from Survey Responses

Create-update subscribers on activecampaign from survey responses in real-time

Choose the Object and contact list from the dropdown and map your survey responses to the corresponding ActiveCampaign fields. Now when your survey is shared and starts getting responses, a new contact is created on ActiveCampaign, in real-time.

Mandatory Field: Email

Create New Deals on ActiveCampaign from Survey Responses

Create new deals on activecampaign from survey responses in real-time

To create new Deals, choose the object as Deals and Action as Create and map your survey responses to the corresponding ActiveCampaign fields. Now whenever your survey gets a new response, a new Deal is created on ActiveCampaign, in real-time.

Mandatory Fields: Title, Currency, Value, Group ID, Stage ID, Owner ID and Contact ID

Update an Existing Deal on ActiveCampaign from Survey Responses

Update existing deals on activecampaign from survey responses in real-time

To update an existing Deal, you can choose to go with either a Question or a Variable as a unique identifier. If you’re going with a Question, pick a question from the dropdown and map your responses to the corresponding ActiveCampaign fields. If it’s a Variable, you’ll have to first add a custom variable under the global variables section on your survey builder.

Note: The variable deal_id should be passed along with the survey to update the deal entry in ActiveCampaign.

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